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النشر الإلكتروني

a He that fitteth on his Throne in Heaven fhall dwell among them. They fhall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither fhall the Sun light on them, nor any Heat: For the Lamb, which is in the midft of the Throne, fhall feed them, and fhall lead them unto living Fountains of Waters: And God fhall make them drink of the River of his Pleafures. God fhall wipe away all Tears from their Eyes; and there fhall be no more Death, neither Sorrow, nor Crying, neither fhall there be any more Pain: For the former things are paffed away; and behold all things are made new.

b Bleffed are they that do the Commandments of God; that they may have Right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in, through the Gates, into the Holy City, New Jerufalem. There fhall be no Night there, and they need no Candle, neither Light of the Sun: For the Lord giveth them Light, and they fhall reign for ever and ever.

c Eye hath not feen, nor Ear heard, neither have entred into the Heart of Man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

d Having therefore thefe Promifes, dearly beloved, let us cleanfe our felves from all Filthinefs of Flesh and Spirit; perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God.

* Rev. 7. 15.

Rev. 21. 4, S.

CI Cor. 2. 9.

Rev. 4. 1. Rev. 7. 16, 17. Pf. 36. 8. Rev. 22. 14. Rev. 21. 2. Rev. 22. 5. d 2 Cor. 7. I.

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a The Lord fhall reward the Doer of Evil according to his Wickedness.

Fools, because of their Tranfgreffion, and because of their Iniquities, are afflicted. Many Evils and Troubles fhall befal them. The Lord will heap Mischiefs upon them; he will spend his Arrows upon them, and vex them with all Adverfity, because they corrupt themfelves, and do Evil in the Sight of the Lord.

c Is not Deftruction to the wicked, and a ftrange Punishment to the Workers of Iniquity?

d Let Favour be fhewed to the wicked, yet will they not learn Righteoufnefs: In the Land of Uprightness will they deal unjustly, and will not behold the Majefty of the Lord. Therefore he that made them will not have Mercy on them, and he that formed them will fhew them no Favour.

They that plow Iniquity, and fow Wickednefs, fhall reap the fame. The Lord fhall bring upon them their own Iniquity, and fhall cut them off in their own Wickedness.

f Whofoever hath finned against me, faith the Lord, him will I blot out of my Book.

g How oft is the Candle of the wicked put out? And how oft cometh their Deftruction upon them? God diftributeth Sorrows in his

2 Sam. 3. 39.

b Pf. 107. 17. Deut. 31. 17.


Deut, 32. 23. 2 Chr. 15. 6. Deut. 31. 29.
If. 26. 10. If. 27. 11.
Ex. 32. 33.

8 Job 21, 17.


Job 4. 8.

Job 31. 3. Pf. 94. 23.


Anger. God layeth up his Iniquity for his Children: He rewardeth him, and he fhall know it. His Eyes fhall fee his Deftruction, and he fall drink of the Wrath of the Almighty: For, what Pleasure hath he in his House, after him, when the number of his Months is cut off in the midft?

a Knoweft thou not this of old, fince Man was placed upon Earth, that the triumphing of the wicked lis fhort, and the Joy of the Hypocrite but for a moment? Tho' his Excellency mount up to the Heavens, and his Head reach unto the Clouds; yet he fhall perish for ever, like his own Dung: They which have feen him, fhall fay, Where is he? Tho' Wickedness be fweet in his Mouth, it is the Gall of Afps within him. In the Fulnefs of his Sufficiency he fhall be in Straits: Every Hand of the wicked fhall come upon him. The Increase of his Houfe fhall depart, and his Goods fhall flow away in the Day of his Wrath: He fhall not fave of that which he defired. This is the Portion of a wicked Man from God; and the Heritage appointed unto him by God.

b If thou wilt not hearken unto the Voice of the Lord thy God, to obferve to do all his Commandments and his Statutes: Curfed fhalt thou be when thou comeft in, and curfed fhalt thou be when thou goeft out. The Lord fhall fend upon thee Curfing, Vexation, and Rebuke, in all that thou fetteft thine Hand unto for to do;

Job 21. 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 20, 224

a Job 20. 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, Deut. 28. 15, 19, 20. P 3


because of the Wickedness of thy Doings, whereby thou haft forfaken him.

Thou shalt not profper in thy Ways: Neither shall thy Subftance continue; neither fhalt thou prolong the Perfection of it upon the Earth.

b The Defire of the wicked fhall perish. They look for Peace, but no Good cometh; and for a time of Health, but behold Trouble. For their Sins have with-holden good things from them : And the things that the Lord hath given them, fhall pass away from them: and he will curfe their Bleflings.

They fhall eat of the Fruit of their own Way, and be filled with their own Devices. The Profperity of Fools fhall deftroy them.

d The Lord will make them contemptible, and bafe, before all the People, according as they have not kept his Ways; and he will change their Glory into Shame.


e His own Iniquities fhall take the wicked himfelf. The Steps of his Strength fhall be ftraitned, and his own Counfel fhall caft him down. God fhall caft upon him, and not fpare: Men fhall clap their Hands at him, and fhall hifs him out of his place.

f The Face of the Lord is against them that do Evil, to cut off the Remembrance of them from the Earth And a Man fhall not be established by Wickedness.

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a Deut, 28. 29. Job 15. 29. Jer. 8. 15. Jer. 5. 25. Jer. 8. 13. à Mal. 2.9.

c Prov. I. 31, 32.

Prov. s. 22. Job 18. 7. Job 27. 22, 23.

f Pf. 34. 16. Prov. 12. 3.

a Governours

• Governours are fent by God for the Punishment of Evil-doers. And, they bear not the Sword in vain: For they are the Minifters of God, to execute Wrath upon him that doeth Evil.

b The Law is not made for a righteous Man, but for the lawless and difobedient, for the ungodly and for Sinners, for the unholy and prophane, for Murtherers, for Whoremongers, for Liars, for perjured Perfons; and, if there be any other thing that is contrary to found Doctrine.

The Way of Tranfgreffors is hard.

a The wicked Man travelleth with Pain all his Days: Trouble and Anguish shall prevail against him: Terrors fhall make him afraid on every fide. A dreadful Sound is in his Ears; and he is in great Fear where no Fear is.

e He fhall find no Eafe nor Reft. For the Lord fhall give him a trembling Heart, and failing of Eyes, and forrow of Mind. And his Life fhall hang in doubt before him; and he shall fear Day and Night, and fhall have none affurance of his Life. In the Morning he fhall fay, Would God it were Even: and at Even he shall fay, Would God it were Morning; for the Fear of his Heart, wherewith he fhall fear. His Life fhall be grievous unto him.

f There is no Peace (faith the Lord) unto the wicked. But the wicked are like the troubled

b 1 Tim. 1. 9, 10.

* 1 Pet. 2. 14. Rom. 13. 4 Job 15. 20, 24. Job 18. 11.

e Prov. 13. 15.

Job 15. 21. Pf. 53. 5.
If. 15. 4.

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Deut. 28. 65, 66, 67.

If. 48. 22. If. 5.7. 20,
P 4


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