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النشر الإلكتروني

And their practice fully agreed with their principle during the whole war. Though their tracks were often seen round the Shakers' houses, they never offered to hurt their persons or property, in the least.

Very different was the conduct of the American army-although they did not go so far as some of them had sworn they would—namely, to kill the Shakers,—yet their conduct was such (although they were treated with the utmost kindness by the Shakers, as the officers publicly acknowledged,) as to make it necessary for the whole society to remove to Kentucky and Ohio, as stated in the "Declaration."

It ought, however, in justice to be mentioned here, that the personal conduct of Gen. Harrison, and his officers generally, was not such towards the Shakers as that of the private soldiers. But the licentious nature of those who generally compose an army, when not restrained by the strictest discipline, will generally discover itself by such conduct as is abhorrent to every Christian feeling.

Probably you have seen the Petition of the inhabitants of Illinois Territory, praying Congress remuneration for their losses during that campaign. I have not seen the Petition, but have been told, it is there stated, that the destruction of their property by the American army, during that campaign, was greater than all that was destroyed by the Indians, during the war.

How shocking the destruction of temporal things which is made by an army!-But when we consider the sacrifice of lives,-and most of all, the horrid destruction of morals, in this worst of all schools of vice,how can it be that any one who possesses any philanthropic or Christian feelings, can be so blinded by the god of this world, as to advocate or justify the practice of war?

I have often thought it strange, that any one who reads the New

Testament, and makes any pretence of obeying the precepts, and following the example of Jesus Christ, can be so blind as not to see its entire repugnance to the spirit of Christianity, and the example of its Founder. But the time will certainly come, when men will either renounce any pretence to Christianity, or renounce the practice of war, as being utterly inconsistent and contradictory one to the other.

We have in the above relation, a fair opportunity of observing the different effects of the spirit of war, and the spirit of peace, upon the morals, the conduct, and the protection of those who are exercised by them.

On the one hand, the defenceless people protected by their innocence and peaceable conduct from being hurt by the ferocious savages, in the midst of war, while their spirits were exasperated to the highest pitch. On the other hand, an army, while professedly protecting the country, doing more damage to their own countrymen than an enemy themselves. We see in this instance, in the instance of the Quakers being protected nearly 70 years in the first Settlement of Pennsylvania, and many other instances that might be brought, how much more protection there is in the simple effects of the spirit of peace, than in the expense and parade of armies.


In No. 4. of this work, some notice was given of a "Declaration of the people called Shakers" - in which they stated the treatment that a large society of them had received in Indiana from the army under General Harrison. In remarking on these abuses, we asked the following question" Would the savages in that region have treated the peaceful Shakers in such a manner, knowing their principles?" This question, being noticed by some of the Shakers, led to the foregoing statement. Of the truth of the statement, we entertain no doubt; and we have

reason to believe that some disagreeable circumstances were suppressed, to avoid giving offence.

It is gratifying to find that "the personal conduct of General Harrison, and his officers generally, was not such towards the Shakers as that of the private soldiers." Is it not, however, a reproach to the nation, that our soldiers should be so much more savage than the Indians? But what better can be expected of men who are trained up to barbarity and bloodshed? When compared with our soldiers, how magnanimous does the Indian Chief appear, in assigning his reasons for not injuring the Shakers! "We warriors meddle with a peaceable people! That people, we know, will not fight. It would be a disgrace to our nation to hurt such a people." Can there possibly be any need of making war on a nation which is governed by such a Chief, or by such noble sentiments? What will an enlightened posterity say of our bloody wars with such a people? Where shall we look for a white Chief that has been employed in a war with the Indians, who will be regarded by posterity as worthy to be ranked with the magnanimous red Chief, whose sentiments have now been recorded Such a man will not be found among any of our Chiefs who have been instigators of war against the feeble and nearly exterminated tribes; nor among those who can boast of having hanged defenceless and unarmed captives.

