COALHEAVER'S SCRAPS; A PRESENT TO HIS VENERABLE AND REVERED BROTHER JENKINS. By WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, S.S. MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL AT PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, LITTLE TITCHFIELD STREET, LONDON: Printed by T. BENSLEY, Bolt Court, Fleet Street. Sold alfo at Providence and the City Chapel, Grub-Street; at Jireh THE COALHEAVER'S SCRAPS, &c. PAUL'S LAW OF THE MIND EXAMINED. ROM. vii. 25. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God." Ir is known by fad experience, to all that love the Almighty, that the carnal mind is enmity against God. And it is the application of the law that discovers this; for the law working wrath in the foul, and miniftering nothing but death to it, ftirs up this enmity; this Paul calls the reviving of fin at the coming of the commandment. But God has provided and promised a remedy for this disease. He promises, by his Spirit in Noah, that he would perfuade Japheth, and he fhould dwell in the tents of Shem, Gen. ix. 27. This is a promife made to the Gentiles. And this work of perfuading feems to be the working |