BOJARDO ED ARIOSTO Orlande Innamorato e Furioso, with an Introductory Essay, Original Memoir, Notes, and Illustrations in English, by ANTONIO PANIZZI. 9 vols. crown 8vo. 5l. 88. BOCCACCIO IL DECAMERONE, con un Discorso Critico, da Ugo Foscolo. 3 vols. crown 8vo. ll. 11s. 6d. with Ten Engravings from Designs by Stothard, 2l. 12s. 6d. Large paper, with proof Plates, 4l. 14s. 6d. A very few copies printed entirely on India paper, 6l. 16s. 6d. DISCORSO SUR LA DIVINA COMMEDIA DI DANTE, da Uco FOSCOLO. Crown 8vo. 128. Large Paper, 188. A SERIES OF MONUMENTAL BRASSES, from the Reign of Edward I. to that of Elizabeth, with occasional Examples of later date. Drawn and Engraved by J. G. and L. A. B. WALLER. Parts I. 'to XI. demy folio, 68. Large paper, 88. each Part. זי WORKS BY THE LATE ISAAC PRESTON CORY, ESQ. ANCIENT FRAGMENTS of the Phoenician, Chaldean, Egyptian, and other Writers, Greek and English, with an Introductory Dissertation, 8vo. second edition, 17. 18. METAPHYSICAL INQUIRY into the Method, Objects, and Results, of Ancient and Modern Philosophy. 12mo. 58. 6d. CHRONOLOGICAL INQUIRY INTO THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF EGYPT:-MYTHOLOGICAL INQUIRY into the Recondite Theology of the Heathens. Fscap. 8vo. 78. 6d. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ACCOUNTS: Mercantile, Private, Solicitors, Executors, &c. Second Edition, 8vo. 98. 6d. TREATISE ON OFFICIAL ACCOUNTS, exhibiting the manner in which the method of Double Entry may be applied to the Accounts of Government. 8vo. 8s. HIEROGLYPHICS OF HORAPOLLO NILOUS, Greek and English, by A. T. CORY, Esq. 80 cuts and 4 Plates of Egyptian Hieroglyphics, post Svo. cloth, 7s. 6d. PHILOSOPHICAL THEORIES AND PHILOSOPI A MANUAL OF SCANDINAVIAN MYTHO 177, Piccadilly. similar but smaller MS. preserved among Malone's Books in the Bodleian Library. (MSS. No. 22.) A few various readings have been added from some other copies of detached Poems, which are accounted for as they occur. I have much pleasure in expressing my obligations to the gentlemen who have assisted my researches in the various Repositories of Records which are under their control; and especially to the Rev. Dr. Bliss and the Rev. Dr. Bandinel, of Oxford; to J. Pulman, Esq. and W. Courthope, Esq., of the Herald's College; to the Rev. S. R. Maitland, keeper of the MSS. at Lambeth; and to F. E. Freeland, Esq. of Chichester, who has favoured me with many useful communications, which are acknowledged in their proper places. I am also much indebted to the Clergy who have charge of the Registers which have been consulted in the progress of this little work, for the courtesy with which they have answered my enquiries, or have permitted me to examine their Records for myself. And lastly, I desire to offer my best thanks to the Rev. the President of C. C. C. for giving me access to Fulman's MSS.; and to J. P. Collier, Esq., for the loan of a MS. in his possession. I cannot conclude without acknowledging the ready kindness with which Mr. Pickering has afforded me his valuable aid throughout; but I know that he will feel abundantly rewarded, if this publication should be successful in calling attention to the character and writings of one of Walton's friends. J. H. LINCOLN COLLEGE, Jan. 19: 1843: CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF BISHOP HENRY KING. APPENDIX TO THE BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. A. MEMORIALS OF THE FAMILY OF KING.-Out- line of the Genealogy of King.—§ I. 1. Robert Kinge, Bp. of Oxford. 2. Descendants of William Kinge.—§ II. M. I., &c. of Philip King of Worminghall.-§ III. List of the twelve children of Philip King.-Dates for Bp. John King's Life, &c.-§ IV. Accounts of the nine children of Bp. John King.—1. M. I. of HENRY KING and his two sons.-2. M. I. of Dr. John King the younger, with some account of his descendants.-3. Account of Robert King, with M. I.-4. Account of William King.-5. Account of Dr. Philip King, with M. I., &c.-a. Account of Eliza- beth King, who m. (1.) Edward Holt, Esq. (2.) John Millington, Esq.-B. Mary King, m. — Gill.—y. Account of Dorothy King, who m. Sir Richard Hubert, and of her de- scendants, with M. I.-d. Account of Anne King, who m. (1.) John Dutton, Esq. (2.) Sir D. COLLECTION OF VERSES ON "SIC VITA". . cxviii E. LIST OF THE WRITINGS OF BISHOP HENRY KING.- I. Miscellaneous.-§ II. Theolo- POEMS AND PSALMS. THE PUBLISHERS TO THE AUTHOR. (From the 1, 2 |