صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Sovereign of all the worlds on high............
Sovereign of worlds above...
Sovereign of worlds, display thy power..
Stand up, and bless the Lord.
Stand up, my soul, shake off thy fears..
Stay, thou insulted spirit, stay...
Still on the Lord thy burden roll..

Stoop down, my thoughts, that used to rise.
Strait is the way, the door is strait...
Stretched on the cross, the Saviour dies.

Sure there's a dreadful God.....

Sure there's a righteous God..

Sweet is the memory of thy grace..

Sweet is the scene, when Christians die..........

Sweet is the work, my God, my King....

Sweet is the work, O Lord..


..Doddridge. 389
Pratt's Coll. 469

Pratt's Coll. 470

•Montgomery. 565
Watts. 418

Rippon's Coll. 350

.Pratt's Coll. 117

Watts. 512

Watts. 352

Steele. 302

Watts. 95

Watts. 141

Watts. 239

Barbauld. 517

Watts. 162

..Spirit of the Psalms. 163

Robinson. 335

Geo. Burder's Coll. 413

....Newton. 431

Sweet peace of conscience, heavenly guest....... Heginbotham. 403

Sweet the moments, rich in blessing.

Sweet the time, exceeding sweet.

Sweet was the time when first I felt......

Swift as declining shadows pass

TEACH me the measure of my days.
Thanks for mercies, Lord, receive....
Thanks to my God, for every gift.............
That awful day will surely come
That day of wrath-that dreadful day.
That man is blest, who stands in awe
Th' Almighty reigns-exalted high.....
The day is past and gone....
The earth, O Lord, is ever thine...
The festal morn, my God, is come..
The flowery spring at God's command.
The God of nature and of grace
The heavens declare thy glory, Lord....
The heavens his righteousness declare.
The Holy Spirit sure is nigh....
The Lord appears my helper now.
The Lord ascends on high

The Lord descended from above.

The Lord himself-the mighty Lord.

The Lord his blessing pours...

The Lord! how wondrous are his ways

The Lord in Zion ever reigns

.Pratt's Coll. 178

Watts. 98

.Bratt. St. Coll. 457

Heginbotham. 495
Watts. 524
.. Scott. 523

Tate and Brady. 194
Watts. 170

Village Hymns. 560
..Montgomery. 76
... Merrick. 214
Doddridge. 552
Montgomery. 259
.Pratt's Coll. 171


.. Steele. 348
Watts. 200



.Sternhold and Hopkins. 65

Tate and Brady. 73
...Pratt's Coll. 150

Tate and Brady. 182

The Lord is come-the heavens proclaim.........

Wrangham. 107

Watts. 170

The Lord is good, the heavenly King....

Watts. 127

The Lord is great, ye hosts of heaven, adore him.


[blocks in formation]
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The time is short, sinners, beware.

Hoskins. 508

The voice of free grace cries-Escape to the mountain. Thornby. 362

The winter is over and gone....

Hawes. 553

Thee we adore, Eternal name

Watts. 509

Thee will I bless, O Lord my God

Wrangham. 93

Thee will I love, O Lord my strength..

Watts. 63

There is a fountain filled with blood

.. Cowper. 305

There is a God, all nature speaks....
There is a house not made with hands.

.Steele. 257

Watts. 420

Watts. 427

Union Coll. 527

Watts. 530

Doddridge. 450

There is a land of pure delight.
There is an hour of peaceful rest..
These glorious minds! how bright they shine
Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love..
Think, mighty God, on feeble man.
This frame, O God, these noble powers.
This is the day the Lord hath made...
This is the word of truth and love
Thou art my portion, O my God..
Thou art the way to thee alone.
Thou blest Redeemer, dying Lamb..
Thou boundless source of every good.
Thou God of hope, to thee we bow...
Thou, gracious God, and kind...
Thou, gracious Lord, art my defence.
Thou great Instructer, lest I stray
Thou great Redeemer, set me free...

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Thou, Lord, by strictest search hast known.... Tate and Brady. 232

Thou Lord of all above.

Beddome. 379

Thou, Lord, through every changing scene. ........ Doddridge. 499

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Though I have grieved thy Spirit, Lord.
Though now the nations sit beneath.........

