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النشر الإلكتروني


N. B. The figures refer to the page.

THE HOLY SCRIPTURES.-The Bible welcomed, 253: divine
authority of, 253: the light of the world, 253, 254: suited to the
wants of men, 69, 118, 204-211, 254, 255: delight in, 66, 204-211,
256: greater display of the glory of God than his works, 66-69.

of God manifest from his works, 47-50, 257: God eternal, 257:
the Creator, 233, 234, 258, 259: almighty and omnipresent, 232-
235, 260: searcher of the heart, 232-235, 261: wisdom and
knowledge of, 261: goodness of, 92, 93, 237-240, 262: Creator
and Benefactor, 186, 191, 263-265: love of, 266: condescension of,
48, 237, 267: mercy of God, 80, 81, 87, 89, 174, 175, 177, 181-185,
193, 226-228, 239: faithfulness of, 156, 187, 188, 267, 268, 497.
Trinity, 268: praise to, 269: immutability of God, 158, 161, 163
-165, 178, 179: incomprehensibleness of God, 270: majesty and
dominion of, 157, 163-165, 185, 270, 271: man not comparable to,
48, 49, 271: angels, ministers of, 272: perfections of combined in his
government, 91, 94, 95, 237-242, 272: holiness of, 273: glory of
God in his works and word, 66-69, 193.

poses of God, 273: developed in his providence, 274: mysteries
of providence, 275: majesty of God in his government, 132, 133, 142,
270, 271, 272, 275: his blessing necessary to success, 217, 218:
providential goodness, protection and guidance, 73-75, 96, 133,
134, 211, 212, 495-500: Jehovah the universal King, 85, 86, 163-
165: exultation in the reign of, 107-109, 119, 120, 128-130, 168,
169, 175-177: only proper object of fear and worship, 142, 151,
152: God a Judge and Deliverer, 47, 50, 51, 145: the avenger of
the oppressed, 52, 53: coming to reign, 65: divine interposition
acknowledged, 85, 98, 106, 107, 165, 166, 237: recounted to pos-
terity, 143.

the gospel only, 275, 276: Christ a light in darkness, 276-279:
death in sin, 279: grief for the sins and miseries of man, 280.

THE GOSPEL.-God's purpose of mercy, 280: object of Christ's
advent, 281, 282, 290: proclamation of the gospel, 282: gospel
hailed, 283: object of, 283: originating in sovereign mercy, 177,
181-185, 284: salvation by grace, 284, 285: divine character
exhibited in the gospel, 285: rejoicing in, 157.

CHRIST.-Birth and character, 286-293: nativity, 286-288: call
to worship Christ, 289: Christ welcomed as a Saviour, 289: de-
sign of his advent, 281, 282, 290: names of, 290, 291: deity and
humanity of, 291: and exaltation, 292: divine glory displayed in
the person of, 292: equality of, with the Father, 293.-Offices of
Christ, 293-297: Prophet, Priest, and King, 293: a merciful
High Priest, 294: our intercessor, 294: peace and joy through the
intercession of, 295: exaltation and intercession of, 295: a living
and almighty Saviour, 296: God reconciled through, 296: access
to God by, 297.-Miracles of Christ, 297, 298.-Example of Christ,
298-300.-Sufferings and atonement, 300-305: suffering for our
sins, 300, 301: death on the cross, 302: atonement, 99, 303, 304:
sufficient, 305: death and resurrection of Christ, 304: author of
salvation, 150, 199-202.- Christ represented under various images.
-Rock of ages, 305: physician, 306: bread of life, 307: sun of
righteousness, 307: light of the world, 308: a refuge, 308: way,
truth, and life, 309.-Resurrection and exaltation of Christ.-Resur-
rection, 309, 310: ascension, 77, 78: redemption completed by, 150,
311, 312: darkness of the tomb scattered by, 312: Christ enthroned
and worshipped, 39, 40, 93, 313, 314: Lord of angels, 314: prince and
Saviour, 70, 71, 105, 199, 315: crowned Lord of all, 315, 316: final
triumph of, 316, 485-487.-Gratitude and praise to Christ for the
work of redemption, 317-338: pity and condescension of Christ, 48,
99, 317: safe trusting in, 317, 318: redeeming love, 318: Christa
friend, 319: dwelling in his people, 319: his people's safety, 320,
321: grateful remembrance of, 128-130, 321; penitence, in view
of the sufferings of, 321, 322: his love celebrated, 136, 323, 324:
worthy the Lamb, 325-327: excellence of Christ, 327, 328: su-
preme love to, 328, 329: Christ precious, 330, 331: indebtedness
to, 332: not ashamed of, 333: ingratitude of rejecting, 334: re-
joicing before the cross of, 335: the gospel a savor of life or death,
335: the world crucified by the cross, 336: faith contemplating
the sufferings of Christ, 336, 337: hosanna to, 337: Redeemer and
Judge, 337: the church rejoicing in her King, 128-130, 338.

