صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

a When my Soul fainteth within me, I will remember the Lord; what time I am afraid, I will truft in him.

The Lord is my Light, and my Salvation, whom fhall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my Life, of whom fhall I be afraid? In God I have put my truft, I will not fear what Flefh can do unto me.

He alfo fhall be my Salvation: tho' he flay me, yet will I trust in him.

d God is our Refuge and Strength; therefore will we not fear, tho' the Earth be removed, and tho' the Mountains be carried into the midft of the Sea.

e Therefore we both labour, and fuffer Reproach, because we truft in the living God, who is the Saviour of all Men, especially of thofe that believe. And therefore we endure Affliction, as feeing him that is invifible.

He whofe Heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, fhall not be afraid of evil Tidings, but in Quietness and Confidence fhall be his Strength. He hath fet the Lord always before him, and because the Lord. is. at his right Hand, he fhall not be moved..

& Be not moved away from the Hope of the Gospel, which ye have heard: But be ye Followers of them, who through Faith and Patience inherit the Promifes. Behold the Hufband-man waiteth for the precious Fruit of the Earth, and

a Jonah 2. 7. Pf.56. 3.


Job 13. 16, 15.

Heb. 11. 27, 25, 27.

b Pf. 27. 1. Pf. 56. 4.

d Pf. 46. I, 2,


Pf. 112. 7. If. 30.

Col, 1, 23. Heb. 6, 12. Jam. s. 7.

I Tim. 4. 10.
15. Pf. 16. 8.



hath long Patience for it, until he receive the early and latter Rain: Be ye alfo patient, and Aablish your Hearts, for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.

a All the Days of my appointed Time will I wait, till my Change come.

b We have the Sentence of Death in our felves, that we should not truft in our felves, but in God, which raifeth the dead.

Lean not unto thine own Understanding. He that trufteth in his own Heart is a Fool.

d The rich Man's Wealth is his ftrong City, and as a high Wall in his own Conceit: He maketh Gold his Hope, he faith to the fine Gold, thou art my Confidence. But he that trufteth in his Riches thall fall; for Riches profit not in the Day of Wrath.

e Truft ye not in a Friend; put ye not Confidence in a Guide, but look unto the Lord; and wait for the God of your Salvation.

f Put not your Truft in Princes, nor in the Son of Man, in whom there is no Help: For it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put Confidence in Man: It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put Confidence in Princes.

g Curfed is the Man that trusteth in Man, and maketh Flefh his Arm, and whofe Heart departeth from the Lord. But happy is he, whofe Hope is in the Lord his God, who made Heaven and Earth. For it is good that a Man fhould both hope, and quietly wait for the Salvation of the Lord.

Jam. s. 7, 8. a Job 14. 14.
Prov. 3. 5. Prov. 28. 26.

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2 Cor. 1. 9.

d Prov. 18. 11. Job 31.24.
f Pf. 146. 3. Pf.

e Mic. 7. 5, 7.
Jer. 17. 5. Pf. 146. 5, 6. Lam. 3. 26.



a Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God.

b Let all the Earth fear the Lord; let all the Inhabitants of the World ftand in Awe of him: The Lord reigneth, let all the People tremble.

c Shall not his Excellency make you afraid, and his Dread fall upon you? Fear ye not me? (faith the Lord) will ye not tremble at my Prefence?

d Who would not fear thee, O King of Nations? For to thee doth it appertain to do evil and to do good.

e Say unto God, how terrible art thou in thy Works! Thou, even thou, art to be feared; and who may stand in thy Sight, when once thou art angry? While I fuffer thy Terrors, I am diftracted at thy Wrath, the Earth fhall tremble, and the Nations fhall not be able to abide thy Indignation.

f The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; for by the Fear of the Lord, Men depart from Evil.

g A wife Man feareth, and departeth from Evil; but a Fool rageth, and is confident.

h Stand in Awe then, and fin not.

Serve God acceptably, with godly Fear; and work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling.

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a Serve the Lord with Fear, and let your Heart ftand in Awe of his Word. For whofo defpifeth the Word, fhall be "destroyed; but he that feareth the Commandment, fhall be rewarded.

b Wait for the Lord, in the way of his Judgments; for when his Judgments are in the Earth, the Inhabitants of the World will learn Righteoufness.


Happy is the Man that feareth alway; but he that hardneth his Heart, fhall fall into Mifchief.

a As for the wicked, there is no Fear of God before their Eyes. Because they have no Changes, therefore they fear not God.

e Ye fhall not fear other Gods.

Learn not the way of the Heathen, and be not difmayed at the Signs of Heaven; for the Customs of the People are vain.

g Fear ye not the Reproach of Men, neither be ye afraid of their Revilings. Be not afraid of them, nor of their Words; nor be difmayed at their Looks. I even I am he (faith the Lord) that comforteth you; who art thou that thou fhouldeft be afraid of a Man, that fhall die, and of the Son of Man, who fhall be made as Grafs, and forgetteft the Lord, thy Maker?

h Be not afraid of them that kill the Body, and after that, have no more that they can do,

c Prov. 28. 14.

apf. 2. 11. Pf. 119. 161. Prov. 3. 13.

a Pf. 36. 1. Pf. 55. 19.

blf. 26.8,9.

e2 Kin. 17. 35.

f Jer. 10. 2, 3.

8.1f. 51. 7.

Ezek. 2. 6.] If. 51. 12, 13.

h Luke 12. 4.



being not able to kill the Soul: but rather fear him, which after he hath killed, hath Power to caft both Soul and Body into Hell.

a The Fear of Man bringeth a Snare.


b Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and with all thy Underftanding, with all thy Soul, and with all thy Mind, and with all thy Strength. This is the firft and great Commandment.

If any Man love not the Lord Jefus Chrift, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

d Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed unto the Day of Redemption.

e Set your Heart, and your Soul, to feek the Lord your God. Delight your felves in the Lord; and cleave unto him; and chufe the things that please him.

f O love the Lord, all ye his Saints; and take delight in approaching to God. Let the Defire of your Souls be to his Name, and to the Remembrance of him; and efteem the Words of his Mouth, more than your neceffary Food.

g Set your Affections on things above; and lay up for your felves Treasures in Heaven: for where your Treasure is, there will your Heart be alfo.

Mat. 1o. 28. Luke 12. 5. Mat. 10. 28.

b Mat. 22. 37. Mar. 12. 33, 30. Mat.
CI Cor. 16. 22. d Eph. 4. 30.
Pf. 37.4. Deut. 13. 4. If. 56 4.
.If. 26. 8. Jab 23. 12.

a Prov. 29. 25. 22. 38.

e1 Chr. 22. 19.

f Pf. 31. 23. If. 58. 2.

& Col. 3. 2. Mat. 6. 20, 21.

a Let

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