صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Again, I declare from the Lord Jefus, That in that Kingdom of Glory only, the whole Creation is invifible, of perfect Love, and pure Peace, unto all Eternity.

Again, I declare from the Lord Jefus, That this lower World, or mortal Creation from the Stars, unto the Depths of the Earth, or Waters, were all made out of the Creation in the Prefence of the Lord Jefus, which only is to endure to Eternity; where the Elect are to remain and enjoy it perfonally, not only invifibly, but vifibly alfo, to all Eternity.

Now, that you may understand fomething of this mortal Creation, I declare by Revelation from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jefus, That the Waters that are in this Creation, were divided from those eternal Waters that are in the World above, or. beyond the Stars: And further, the Earth that is here beneath, was created, or made out of that eternal Earth, which is above, or beyond the Stars.

I declare further from the Lord, That the Firmament, or lower vifible Heaven, the Lord hath created, is made of the Water, or Subftance of Water; and that this Firmament of the lower Heaven, being made of the Water, it was but a dark Body of Water, until Light was created, to make this Darkness a Body of Light: Therefore the Lord fpeaks unto this dark Body of Water, faying, Let there be Light, and it was fo.

Now the Light that the Lord made, and fet in the Firmament of the Heavens, as namely the Sun, Moon, and Stars, he made them of the Water, or Subftance of Water, and fixed them in the Firmament of Heaven, to give Light above in the Firmament of Heaven, which was a dark Body before, but now a Heaven; because the Lord hath fet or fixed Lights in it, not only to make the dark Firmament a Heaven above, but to give Light unto the dark Waters, and dark Earth be


For your further Information, I declare from the Lord Jefus, That the Bodies of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, which the Lord hath created of Water, and hath fet or fixed in the Firmament of Heaven, he hath made of Waters alfo, which are the chief natural Lights, of this mortal Creation, or lower World, to continue for a Season.

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I fay again from the Lord, That they are not much bigger in their Bulk or Bodies, than they appear to be in the Firma ment of Heaven, where they are until Time fhall be no more. Wherefore, concerning that old lying Imagination of wife Men (fo accounted) concerning the great Bulk or Bodies of the Sun, Moon, and Stars.

I declare from the Lord Jefus, The Ground, or Caufe of this grofs Darkness in them, concerning the Knowledge of Creation of Creatures, is this; becaufe they are utterly ignorant of the Knowledge of the Creator, who revealeth himfelf, and this Creation of the two Worlds, unto him whom he hath chofen for a Witness, against all Defpifers in this laft Age, even to all Eternity.

Now to you that have Faith, I declare from the Lord, this is the infinite Power of an infinité perfonal God, for his glorious Perfon, to be only refident in one Place at once: Yet by the Power of his Word-speaking, both Men, and Angels, are filled with his glorious Wifdom; and the two Worlds, ftanding by his Decree alone, the one unto all Eternity, for the Glory of his immortal Perfon in the Heavens above; and the other for a Seafon, for the Glory of his Perfon alfo ; when he had laid down his immortal Glory in the Heavens above, and brought forth himself a pure natural Perfon on the Earth beneath.

And then, by the Power of his Word or Decree, all Creatures, in this lower World, bring forth according to their Kind: And yet this glorious infinite perfonal God preferveth his Perfon and Nature, diftinct from all Creatures, both in Heaven, and on Earth; except Men and Angels, unto whom he imparts, or reveals a little of the Over-flowings of his Divine Nature, or Spirit, to keep them in Obedience.

And (as I faid before) I declare from the Lord Jefus, That the Bodies of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, are but a very little bigger than they appear to be whereby the infinite Power and Glory of an infinite perfonal God, doth much more appear; that through fuch little Bodies, there fhould fhine forth fo great a Light, through the whole Creation; for the Things of my God are but little, or fall, yea, of little Value, or of no Account unto the Wifdom of Reafon; through which his


infinite Power, Wisdom, or Glory, is feen only to elect Men and Angels: As it is written, With God all Things are pof fible.

So I declare by Revelation, from the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jefus, That the Lord made the Man Adam of the Duft of the Ground, or Earth, of this lower Creation.

Now this Word, of this perfonal God, fpoken unto the Duft, immediately brought forth a living Soul (that is) a perfonal Man, of a pure Nature, or divine Spirit; the which divine Spirit, or pure Nature, was the Spirit of Faith, which was the very Nature of the Spirit of God, by one Voice only, fpeaking in him, all Obedience unto as Creator, from whom did flow continually, nothing but Joy and Peace unspeakable and glorious.

Now you must understand, the Body, or outward Form, was the Image of God; because the pure Image of the invisible Spirit, of the Perfon of God, Angels, or Men, cannot truly be known, or defcribed, by the Tongue of Men, or Angels: Therefore Chrift faid unto the Jews, when they tempted him, whofe Image, or Superfcription is this? The Anfwer was, Cefar's. Then it is clear, That the Image of God, Men, or Angels, in the outward Form only, and not the inward Spirit, whofe Form cannot be described.