HOLY SPIRIT. - The Spirit enlightening and renewing, 339: in-
dwelling influence of, 339: teachings of, 340: regeneration by,
340: descent of, 341: influences of implored, to renew and sancti-
fy, 341-343; to quicken, 343; to guide, 343, 344: to prepare for
worship, 344, 345, 452, 458: to comfort, 346-350: the Spirit en-
treated not to depart, 350: prayer for the return of, 351,

ings, 37, 38, 117, 140, 141, 145: the broad and narrow way, 351,
352; danger of rejecting Christ, 352: one thing needful, 353: the
sinner invited and warned, 353-355: danger of delay, 355.-Invita-
tions and promises. The gospel trumpet, 356, 357: Christ's invita-
tion, 357, 359: sinners urged to accept the invitation, 155, 360-362,
367, 368; entreated by the mercies of Christ, 361, 362: free grace,
362, 363: sinners invited to the gospel feast, 363: to living bread,
364: to living waters, 364, 365: now the accepted time, 167, 168,
365: pardon offered, 366: God's gracious call, 366, 367: the
sinner expostulated with, 367, 368.

CONVICTION AND CONFESSION, 219, 220: conviction by the
law, 368, 369: impenitence deplored, 369: confession, 90, 112-
115, 203, 370: coldness and inconstancy lamented, 370, 371.

CHRISTIAN GRACES, Repentance and application for pardon,
219, 220: repentance prayed for, 371: repentance in view of divine
patience, 372: of Christ's compassion, 134, 135, 374, 375: ingrati-
tude deplored, 372: indwelling sin lamented, 112-115, 278, 373:
the penitent surrendering, 374: sins bewailed as causing the death
of Christ, 376: self-righteous hopes renounced, 112-115, 376, 377:
pardon implored, 112-115, 143, 219, 220, 377-379: absence from
God deprecated, 379; returning to Christ, 203, 380, 381.-Faith,
382-385: source and office of faith, 382: living faith, 383: walk-
ing by faith, 383: trusting in Christ for pardon, 136, 336, 337, 384.
-Love to God as our portion, 385-388: love the chief grace, 385:
God the portion of the soul, 60, 91, 117, 140, 141, 146-149, 204,
386, 387: God, only source of true happiness, 387, 388.-Filial spirit.
-Adoption, 308, 389: filial submission, 390: filial trust in God, 87,
92, 93, 215, 216, 391, 393.-Obedience, 394-396: the gospel exem-
plified in the conduct, 394: filial obedience, 394: death to sin, 395:
living to Christ, 395: the vigilant servant, 396.-Humility, 59,
221, 239, 257.- Resignation. -God the author of mercies and af-
flictions, 396-398: safe trusting in God, 398, 401: faith prevail-
ing in trouble, 399: submissive and docile spirit, 400: content-
ment, 221, 400: casting our burdens on God, 401: humbly waiting
on God, 401, 402: bearing shame for Christ, 402.-Sincerity, 81, 403.
-Desire of holiness. Chiding ourselves for spiritual sloth, 403:
deliverance from sin implored, 67, 112-115, 404, 405, 494, 495:
quickening grace implored, 207-209, 236, 406, 407: longing for a
closer walk with God, 407: Christian perfection and blessedness,
37, 38, 90, 194, 195, 203, 219, 408.