CHRISTIAN and SOLDIER incompatible Terms. WHATEVER may be the just rights of self-defence, whatever of universal arming and organization may be allowed by the Gospel to an invaded nation, it is astonishing to me that any one can read the New Testament, and think its believers sanctioned in making the use of arms a profession, in giving up their consciences to a superior, and being accessary to the destruction of human life, without the fullest conviction of its strict

justice and absolute necessity in every particular case. Such a shedding of blood as has just occurred, (and though the instance is at hand and impressive, hundreds to which the same reasonings apply must occur in a soldier's life,) though it may, for aught I know, be legal; though it may, for aught I know, be duty in the military sense; though it may, for aught that I shall argue here, be politically praiseworthy; is what, I think, no Christian can lay his hand on his heart and say he would do-or that he would not rather be the wretchedest slave on the face of the earth than have the moral responsibility of such deeds. He dares not, he cannot think, that any authority, any professional regulation, any legal protection, will be an availing plea, a recognized licence for destroying a fellow-creature, at the bar of God. For 300 years, Christian and Soldier were universally held incompatible terms. What has united them? Certainly not a clearer understanding, of the spirit of the Gospel.

Auspicious Occurrences.

I. By a late act of Congress the Slave-trade has been pronounced piracy.

II. “An act was passed by the Legislature of New York, at the close of the late Session, exempting all persons having religious scruples against bearing arms, from the performance of military duty in time of peace, without requiring from such persons the payment of any fine or commutation whatever in lieu of such service.”—The Reformer, June 1821.

[We sincerely regret that Massachusetts, the boasted cradle of civil and religious liberty, is so far behind her sister state in this important affair; and that peaceable men, by her laws, are still exposed to fines or imprisoninents, for conscientiously declining to learn the art of killing their brethren! Can there be greater folly than that of punishing men for pacific principles and dispositions?]


DREAD offspring of Tartarian birth,
Whose nodding crest is stain'd with gore,
Whom to some giant son of earth,

Strife, in strong pangs of child-bed, bore;
O War! fierce monster, homicide,
Who marchest on with hideous stride,
Shaking thy spear, distilling blood,-
Bellona thee, in angry mood,

Taught proud Ambition's spoils to win,
Amidst the loud, conflicting din

Of arms, where Discord's gorgon-featur'd form
High shakes her flaming torch amidst the martial storm.

Stern god! wolf-hearted and accurs'd,

Foster'd by pow'r, by rapine nurs'd,
Oppression, ever in thy train,

For hapless man prepares her chain :
A thousand vulture-forms beside
Stalk on before thee; bloated Pride,
Thick-eyed Revenge, his soul on fire;
And Slaughter, breathing threat'nings dire;
Tumult, and Rage, and Fury fell;

And Cruelty, the imp of hell,

Her heart of adamant! and arm'd her hand
With iron hooks, and cords, and desolation's brand.
There, where the battle loudest roars,
Where wide th' impurpl'd deluge pours,
And ghastly Death-his thousands slain-
Whirls his swift chariot o'er the plain,
Rapt in wild horror's frantic fit,
Midst the dire scene thou lov'st to sit,
To catch some wretch's parting sigh,
To mark the dimly-glazing eye,

The face into contortions thrown,

Convuls'd; the deep, deep-lengthening groan,

The frequent sob, the agonizing smart,

And nature's dread release, the pang that rends the heart.

Avaunt, from Albion's isle! nor there

Thy arms and madd'ning car prepare,
Nor bid thy crimson banners fly,
Terrific, through the troubled sky;
But stay thee in thy wild career;
Lay by thy glitt'ring shield and spear,
Thy polish'd casque, and nodding crest,
And let thy sable steeds have rest :
At length the work of slaughter close,
And give to Europe's sons repose,

Bid the hoarse clangors of the trumpet cease,

And smooth thy wrinkled front to meet the smiles of Peace.





