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النشر الإلكتروني

may know, until his own glorious Seafon, that all the Defires of Men or Angels are of no Effect, no nor of the Son himfelf, if you imagine a Father befides. 'Tis confeffed, when the Time draweth near of fome great Deliverance of the Chofen of God, ufually the Lord provokes his People to cry unto him with Sighs and Groans, which cannot be uttered but from the innocent Spirit of his fpiritual redeemed Ones, as his Due, he may receive all Honour, Praise and Glory for their Deliverance out of their natural Darkneffes, unto his marvellous Light.

Again, I declare from the true Light of the true God, that the Spirit which interceedeth with the Creator for all Mankind, upon the Account of his eternal Happiness, was never principled upon a fpiritual Foundation of Truth, whatever fubtile Expreffions of God's righteous Ballance procedeth from him. Moreover, is it not the new heavenly Glances of Christ Jefus in Man's dark Soul, which upon an immortal Account, becomes all Light, Life, or ravifhing Glory in him; and of the contrary, is it not the abfenting Voice or Virtue of the uncreated Spirit of the Lord Chrift Jefus, that occafions Men's Spirits to be full of fatanical afpiring Wisdom about the Creator; and whence think you cometh this to pafs, or poffible could be of the Spirit, if the Creator were, and Angels were effentially living in one another there.

Again if your literal Requeft unto the Lord God, as in Reference unto the miferable Captivity of poor Mankind, lying under the miferable Yoak of unmerciful rich Tyrants, especially over his own innocent Seed or chofen People, then this will moft neceffarily follow; nay, you cannot deny it,, if there be any Light in you, that all your conceived Spiritual Speakings, or Writings, or Prayers, in the great Day of the Lord Jefus Chrift, will become but fiery burning Death in you of utter Darkness, according to the true Saying If that Light in you be Darkness, how great is that Darkness? Unlefs as before faid, anfwerable to your Profeffion of Love unto God, and Pity unto Man, you are a bountiful Reliever of his oppreffed Ones, according to his Bountifulness. towards you, then mind the Virtues of Chrift Jefus thus fhining in you, will occafion from the refreshed Bowels


of his own Seed new fpiritual Acknowledgments, and a loving Return in the Lord for you, Why? because it is rare to find a merciful rich Man.

Friend, I certainly know that if you are one of God's Elect, you cannot be offended with me for writing the Truth, though at prefent, I be contrary to you in Spirit. Again, you write that you would beg unto the Lord for me, both with Tears and Blood, and you would speak fomewhat concerning me, but you are afraid to open the Spirit before the Seafon thereof. Friend, As to that if ever the Lord of Life and Glory manifeft himself to your Soul, then you will fee clearly the Vanity of thofe Words.

Moreover, if I fhould tell you, that in the pure Eyes of the Lord Chrift Jefus, that one handful of your Silver Tears, are of more Value than a Horse Load of your Tears and Blood, you might account it a very strange faying from me; truly I unfeignedly believe it will be found a principal Truth, when our Lord Jefus Chrift fhall fay in the Day of Judgment, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you, for when I was bangry, you fed me; Go ye Curfed into everlasting Fire, when I was bungry ye fed me not: So that without Controverfy, there is nothing in Man comparable to Love, Mercy and Forgiveness, even to his greatest Enemies.

Again, it is a marvellous Thing, if you or any other Man, fhould have a Spiritual Gift to diftinguish between divine and diabolical Appearances, and yet defer the Examination thereof to another Season, or did the most wife God ever commiffion any Man or Angel to make a Discovery of any fpiritual Counterfeits, and yet that Meffenger remaineth dark in his own Understanding, concerning the Creator that fent him. I remember fuch a like Scripture Saying as this, bim whom you ignorantly worship, declare I unto you. Moreover, if the most wife Creator, either vifible or invisible by himself or Angel, hath appeared in your Spirit, whereby unto your thinking, I was clearly discovered as a deceived Perfon among the rest, is it not a ftrange Thing that you should have Power over that Light above Men or Angels before you, for the Producing of it at another Seafon, the Creator himself will visible make it manifeft, even fo come Lord Jefus Christ, for thy glorious. Name