AND CIRCUMSTANCES. - United to Christ. - Vital union to
Christ, 400, 410: deriving strength from, 411: living by faith on,
411.-A member of the church. Christian fellowship, 412, 414:
delight in the people of God, 59, 60: dedication to God, 415:
joining covenant with, 415: joining the church, 416: renewal of
self-dedication, 416: a welcome to fellowship, 417: all one in
Christ, 417: excellence of brotherly love, 223, 224.-Engaged in
a race or warfare. The heavenly race, 417, 418: warfare and
victory, 418: watchfulness and prayer inculcated, 419: courage
and self-denial, 419: succor implored for spiritual conflicts, 420.
-In times of spiritual desertion and trouble. - Severe chastisements
deprecated, 46, 97: complaint under the hidings of God's counte-
nance, 55, 56, 207-209, 236: prayer and hope in troubles, 69,
70, 152, 180, 181: God resorted to in, 83, 84, 100-103, 116, 121,
122, 136, 137, 140-142: thanks for deliverance from, 85, 140, 189,
196: divine interposition acknowledged, 165, 166, 217, 231, 235.-
Heir of heaven. -Character of, 57, 58, 76, 77: the heavenly man-
sion, 420: hope of heaven by Christ, 421: sight of God and Christ,
the joy of heaven, 422: heavenly joy on earth, 422, 423: this life a
pilgrimage, 423, 424: God the pilgrim's guide and strength, 425:
contemplation of death and glory, 425, 426: the heavenly Canaan,
427: rest from sin and trouble in heaven, 428: unshaken hope,
429: communion of saints on earth with saints in heaven, 430:
cheering hope of heaven, 430, 431.-Backsliding and returning.-
Mourning over departed comforts, 431, 432: cold affections la-
mented, 433: inconstancy, 433; departures from Christ lament-
ed, 434: returning and choosing God, 149, 434, 435, 494, 495.

Christ, 201, 202: enlargement of prayed for, 130-132: God's
presence the safety and glory of, 109, 110, 153, 154, 174, 436:
prayer of in times of desertion, 144, 149: desolations of lamented,
229-231: enlargement and glory of, 478-481: the dwelling
place of God, 222: delight in, 230.-Baptism.-Promise to be-
lievers and their children, 437: embracing the promise, 438:
Christ blessing children, 438: dedication of children to God,
439: baptism of the Holy Ghost, 439.-Lord's supper.-Insti-
tution of, 439: Christ's invitation to his table, 440: guests
drawn in by love, 440, 441: penitent view of the Saviour's suffer-
ings, 441: the new covenant sealed, 442: reconciliation by Christ's
death, 442: spiritual nourishment from Christ, 442, 443: pardon
and peace implored, 444: remembering Christ at his table, 444:
not ashamed of Christ crucified, 444. [See on this subject, 300-
338.]-The Sabbath and public worship. -The Sabbath welcomed,
445, 446 communion with God, 43-45: rest of the Sabbath, 447,
448: preparation for the duties of the Sabbath implored, 448, 458:
-resurrection of Christ celebrated, 200, 449, 450: the eternal Sab-
bath, 450; delight in worship, 82, 123-126, 127, 146-149, 162,
163, 213--215, 451, 452: the presence of God sought in his house,
452-454: praise to God in, 144: prayer for a blessing on public
worship, 454, 455: sacrifice of the heart, 456: before sermon, 456,
457: after sermon, 457, 458: Christ ever present in his churches,
459: presence of God realized, 459: dismissions, 460, 461: languid
devotion lamented, 461: longing for the eternal Sabbath, 462:
pleasant remembrance of the Sabbath, 462.-Ministry, 463, 464:
Ministers the bearers of glad tidings, 463: Christ's commission to,
464: of divine appointment, 466.

pects of the heathen, 464, 465: prevalence of Christianity prom-
ised, 465-467: influences of the Spirit necessary, 467, 468: prayer
for the conversion of the world, 468, 471: prayer for the Je Jews,
472: false religions supplanted by Christianity, 152, 171, 473, 474:
restoration of the Jews, 229-231, 474: victories of Christ, 475,
477: enlargement and glory of the church, 130, 132, 478-480:
missionary meetings, 481, 482: departure of missionaries, 482, 483:
subjection of the nations to Christ prayed for, 138, 139, 484, 485:
rejoicing in Christ's reign, 105, 107-109, 128-130, 138, 139, 168
-174, 192, 193, 197, 198, 313-316, 485-487.