One Thing more I declare from the Lord, That neither the holy Angels, Spirits, nor no other Creature's Spirits, in Heaven, or in Earth, were of the Nature of the Spirit of the perfonal God, but Man only; but they are all feveral diftinct Spirits, or Natures, from the Spirit, or Nature, of God their Creator. That the Infinite Wisdom, Power, and Glory, might manifeft itself through all his Creatures in Heaven, and on Earth, according to the Pleasure of his good Will.

A Cloud

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A Cloud of unerring Witnesses plainly proving there neither is, nor ever was, any other God but Jefus Chrift the Lord.

CATALOGUE of Scripture-Records, of undeniable

A Truths, bearing Teftimony unto The Only Wife God,

Immortal, Invifible, yet Vifible, Distinct Perfonal God: Creator, Redeemer, and Alone Everlasting Father. The Righteous Spiritual God Man from Eternity, who came down from his glorious Throne, and, in Fullness of Time, became of the Seed of the Virgin a Child of unfpotted Flesh, Blood, and Bone, in the Appearance of mortal Man; yea, and in due Time, became an abfolute Man, in all Things like unto us; (finful Reafon or lying Imagination, only excepted) that he might make himself capable both Soul and Body, of entring into Death; and by Virtue of his Everlasting Spiritual Word, or Almighty Decree, in or through Death, to quicken and revive that fame pure Spirit and Body again, into a far more tranfcendent fpiritual Condition, than it was in before it dy'd ; or capable of, before he became a Body of Flesh, that he alone, might be Lord of Quick and Dead, and in the fame Body of Flesh and Bone he died in, and no other, as Fire, naturally afcended, even vifibly, into his immortal Throne, of his eternal Glory, from whence he came, the invifible Heaven and Earth, above or beyond the Stars, which Place of Blessedness, is an infinite Habitation, Throne, or Kingdom of unutterable Glories; fuitable to an infinite Majefty, and fpiritual glorious Bodies, which are there to remain World without End; and Effentially distinct from this global, perishing World, when all Time is paft, trampling it under Foot, as an Habitation or Hell, for all Reprobates, there to remain in utter Darkness.

Thus by the fingle Eye of your most holy Faith, you may fee the eternal uncreated Divinity, or God-head Fulness, now united with Flesh and Bone, God and Man, being but one perfonal Effence, or glorified Subftance, even effentially diftinct from Heaven, Earth, Angels, and Men, from Eternity to


Eternity; and from this glorious City made without Hands, much like unto the little Body of the Sun in the Firmament, virtually he displayeth the Splendor of his heavenly Light, Life, and Glory, into the Spirits and Bodies of elect Men and Angels; eternally retaining his infinite bright burning Glory within his own divine Perfon: Because no created Beings, whether they be Angels or Men, are capable of the Effential In-dwelling of the eternal Spirit of God, but that Man Jefus only; who was from Eternity Effentially One with it.

Wherefore (whatever Men may imagine,) it is as impoffible, for any Man from Scripture-Records, or any Way elfe, to prove the Only Creator to be two or three diftinct Effences, becaufe of his threefold Name of Father, Son, and HolyGhoft, or Lord Jefus Chrift, as it is to prove a Man's Body may live without a Soul: Or that a Man is two or three diftinct Effences, because he is ftiled in Scripture-Records, by a three-fold Name, of Body, Soul, and Spirit,

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When our Lord was perfonally upon this Earth, it was written that he faid, No Man can ferve two Masters: Wherefore he that hath received in his Understanding the Records of Holy Writ, which were spoken by the Holy Spirit of Jehovah or Jefus, through the Mouths of his true Prophets and Apoftles, to be the very Truth of God; when with his moft ferious Confideration, he hath meekly perufed this Writing, the Defire of my Soul is this: If the Scriptures in the exact Letter of them, be the Rule of all Truth, unto his Spirit, that from those Testimonies he would fhew me any God, Creator, or Father, out of Chrift at all, or Effentially diftinct from Chrift, when he was upon this Earth, or before the Man-Child Jefus. Whether it be a fpiritual perfonal God to his Comprehenfion or Apprehenfion, or an incomprehenfible infinite eternal Spirit, without a diftinct bodily Form, as moft Men blindly imagine : Or whatever he understands him to be, I will fubmit to the Scripture-Records. But if plainly from them he cannot prove any other God at all, but what was in Chrift Effentially from Eternity, in Time, and to Eternity: Then In the Name of the Lord Jefus, I require him to fubmit to the Truth of the Scriptures; also that he would for Time to come, difpute no more of any God at all, but of Christ only, if by Chrift he expects


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