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النشر الإلكتروني

Thus the Jews put the true Prophets to Death, that declared the Meffage of God freely; and then their Children painted the Sepulchres of the Prophets, and fet up their Writings by a Law, because of the Glory that came thereby. Thus thefe Scripture-Ufurpers fate like Kings, in Moses's Chair, uncontroulable, as if they were the Lord's Commiffioners, until the coming of Jefus and the Apoftles.

Again, I declare from the Lord, if the Jews that fate in Mcfes's Chair had been Interpreters of the Law by Commiffion from the Lord, then would they have known the LawGiver, the Lord Jefus, and have yielded Obedience to him, as John Baptift did, he being the true Meffenger of the Lord; but quite contrary, Devil-like, being of their Father the Devil Cain, who flew the firft Abel. So the Children of Cain, the learned Scribes, and Pharifees, flew the Lord of Life and Glory, the Heir of all Truth, that the Inheritance of the Interpretation of the Letter of the Scripture might remain in the Poffeffion and Power of the Learned for ever. But Jefus, whom they flew, did often confound them out of the Mouths of unlearned Babes and Sucklings, by the Power of his Spirit. As it is very hard for a rich Man to enter into Life, and that very few of the Rich will be faved, because Riches blind the Eyes of the Understanding; fo will it be as hard for a learned Man to be faved, because Learning draws forth the Pride of the Spirit of Man, making it uncapable of the Voice of God's Spirit, charm it never fo wifely. Woe unto all learned Men, especially if they be rich, for Learning and Riches are the Snares of God, to draw Men into eternal Perdition.

Again, I declare from the Lord Jefus, the Man of Glory, and my alone God, and eternal Father, that when this Jefus gave the fecond Commiffion of the Preaching of the Gospel, then all Obfervations of the Law of Mofes were of no Ufe for ever; whether Circumcifion, or the Jewish Sabbath, or Newmoons, or Tythes, or any Sacrifices under the Law whatfoever; because all Worship of the Law of Mofes were but Types and Shadows of the Worship in Gospel of Jefus; therefore all that are gone back to the Law of Mofes are under the Curse, as it is written, Curfed be every one that continueib not in the Law, to do it perfectly.

Again, In the Commiffion of the Gospel of Jefus, given unto the Apoftles of Jefus, there were Ordinances alfo for Baptifm, breaking of Bread, preaching the Gofpel in Seafon, and out of Seafon, meeting together the firft Day of the Week, not obferving it as a moral Sabbath, but as Wisdom directed them for Conveniency, once a Week, for the Confolation of one another. They met upon the first Day of the Week, which is called the Lord's-Day, because God upon that Day rofe from the Dead. Not but every Day is a Sabbath, or Lord's-Day, unto true Chriftians; for he that is entred into Faith, is entred into his Sabbath, having refted from the Works of the Law, from all ceremonial Obferving of a Sabbath-Day, or any other Ceremony of the Law of Mofes whatsoever. Ás God entred into his eternal Sabbath's Reft, the feventh Day, (as it is written) when he had finished the fix Days Work of Creation, by the Power of his Word-fpeaking. So that Faith is the true Sabbath of all the Elect, who walk not after the fleshly Worship of Men, in obferving a Sabbath-Day, or the like, but are led by the Spirit of God, the Man Jefus, to offer a fpiritual Sabbath of Faith, and Love to God, all the Day of their Life, which is a full Testimony to their Souls of their keeping a spiritual Sabbath with their God, the Man Jefus, eternally in the Heavens. But the Sabbath of the Reprobate Hypocrite is a visible Day, as Sunday, or the like, fometimes doubting whether Sunday is the right, or Saturday. they are to feek of the Sabbath, concerning the Day, and fo of their God; for they that are ignorant of the true Sabbath, muft needs be ignorant of the true God.


Thus all the Worship of the feveral formal Hypocrites is all outwardly, to the vain-glorious flefhly Eye, and in Bondage to Sin, therefore under the Curfe and Wrath of God for ever; because God hath not revealed unto them that spiritual Sabbath of Faith, to purify their Hearts from all Unrighteousness, making them to understand that Obedience is the Sabbath that God requires, and not Sacrifice. God's Sabbath is Obedience, and the visible Sabbath is Sacrifice. Woe unto all that despise this Truth! it had been better they had never been born,


Again I declare, by Revelation from the Lord Jefus Christ, that his fecond Difpenfation, or Commiffion of God given to the Apoftles, with all the Ordinances contained in that Difpenfation, continued no longer than the putting to Death and banishing of the Commiffioners in the ten Perfecutions, which continued about 300 Years, fince that Time (it being 1350 Years) 1 declare from the Lord Jefus, there hath not been one true Interpreter of the Mind of God in the Scriptures, to preach the everlafting Gofpel of Jefus Chrift, by Commiffion from Heaven, unto the Seed of his own Body, the Elect; but they have all climbed up the wrong Way; idle Shepherds, that the Lord never fent, therefore few of them will be faved in the Day of the Lord. What are they but fpiritual Witches, blind Leaders of the Blind, therefore both must needs fall into the Ditch; Children of Cain, and Merchants of the Word of Life, almost all of them Defpifers of the Spirit of Revelation, which is the only Testimony of a true Meffenger of the Lord.