VARIOUS TOPICS.-Prayer and communion with God.-Nature
of prayer, 487: encouragement to prayer, 488, 489: Lord's
prayer, 489, 490: retirement and meditation, 490-492: desiring
the presence of God, 82, 123-126, 492, 493: God's presence the
comfort of life, 204, 493: communion with the Father and Christ,
494: sins and sorrows laid before God, 494: humble worship, 157:
longing for spiritual light and comfort, 236.-Prevalence of sin.-
Divine aid invoked in times of, 54: growing out of infidelity, 56, 57:
folly of envying the wicked, 140, 141: fear in view of, 208.-Con-
dition and prospects of the righteous and the wicked contrasted, 37,
38, 61, 62, 90, 117, 140, 141, 194, 195, 203, 219.--Providential good-
ness, protection, and guidance.-Providence and grace, 42, 43, 96,
495, 496: the fearful encouraged, 496: Jehovah a Shepherd, 73-75,
106, 107: refuge in God, 41, 42, 50, 51, 53, 62-64, 161, 162, 210-
212, 497, 498: prayer for protection and guidance, 79, 80, 121, 122,
204, 210, 498-500; praise for, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 98, 133, 134, 188
-191, 196, 231, 237: safety of trusting in God, 216, 217. Scrip-
ture characters and examples, 501.-Periods of human life. Youth
admonished of the judgment, 502: to remember their Creator, 502,
503: to obey his word, 205: asking for divine guidance, 210, 503:
prayer for the young, 503, 504: pleasure of instructing the, 504:
parting with earthly joys, 505: their danger, 506: world contrast-
ed with heaven, 506: religion the support of life, 507: human
frailty, 97, 98, 156, 158-161, 178, 179, 239, 507: flight of time,
507 and misspent, 508: the period to prepare for eternity, 509,
510: reflections on past generations, 510: work while it is day, 511:
trust in God in old age, 137, 512.-Death.-Meditation on death,
512: death and judgment appointed to all, 513: admonition to
prepare for, 513, 514: prayer for support in death, 514: prepara-
tion for, 158-160, 514: hope in Christ a support in, 515: victory
over, 516: peaceful death of the righteous, 517: the dying Chris-
tian to his soul, 517: submission on the death of friends, 518:
hope of resurrection, 59, 61, 154, 158-161, 518.-Resurrection and
judgment, 519: Christ's second coming, 110, 111, 519-521: the
judgment anticipated, 522, 523: welcomed by the righteous, 170,
524.-Future state. Banishment from God intolerable, 524: re-
ward and punishment, 525: eternity anticipated, 525; holiness of
heaven, 526: treasure in, 526: glories of, 526: rest of, 527: heav-
enly Jerusalem, 528: the saints in glory, 523, 529: martyrs glori-
fied, 530.

VARIOUS OCCASIONS.-Public fasting.-Pardon implored for
national sins, 103, 530: national judgments deprecated, 121, 531.
Thanksgivings. Providential goodness of God, 72-76, 531-
533: blessings of providence and grace, 533: God acknowledged
in national blessings, 71, 104, 121, 122, 534, 535: national praise
and prayer, 535: national gratitude and holiness prayed for, 535:
praise for sparing mercy, 536. [See 262-266, 495, 496.]-Lord's
supper, 300-338, 439-444.-Monthly concert for prayer, 40, 67,
93, 107-110, 130-132, 138, 139, 153, 154, 168, 169, 172-174, 175
-177, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198, 229, 230, 313-316, 464-487.-Meet-
ing for charitable objects, 536-540: general charities, 536, 537:
missionary meetings, 481-483: for the poor, 537, 538: Sabbath
schools, 539: widows and orphans, 100, 540.-Dedication of a
house for worship, 222, 541-543.-Ordination and installation,
463, 464.-Funerals, 512-516. 544-547,-Beginning and end
of the year, 548-551.--The seasons, 126, 127, 551-554.-Morning
and evening, 41-43, 236, 555-562. Sabbath morning, 43-45,
445-450: Sabbath evening, 461, 462.

186-192, 195, 197, 198, 224, 228, 237, 248, 562-569.

DOXOLOGIES, 249, 569.

ANTHEMS, CHANTS, &c., 570-576.

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