Watts. 113

Presbyterian Coll. 466

Thrice happy man! who fears the Lord
Through all the changing scenes of life......
Through endless years thou art the same
Through every age, eternal God...
Thus far the Lord has led

me on

Thus God, the eternal Father spake.
Thus saith the high and lofty one
Thus saith the mercy of the Lord
Thus saith the wisdom of the Lord
Thy bounties, gracious Lord......

Watts. 194

.. Tate and Brady. 92

Tate and Brady. 179
Watts. 158

Watts. 557

Watts. 192

Watts. 267

Watts. 438

Watts. 367


.Scott. 537


Thy favor, gracious Lord, impart..
Thy glories, mighty God

Thy goodness, Lord, how great.....
Thy goodness, Lord, our souls confess.
Thy mercies fill the earth, O Lord.
Thy name, Almighty Lord

Thy presence, everlasting God..
Thy way, O Lord, is in the sea..
Time is winging us away.

'Tis by the faith of joys to come.
'Tis God, the Spirit leads......

To bless thy chosen race

To celebrate thy praise, O Lord............

To Father, Son and Holy Ghost..

To God, address the joyful Psalm

To God I cried with mournful voice.

To God I lift mine eyes...

To God, in whom I trust..


.. Watts. 42

Pratt's Coll. 142
.Pratt's Coll. 89

Gibbons. 264

Watts. 210

Watts. 198

Doddridge. 414

Fawcett. 275
..Burton. 507
Watts. 383

Montgomery's Coll. 339

Tate and Brady. 131

............Tate and Brady. 52

To God, our strength, your voice, aloud.

To God, our voices let us raise...

To God, the Father, God, the Son.

To God the Father's throne.

To God, the great, the ever blest.

To God, the only wise.

To God, who dwells on Zion's mount
To heaven I lift my waiting eyes...

To-morrow, Lord, is thine....

To our Almighty Maker, God.....
To our Redeemer's glorious name.
To praise the bounteous Lord of all

To spend one sacred day..

To thee, before the dawning light

To thee, great God, I make my prayer
To thee, my righteous King and Lord.
To thee, my Shepherd and my Lord
To thy pastures fair and large..
To thy temple we repair......
To us a child of hope is born....
Triumphant Zion-lift thy head
'Twas by an order from the Lord...
'Twas from thy hand, my God, I came.
""Twas in the watches of the night
'Twas on that dark-that doleful night...

UNSHAKEN as the sacred hill...
Unvail thy bosom, faithful tomb.....
Up to the fields where angels lie

VAIN are the hopes, the sons of men.
Vainly through night's weary hours....
Vital spark of heavenly flame

WAIT, O my soul, thy Maker's will..
Wake, O my soul, and hail the morn.
Wake the song of jubilee.
Watchman! tell us of the night...
We all, O Lord, have gone astray.
We come with joyful song...
We lift our hearts to thee...
We love thy holy temple, Lord..
We sing the glories of thy love.
Welcome, delightful morn

Tate and Brady. 569

Watts. 142

.Spirit of the Psalms. 173

Watts. 212

Watts. 80

Pratt's Coll. 144

Wrangham. 167

Watts. 249

Watts. 249

Watts. 189

Watts. 320

Wrangham. 51

Watts. 211

Doddridge. 510

Watts. 172

.. Steele. 323

Pratt's Coll. 554

Watts. 149

Watts. 204

Wrangham. 134
Wrangham. 240
.Heginbotham. 332


.Montgomery. 454
.Montgomery's Coll. 290

.Epis. Coll. 479

Watts. 253

Watts. 233

Watts. 125

Watts. 439

Watts. 216

Watts. 545

Watts. 422

Watts. 376

Spirit of the Psalms. 218

Pope. 517

Beddome. 402

Dobell's Coll. 286

Pratt's Coll, 487

Bowring. 576



.Methodist Coll. 307

Pratt's Coll. 82
Watts. 565

.....Hayward. 445

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What shall I render to my God...

Watts. 196

What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe.. H. F. Burder's Coll. 388

Watts. 42

When all thy mercies, O my God.

