INDEX OF FIRST LINES.. ABOVE these heavens' created rounds Again, indulgent Lord, return.... Ah, wretched, vile, ungrateful heart.... All hail the great Immanuel's name.. Almighty Maker of my frame... Almighty Spirit, now behold Along the banks where Babel's current flows.... Am I an Israelite indeed Am I a soldier of the cross.. Amid displays of wrath and love. And are we now brought near to God. And did the holy and the just?... And dost thou say, 'Ask what thou wilt'?.. And must this body die?.... And now another week begins And shall I sit alone?... And shall not Jesus hear? Page. ..Wrangham. 114 448 Barbauld. 449 Epis. Coll. 276 .... Steele. 381 Watts. 321 ..Steele. 420 ..Epis. Coll. 278 ....Scott. 477 .. Duncan. 315 Pratt's Coll. 199 473 Methodist Coll. 259 Wrangham. 198 Wrangham. 72 Logan. 512 Pratt's Coll. 456 Epis. Coll. 531 Watts. 563 Steele. 98 Watts. 47 Pratt's Coll. 468 ...Barlow. 229 ..Beddome. 403 Watts. 419 Pratt's Coll. 369 Pratt's Coll. 266 Watts. 97 Watts. 145 Watts. 152 Lutheran Coll. 519 Pratt's Coll. 442 Watts. 372 .Doddridge. 391 Heginbotham. 322 ....Steele. 390 ... Steele. 301 Newton. 405 Watts. 518 Kelly. 446 .. Beddome. 401 Newton. 488 And now, my soul, another year............Montgomery's Coll. 550 And will the God of grace?...... Page. .. Watts. 145 .Doddridge. 542 .. Steele. 334 .Pratt's Coll. 474 Bratt. St. Coll. 424 .......... Spirit of the Psalms. 109 Another six days' work is done... Awaked from sin's delusive sleep.... BE joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth. Epis. Coll. 569 Be thou exalted, O my God Watts. 120 Be thou, O God, exalted high...... Tate and Brady. 119 Before Jehovah's awful throne.. Before the heavens were spread abroad. Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay..... Behold his wondrous grace... Behold, my soul, the narrow bound.. Watts. 176 Watts. 291 Behold, the blest Redeemer comes. Behold the gift of God.. ..Ogilvie. 243 .Pratt's Coll. 224 Pratt's Coll. 476 Doddridge. 548 Watts. 99 Haskins. 307 Behold the glories of the Lamb Watts. 313 Behold the grace appears... Watts. 287 Voke. 481 Behold us, Lord, with humble fear.... Bestow, O Lord, upon our youth... Blest are the souls, who hear and know.. Blest be thou, O God of Israel.. Blest day when our ascended Lord Buried in shadows of the night... CAN sinners hope for heaven... Children, to your Creator, God. Christ and his cross are all our theme.. Page. Pratt's Coll. 45 ..Doddridge. 438 Watts. 317 Watts. 388 Pratt's Coll. 298 Pratt's Coll. 547 Cowper. 504 Watts. 181 Pratt's Coll. 134 .. Doddridge. 411 Bratt. St. Coll. 223 Watts. 157 Watts. 203 Cennick. 414 Watts. 421 Wrangham. 133 .Epis. Coll. 496 Pratt's Coll. 341 Watts. 90 Watts. 37 Tate and Brady. 166 ..Barbauld. 538 Heginbotham. 329 Watts. 310 Pratt's Coll. 100 Pratt's Coll. 442 Pratt's Coll. 348 Montgomery. 290 Watts. 293 Boden. 537 .Pratt's Coll. 324 Watts. 351 Watts. 279 Pratt's Coll. 312 ..C. Wesley. 307 Watts. 113 .Spirit of the Psalms. 118 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day. Our triumphant..Pratt's Coll. 311 Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day. Sons of men... Christ, whose glory fills the skies. Cleanse me, O Lord-and cheer my soul... Come, blessed Spirit, source of light.. Pratt's Coll. 326 .. Beddome. 340 .. H. F. Burder's Coll. 346 Come, gracious Lord, descend and dwell... Watts. 406 Come, gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove. Brown. 343 Come, happy souls, approach your God... Watts. 281 Come hither, all ye weary souls Watts. 357 Come, Holy Ghost, come from on high Reed's Coll. 439 Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs..... Pratt's Coll. 324 Come, Holy Spirit, calm each mind........H. F. Burder's Coll. 344 Come, Holy Spirit, come. With energy. Rippon's Coll. 341 Come, let us join our cheerful songs.. Come let us join our friends above.. Page. .... Hart. 342 Heginbotham. 430 Pratt's Coll. 539 Watts. 167 Watts. 326 ..Leed's Coll. 430 Montgomery's Coll. 415 Watts. 297 .. Steele. 452 Dobell's Coll. 268 .. Steele. 359 Come we, that love the Lord... Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched... Consider all my sorrows, Lord... Create, O God, my powers anew.. ..Steele. 435 Crown his head with endless blessings.. .Pratt's Coll. 202 Daughter of Zion, from the dust. ....Montgomery. 474 Day of judgment, day of wonders ..Newton. 521 Dearest of all the names above. Watts. 296 Dear Father, to thy mercy-seat... .Steele. 498 Dear Jesus, when, when shall it be Doddridge. 371 Dear Lord, accept a sinful heart Cowper. 433 Dear Lord, and will thy pardoning love......Dobell's Coll. 334 Eternal Spirit, we confess Eternal Wisdom, thee we praise. Eternity is just at hand.. Exalted Prince of life, we own.. Exalt the Lord our God...... FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss. Faith is the brightest evidence Faith, 'tis a precious grace. Page. Watts. 339 .Pratt's Coll. 493 Watts. 258 Steele. 525 Doddridge. 315 Watts. 175 Turner. 383 Watts. 382 .Beddome. 382 Faithful, O Lord, thy mercies are ..........Montgomery's Coll. 268 Far as thy name is known Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone. Far from these narrow scenes of night.... Far from the world, O Lord, I flee.... Father, how wide thy glory shines Father, I sing thy wondrous grace. Fools in their hearts believe and say Forever blessed be the Lord. Forever shall my song record.. For thee, O God, our constant praise..... Watts. 110 Frequent the day of God returns... From all that dwell below the skies. From earliest dawn of life..... From Greenland's icy mountains. From lowest depths of wo From the cross uplifted high Hawes. 358 GIRD on thy sword, victorious Prince ....... Epis. Coll. 532 Watts. 197 Watts. 219 ..Pratt's Coll. 503 . Heber. 465 Tate and Brady. 220 Watts. 105 Reed's Coll. 475 Watts. 501 Watts. 189 Watts. 188 Watts. 228 Watts. 226 Watts. 226 Watts. 85 Pratt's Coll. 480 ..Kenn. 558 |