صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The Prophet Muggleton to Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, May 25, 1668 :
Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, June 14, 1669

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Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, August 30, 1669
Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, Jan. 13, 1671
Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, April 7, 1671
Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, August 6, 1683
Sudbury, Mrs. Ellen, July 19, 1684
Scott, Mrs. Mary, Oct. 12, 1681
Sedley, Mr. William, Jan. 12, 1683
Scott, Mrs. Mary, July 19, 1683
Twisden, Sir Thomas, Jan. 6, 1663
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Dec. 9, 1664.
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, March 27, 1665
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, May 26, 1668
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Sept. 21, 1668 274
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Dec. 14, 1668
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Jan. 31, 1669
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, June 19, 1669
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Sept. 6, 1669.
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Oct. 4, 1669.
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Dec. 4, 1669.
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, March 20, 1670
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, April 25, 1670
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Dec. 7, 1670.
Tompkinsou, Mr. Thomas, Oct. 16, 1672
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Jan. 19, 1673
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Feb. 16, 1673
Tompkinson, Mr. Thomas, Aug. 11, 1673

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The Prophet Muggleton to Whitehead, Mr. James, August 30, 1681 .
Wood, Mr. William, Sept. 26, 1681
Whitehead, Mr. James, August 12, 1684.
Wheatley, Mrs. Elizabeth, Sept. 24, 1684
Whitehead, Mrs. Priscilla, Sept. 25, 1685 580
Whitehead, Mrs. Mary, June 1, 1686. . 582
Whitehead, Mr. James, August 27, 1687. 595
Whitehead, Mrs. Mary, Nov. 17, 1687 601
Yeels, Charles, Thomas Millerd, and John

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OCTOBER 28, 1653.


YOU may remember at the Sessions in the Old Bailey, on October 14, and 15, we had a trial before your honour; and, sir, you may remember we gave your honour notice before our trial, that you had no commission from God to be the judges of matters of faith concerning God; for you must understand that all spiritual power wholly resides in God's person, or in the person of God, until his pleasure is to communicate it unto his creatures; whose pleasure it was to make choice of us two only to be the judges of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, because no man clearly knew the Lord until we were commissionated by voice of words from heaven, to declare what the true God is; yet notwithstanding, your honour, with the jury, gave sentence against us as blasphemers, because we declared Jesus Christ to be the only God, A

and everlasting Father; and that there was no other God in heaven or in earth but the man Jesus only.

Sir, we must tell you, that we cannot break the civil law, but we are made examples in fulfilling of it to the whole world: wherefore whosoever tries us by the law of the land, it is allowed as if he tried his God by the civil law as the Jews did, because we cannot break your law, but fulfil it as aforesaid. Let your honour judge whether the sentence of eternal death upon our accusers be not just; for we did them no wrong in word or in deed.

They came to our houses, and spake evil things they knew not, as most men do; and we, in obedience to the commission of God, returned their blasphemy upon their own heads, which provoked them with a warrant to bring us before the lord mayor; who, joining with our blasphemous persecutors, he came under the sentence of eternal death with them.

Is it not a marvellous thing, that you that are magistrates should want the spirit of discerning to judge between the law of the Scriptures, and the law of the land? Do you not understand that the civil law instructs no man in the knowledge of God; therefore you that are invested with authority from men to judge all manner of accounts concerning the breach of the civil law, you ought not to take upon you to judge prophets, who cannot desire to break your law: for, by the power of Him that sent us, we cannot wrong any man in his person or estate, although they would kill us; yet amongst you there is sentence given against us to remain six months in prison, for declaring the Man Jesus to be the only God and everlasting Father ; which you think is blasphemy. Wherefore once more from the Lord Jesus, we forewarn you, before it be too late, forthwith to declare

unto us, the Lord's messengers, that you disown the verdict to be blasphemy that the jury brought in against us; which if you disobey, then in obedience unto the commission of the Lord Jesus, with those gentlemen of the jury that are guilty of that unjust sentence, from the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, elect men and angels, we pronounce you cursed and damned, soul and body, to all eternity.



The Two last Witnesses and Prophets, and only Ministers
of the everlasting Gospel, by Commission of the Holy
Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, God alone, blessed to all

A Letter presented unto Alderman Fouke, Lord Mayor of London, from the two Witnesses and Prisoners of Jesus Christ, in Newgate, as an eternal Witness unto him; with a Declaration unto the Recorder Steel, and the Lord Chief Justice Rowles, with the whole Bench and Jury; and in general, unto all Civil Magistrates and Juries in the World: John Reeve, and Lodowicke Muggleton, the two last spiritual Witnesses, and true Prophets, and only Ministers of the everlasting Gospel,

Commission from the Holy Spirit of the true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, God and Man, in one Person, blessed to all Eternity.

BY virtue of our commission, received by voice of words, from the glorious mouth of the only true God

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