Church Psalmody: A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Adapted to Public WorshipLowell Mason, David Greene Perkins & Marvin, 1831 - 576 من الصفحات |
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الصفحة xiv
... sweet accord . Come , let us lift our joyful eyes . Come , O my soul , in sacred lays ... Come , O thou King of all thy saints . Come , O ye saints , your voices raise Come , Sacred Spirit , from above ... Come , said Jesus ' sacred ...
... sweet accord . Come , let us lift our joyful eyes . Come , O my soul , in sacred lays ... Come , O thou King of all thy saints . Come , O ye saints , your voices raise Come , Sacred Spirit , from above ... Come , said Jesus ' sacred ...
الصفحة xviii
... sweet and awful is the place . How sweet , how heavenly is the sight . Watts . 440 How swift the torrent rolls .. How vain are all things here below . How vain is all beneath the skies .... How wondrous and great ... How wondrous great ...
... sweet and awful is the place . How sweet , how heavenly is the sight . Watts . 440 How swift the torrent rolls .. How vain are all things here below . How vain is all beneath the skies .... How wondrous and great ... How wondrous great ...
الصفحة xxvi
... Sweet peace of conscience , heavenly guest ....... Heginbotham . 403 Sweet the moments , rich in blessing . Sweet the time , exceeding sweet . Sweet was the time when first I felt ...... Swift as declining shadows pass TEACH me the ...
... Sweet peace of conscience , heavenly guest ....... Heginbotham . 403 Sweet the moments , rich in blessing . Sweet the time , exceeding sweet . Sweet was the time when first I felt ...... Swift as declining shadows pass TEACH me the ...
الصفحة xxviii
... 517 Beddome . 402 Dobell's Coll . 286 Pratt's Coll , 487 Bowring . 576 203 288 .Methodist Coll . 307 Pratt's Coll . 82 Watts . 565 ..... Hayward . 445 Welcome , sweet day of rest We've no abiding city xxviii INDEX OF FIRST LINES .
... 517 Beddome . 402 Dobell's Coll . 286 Pratt's Coll , 487 Bowring . 576 203 288 .Methodist Coll . 307 Pratt's Coll . 82 Watts . 565 ..... Hayward . 445 Welcome , sweet day of rest We've no abiding city xxviii INDEX OF FIRST LINES .
الصفحة xxix
... sweet day of rest We've no abiding city here . Page . Watts . 445 Kelly . 424 What are those soul - reviving strains . Pratt's Coll . 337 What equal honors shall we bring ... What finite power with ceaseless toil .. Watts . 327 ..Scott ...
... sweet day of rest We've no abiding city here . Page . Watts . 445 Kelly . 424 What are those soul - reviving strains . Pratt's Coll . 337 What equal honors shall we bring ... What finite power with ceaseless toil .. Watts . 327 ..Scott ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
adore Alfreton almighty angels Behold bless blest blood cheerful Christ Corinth crown death Dedham delight divine Dundee dwell earth Eastport endless eternal everlasting everlasting song exalted eyes faith Father fear flowing tears foes forever glorious gracious guilt hath hear heart heaven heavenly hell Hingham holy honors hope Hosanna humble humble souls Hymn Jehovah Jesus joyful Judea King let thy light live Lord Medfield Medford Medway mighty o'er Oh let Olmutz pardon Patmos peace Pentonville prayer proclaim raise Redeemer reigns rejoice rest righteousness rise S. M. St sacred salvation Saviour shine sing sinners sins skies songs of praise soul sovereign Spirit spread sweet thee thine thou art thy face thy glory thy grace thy hand thy love thy mercy thy name thy power thy praise thy throne thy word tongue trust truth Uxbridge voice wonders wondrous worship ye saints Zion
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 73 - THE Lord my pasture shall prepare, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noonday walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend.
الصفحة 336 - Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood.
الصفحة 465 - What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle, Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown ; The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone...
الصفحة 265 - WHEN all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise.
الصفحة 309 - THOU art the WAY— to thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, by thee. 2 Thou art the TRUTH — thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou only canst inform the mind, And purify the heart. 3 Thou art the LIFE— the rending tomb Proclaims thy conquering arm, And those who put their trust in thee Nor death, nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the way— the truth— the life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep— that life to win, Whose...
الصفحة 558 - Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ill that I this day have done ; That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.
الصفحة 138 - People and realms, of every tongue, Dwell on His love with sweetest song ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name.
الصفحة 307 - CHRIST, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night : Dayspring from on high, be near; Daystar, in my heart appear.
الصفحة 556 - Direct, control, suggest, this day, All I design, or do, or say; That all my powers, with all their might, In Thy sole glory may unite.
الصفحة 319 - LOVE divine, all love excelling, Joy of heaven, to earth come down ! Fix in us thy humble dwelling, All thy faithful mercies crown.