Name fake, come quickly, and in the vifible Sight of Men and Angels bear Record whether thy Holy Spirit jent me (as I have declared almoft thefe three Years) or no. Again, when the Lord made Choife of fuch a fimple poor Man as I was, as many can witnefs in the City of London, that have known me about these twenty Years, that I might inftrumentally difcover the two principal Heads of mifchievous Darkness in the Land; as namely John Robins past, and John Tawney almoft spent, truly I had no Power in me to put by his Meffage until another Time; why because (whether you can believe it or no) his Voice was fo glorious in me, that it fhone as the Sun, and it was of Motion fwifter than Thought, and so pleasant to be declared by Tongue; yet for all that Godlike Glory piercing in me, and through me there arose a Defire in me to be eafed of that Burden of the Lord committed to my Charge, because of that sharp Sentence that I was to declare against any Man that fhould defpife it; then the Lord fpake again unto my Soul, Words of burning Death, of fenfible unutterable Darkness, answerable to that Jonas-like Rebellion in me, against fo great convincing Glory; and truly I was compelled immediately to cry unto him for Deliverance from the Wounds or Anguish of my Soul, that I might presently obey his Word that fhined in me with fuch Light, and Majefty, and Glory in whatfoever it fhould command me.

Wherefore, Friend happy are you if preserved from flighting an Appearance, that is contrary unto your Light, though it ftrike at the Foundation on which is built all your Spiritual Enjoyments; for alas, you know in the End, all falfe Lights will be made manifeft unto those that poffefs the true Light of Eternal Life in them; bleffed therefore are those, that in Obedience unto the Creator from a purified Spirit are compaffionate to all Men, but efpecially to thofe innocent Appearances, in the Name of the Lord, though they all differ in their Declaration for them. If there be but one true Meffenger from the Lord amongst the reft, they fhall as formerly, receive an Angel of God unawares, and with him be Partakers of the glorious Secrets of the everliving God, to their eternal Confolation: For this I know, from the Spirit


of Truth, that thofe that are left under a Spirit of rejecting and defpifing of falfe Appearances, coming forth in the Name of the Lord, they not clearly knowing them to be fo, they will as readily defpife a true Meffenge of the Lord to their eternal Hurt; wherefore are all thofe, that neither Honour nor Life itself is dear unto them, but upon an Account of Spiritual Wisdom amongt wife Man, when the Glorious Things of Eternity, though in bafe Appearance prefented unto them, from that Spiritual Rock of all Ages, which is our Lord Jefus Chrift, God and Man, is one diftrict Body or Perfon glorified; for whatsoever Men dream from their imaginary Gods, of two or three Perfons, or a vaft incomprehenfible Spirit, effentially living in all Things and Places; from an immediate Voice from the higheft Heavens, I poftively affirm against Men or Angels, that there neither is, nor ever was any other God or Creator, but that God-man Chrift Jefus, which was nailed to the Crofs, the which Glorious God will one Day visibly appear with his mighty Angels, to the everlasting Terror of thofe that reject his Perfon, as to love a Thing for an infinite God to dwell in or to be; yea this very true God in Oppofition to all other Gods, Men or Angels, is already come with his invifible pure piercing Light, to make an everlafting Diftinction between the imaginary notional Misteries of Men in rational Darkness, and the fpiritual Misteries of his everlafting Kingdom, by true Infpirations from an holy and unerring Spirit. Even fo come Lord Jefus Christ, vifibly also according to thine own Word, come quickly. Amen.

Yours with all the Elect, in that only wife very true God, which in the Sight of Men and Angels vifibly appeared in Flesh, and in that very Body of Flesh and Bone, is afcended, far above all Gods, Heavens, Angels, or Men, and there to remain until the Refurrection of all elect Things, or the Judgment-Day, whofe uncreated Spirit of fiery Love, is all Variety of immortal Crowns of new ravishing Glories, prepared for all thofe that long for his vifible appearing, to make


an everlasting Separation, between the merciful Elect, and unmerciful Reprobate.

JOHN REEVE, the only true Witness unto the very true God, amongst many pretended Spiritual Mejengers in this confufed Age.


And Mofes was never buried.

HE Teftimony of the Prophet Muggleton, concerning the Death of Mofes, the firft Commiffioner from God to the Children of Ifrael, he faith, That Mofes went into the Mount, and there died, and God raised him again in a Moment of Time, and tranflated him into Heaven, but Enoch and Elias were both tranflated, and did not taste of Death, and God not thinking fit to bury Mofes by the Hands of the Children of Ifrael under the Earth, becaufe till he had laid down his God-head Life himself, he could raife none from the Grave.

As concerning who gave John the Baptift his Commiffion, whether Elias, or Chrift, the Prophet Muggleton's Teftimony is that Elias gave it to him from Heaven, therefore faith the Scripture, he came in the Spirit and Power of Elias.

Is There any Evil in the City, and I the Lord bath not done it; the Interpretation is thus, when a finful Land committeth all Manner of Sins and Wickedness, which in the committing to them is pleasant, but when God cometh and bringeth the Evil of Punishment, as Plagues, or Fire, or Sword, then he bringeth the Evil upon them.


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