[blocks in formation]

What though the unthinking world may say.

When as returns this solemn day.

When at this distance, Lord, we trace..
When bending o'er the brink of life....
When, dearest Saviour, when shall I....
When death appears before my sight
When gloomy thoughts and fears...
When God is nigh, my faith is strong
When God revealed his gracious name.
When I can read my title clear...
When I pour out my soul in prayer..
When I survey the wondrous cross..
When I with pleasing wonder stand.
When languor and disease invade.
When my cries ascend to thee...
When overwhelmed with grief.
When rising from the bed of death.
When shall the voice of singing..
When sins and fears prevailing rise.
When the great Judge, supreme and just....
When thou, my righteous Judge, shalt come.
When to his temple God descends..
When trouble fills my soul with grief
When verdure clothes the fertile vale.

When we, our wearied limbs to rest
When youth and age are snatched away.
Whence do our mournful thoughts arise.
Where'er through all his works we send

Where is my Saviour now.
Where shall the man be found.

Where shall we go to seek and find
While in the tender years of youth
While life prolongs its precious light...
While my Redeemer's near.
While thee I seek, protecting power
While with ceaseless course the sun...

Steele. 515

Lutheran Coll. 507

Watts. 59

Watts. 217

Watts. 426

Tate and Brady. 179

Watts. 336

Watts. 234

Toplady. 399
Pratt's Coll. 84

.. Watts. 122
.... Addison. 522
Pratt's Coll. 484

Steele. 410
Watts. 51

Ovington's Coll. 522


Wrangham. 72
.... Steele. 553
Tate and Brady. 229

..Steele. 514
Watts. 391
Turner. 260


Watts. 81
Watts. 222

Pratt's Coll. 503

Dwight. 155


Williams. 491
Newton. 550

Who, but thou, Almighty Spirit.............

Village Hymns. 467

Who, O Lord, when life is o'er........
Who shall ascend the holy hill....

........ Spirit of the Psalms. 58

Pratt's Coll. 76

Who shall ascend thy heavenly place

Watts. 57

Who shall inhabit in thy hill..

Watts. 58

Who shall the Lord's elect condemn

Watts. 320

Whom have we, Lord, in heaven but thee... Spirit of the Psalms. 141

[blocks in formation]


Wide, ye heavenly gates, unfold........... Spirit of the Psalms. 78

With all my powers of heart and tongue..

Watts. 231

With cheerful notes let all the earth......

Tate and Brady. 197

With grateful hearts, with joyful tongues.

Pratt's Coll. 535

With glory clad-with strength arrayed....... Tate and Brady. 163

With humble heart and tongue.

Fawcett. 210

With joy we hail the sacred day.

........ Spirit of the Psalms. 213

With joy we meditate the grace.

Watts. 294

With my substance I will honor.

Francis. 482

With my whole heart I'll love thy name

With my whole heart, I'll raise my song
With my whole heart, I've sought thy face...
With one consent let all the earth.

With reverence let the saints appear.
With songs and honors sounding loud..
With tears of anguish I lament...
Within thy house, O Lord our God.
Worthy the Lamb of boundless sway.

YE angels, round the throne

Ye boundless realms of joy..
Ye Christian heroes, go proclaim..

Ye dying sons of men

Ye earthly vanities, depart.

Ye humble souls, approach your God...

Ye men and angels, witness now...

Ye messengers of Christ.....

Ye mighty rulers of the land...

Ye nations round the earth, rejoice

Ye saints and servants of the Lord..

Ye servants of God, your master proclaim.

Ye servants of the Lord...

Ye sinners, fear the Lord.

Ye sons of Adam, vain and young.

Ye sons of earth, arise.

Ye sons of men, a feeble race...
Ye trembling captives, hear....

Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears.
Ye tribes of Adam, join.

Ye who in his courts are found....
Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor
Yes, I will bless thee, O my God....
Yes-mighty Jesus-thou shalt reign.
Yes, the Redeemer rose.
Yes, there are joys that cannot die...
Yes, we'll record thy matchless love...
Yes, we trust the day is breaking...
Your harps, ye trembling saints...

ZION, awake!-thy strength renew.

....... Pratt's Coll. 62

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