Woe unto them that have gone the Way of Balaam, loving the Wages of Iniquity; for any Man to preach or prophecy, without a Commiffion from the Lord, is but a Work of Iniquity. For how can he preach unless he be fent; for the Lord is one with those that he fends, giving them Power to bless all thofe that receive their Meffage, and to curfe all those that shall defpife it. This is the Power of every true Commiffioner or Meffenger of the Lord Jefus Chrift; and whofoever hath not this Power in his Commiffion, was never fent of the Lord. No earthly King giveth a Commiffion to his Servants, but this Commiffion is powerful to all them it concerns.

Again, the Apoftles Commiffion and Ordinances being finished in the ten Perfecutions, then the Children of those that put them to Death took Poffeffion of the Apostles Chair, as the Children of the Jews took Poffeffion of Mofes's Chair, when their Fathes had put the Prophets to Death; and when the Apostles were put to Death, their Children that put them to Death painted their Sepulchres, fetting up their Writings by a Law, that none but the Learned only fhould be the Scripture Interpreters; and fo it hath continued, where-ever the Scripture came, almost to this Day, the Magiftrates and Ministers


joining together to maintain the Power of the Scriptures in the Hands of the Minifter, by a Law from the Magiftrate; which Minifter is to the Magiftrate a falfe Prophet. When these Scripture-Merchants had purchafed to become the ScriptureInterpreters, by the Blood of the Apoftles, then did they piece the old Cloth to the new, and fo made the Rent worse. They have fo mixed the Writings of Mofes and the Apostles together, both in Books, Chapters, Lines, and Words, throughout the two Teftaments, that no Man can find the Truth, but by the fame Spirit that fpake them, by the Mouths of the Prophets and the Apostles.

Again I declare, that all the Miniftry that was, or is grounded upon Magiftracy, fince the coming of Chrift Jefus in the Fleft, and fince the Commiffion of Jefus to the Apoftles, are not of the Lord; the Lord fent them not, it was the Magiftrate, their Lord, fent them; therefore their Reward is from him, which is the Penny of this World only.

Again I declare from the Lord, that no Magiftrate did ever own any of the Ministers or Prophets of the Lord, as to establish their Ministry in their Dominions, but thofe CommiffionerMagiftrates under the Law, in the Time of Mofes; therefore the Magiftrates, in the Time of the Apostles, not being Commiffioner-Magiftrates of the Lord's, inftead of owning the true Apostles of the Lord, they perfecuted them to the Death; like unto those Gentile, Heathen, Non-CommiffionateMagiftrates, in the Time of the Law, as Pharaoh, and such as he was. Neither did the Apostles own the Magiftrates for the Defence of their Miniftry, knowing that the Lord had not fent them, nor appointed them to receive it, but had left them to perfecute it, to their own Destruction, for ever. Neither will any Magiftrate own any Miniftry, fo long as the World endureth, but a Miniftry of his own fetting up; for the Lord hath left them in Darkness, left they fhould be converted, and he should heal them; as it is written, Which of the Rulers have believed on him? Again, The Kings and the Rulers take Counfel together against the Lord and bis Anointed, And the Apoftle Paul faith, The Princes of this World have nought in him.


The Apostle speaks as tho' there would very hardly one Prince or Ruler be faved (fince the coming of Jefus) in the Day of the Lord; because, inftead of yielding unto Chrift's Crofs, that he may reign over them, they themselves reign like Gods and Kings over their poor Brethren. Therefore in that Day my God, the Man Jefus, will fay, And those mine Enemies, whether great or small, that would not that I should reign over them, bring them, and flay them before my Face.

Again I declare, by Revelation from the Lord Jefus, that the two Witnesses spoken of in the eleventh Chapter of the Revelations, is the third or laft Difpenfation, or Commiffion of God, unto the elect World; and that John Reeve and Lodowick Mugleton are those two Witneffes or Minifters of the laft Commiffion of the Holy Spirit, unto the End of the World.

Again I declare from the Lord, that this Difpenfation of the Holy Spirit hath no Ordinances or Obfervations annexed unto it, but is all spiritual; neither is there any vifible natural Signs ty'd unto it, nor Wonders, to fatisfy Devils that this Commiffion is from the Lord; only this Commiffion being only fpiritual, as it is written, And if any Man will hurt them, Fire proceedeth out of their Mouths, and devoureth their Enemies; for God hath put the two-edged Sword of his Spirit into their Mouths, that, upon their pronouncing God's Curfe upon their Enemies, the Fire of God's Wrath feizeth upon their Spirits, to all Eternity; because they that defpife them have finned against the Holy Ghoft; because we only are the Minifters of the Holy Spirit, to declare unto Man what is the Worship indeed that God requires of his Elect, until the Coming of Jefus Chrift.

Again, God hath honoured them with the Spirit of difcerning his Elect, that, upon their pronouncing of them bleffed, they increase in Understanding of the Scriptures, from the Holy Spirit, and are bleffed to all Eternity.

Again I declare from the Lord Jefus, that all visible Forms of Worship that are now extant in the World, is not by Command from the Lord, but it is the Invention of Man's Imagination, from the Letter of the Scripture; therefore as acceptable unto God as the cutting off a Dog's Neck.

I declare

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