OUR pages have been often de- mischievous attendant upon this latter

voted to the consideration of the barbarous and absurd practice, of settling private disputes by the point of the sword, or the contents of a brace of pistols; and we think the arguments which have been adduced expose, completely, the folly, the inadequacy, and the iniquity of such modes for adjusting differences. But there is another practice, esteemed of a plebeian nature, very prevalent in England, which is more brutal in itself, and far more demoralizing in its influence on society. Duelling is conducted with the exterior of civility, and with the greatest secrecy; nor are there more than two or three persons present, to witness the execution of its murderous purpose.— But that, to which we now allude, is carried on with a studied and savage brutality, that would disgrace the monsters of the forest, and its bloody and barbarous display is attended by hundreds and thousands of spectators, who cannot but become increasingly depraved and inhuman by such exhibitions. Another


practice, and which we believe gives to the minds of many its peculiar zest, is, that the uncertainty as to its issue, and the excitement of feeling which is produced during its progress, furnishes a fruitful source for the spirit of gambling to exercise itself.

If such be the nature, and such the consequences of the Pugilistic science, for such it is become, is it not incredible, that a country and a government, calling themselves Christian, should permit its continuance? Is it not incredible, that the archbishops, bishops, and clergymen of the established church, and all other ministers of Jesus Christ, who profess to be engaged in the great and glorious work of evangelizing mankind, do not rise in one powerful body, and solicit the suppression of practices, which were disgraceful to the morals of even Grecian and Roman idolaters! To see human beings, the workmanship of God, animated by dispositions which properly attach to infernal 2 T

beings, tormenting and destroying each other, is a distressing sight: yet however much we may grieve over such a display of the depravity of human nature, we should have reason to rejoice, if the knowledge of the fact produced general detestation and abhorrence. But what consequences may we not apprehend to society, when, from the tender age of childhood to the full possession of muscular strength, displays of brutal contention are allowed to exist, nay are even patronized by the nobility, and admired by thousands and tens of thousands? What fatal results may we not anticipate, when we see the windows of respectable booksellers exhibiting the portraits of these Christian gladiators, in every variety of fierce and barbarous atti

Open as our eyes are to the horrible nature, and extensive, deteriorating consequences of the art of Boxing, we cannot but feel surprised that tracts have not been written against it, accompanied perhaps with anecdotes, calculated to shew its great evil, and pernicious effects.The grand argument which is adduced in support of the practice, is that against which the friends of Peace must ever be opposed. It is alleged, that the art of boxing produces a bold and martial spirit. This might be most effectually disputed; but it is our duty to shew that a martial spirit is at complete variance with the religion of the Cross: If any man hath not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his.'


tude; and announcing publications, FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE where prize-fighting is attempted to be dignified into a science, and where the enormity of its bloody and cruel details is endeavoured to be glossed over, and made attractive by technical terms of ludicrous or fanciful import.

We freely acknowledge the neglect of which we have been guilty, in not calling the attention of our readers pointedly to this subject before. The importance of it, in reference to the progress of Christian principles, and the spirit of Christian peace, presses powerfully upon our minds, and we invite our Correspondents and Christians in general, to assist in exhibiting this antichristian monster in his true colours. If it be possible, let us rouse such a noble and generous Christian feeling of abhorrence at the practice of Pugilism, throughout the country, and in the government, as shall effectually banish it

from the face of Britain.

A GENTLEMAN engaged in literary pursuits, having applied to the Peace Society for information with respect to their principles and their origin, a set of their Reports and Tracts were sent to him, which produced a correspondence between him and the Secretary of the Peace Society, of which the following is the substance :—

20 Aug. 1821.

SIR,-I desire you to accept my thanks for the favour of the Reports and some tracts of the Society for promoting Peace.-The idea which they convey is truly Christian, and the time is approaching when mankind will learn their best interest in haps this Society may be one of practising War no more; and perthe human instruments towards facilitating the spread of that divine prophecy!

But I believe, many, who profit conclusion of the Christian dispensaby a War, are not insensible to this tion-yet still enjoy the prosperity which arises from their calling in a

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