صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


ABOVE these heavens' created rounds
According to thy word

Again, indulgent Lord, return....
Again our earthly cares we leave..
Again the day returns of holy rest
Again the Lord of life and light
Ah, how shall fallen man.

Ah, wretched, vile, ungrateful heart....
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed..
Alas! what hourly dangers rise
All-glorious God, what hymns of praise.
All hail, incarnate God

All hail the great Immanuel's name..
All power and grace to God belong.
All power is to our Saviour given...
All-powerful, self-existent God....
All ye nations, praise the Lord.
All ye, who feel distressed for sin
All ye that love the Lord, rejoice.
All ye, who serve the Lord with fear.
All yesterday is gone
Almighty Father, God of grace.
Almighty Father, gracious Lord
Almighty Father of mankind
Almighty God, eternal Lord...
Almighty Lord, before thy throne
Almighty Maker, God...

Almighty Maker of my frame...
Almighty Ruler of the skies....

Almighty Spirit, now behold

Along the banks where Babel's current flows....

Am I an Israelite indeed

Am I a soldier of the cross..

Amid displays of wrath and love.
Amid the splendors of thy state
Amid thy wrath remember love
Among th' assemblies of the great.
Among the princes, earthly gods.....
And am I born to die?

And are we now brought near to God.
And are we wretches yet alive
And art thou, gracious Master, gone?..
And art thou with us, gracious Lord.
And can mine eyes without a tear?.
And can my heart aspire so high?....

And did the holy and the just?...

And dost thou say, 'Ask what thou wilt'?..

And must this body die?....

And now another week begins

And shall I sit alone?...

And shall not Jesus hear?

Watts. 95

..Wrangham. 114
Dobell's Coll. 435
Pratt's Coll. 454


Barbauld. 449 Epis. Coll. 276 .... Steele. 381 Watts. 321 ..Steele. 420

..Epis. Coll. 278 ....Scott. 477

.. Duncan. 315 Pratt's Coll. 199


Methodist Coll. 259

Wrangham. 198
Pratt's Coll. 359
Watts. 245

Wrangham. 72
Pratt's Coll. 365
.Pratt's Coll. 370
..Steele. 533

Logan. 512 Pratt's Coll. 456

Epis. Coll. 531

Watts. 563

Steele. 98

Watts. 47

Pratt's Coll. 468

...Barlow. 229

..Beddome. 403

Watts. 419

Pratt's Coll. 369

Pratt's Coll. 266

Watts. 97

Watts. 145

Watts. 152

Lutheran Coll. 519

Pratt's Coll. 442

Watts. 372
Kelly. 421

.Doddridge. 391 Heginbotham. 322 ....Steele. 390

... Steele. 301 Newton. 405

Watts. 518

Kelly. 446

.. Beddome. 401

Newton. 488

And now, my soul, another year............Montgomery's Coll. 550

And will the God of grace?......
And will the great, eternal God?
And will the Judge descend!.....
And will the Lord thus condescend..
And why do our admiring eyes...
Angels from the realms of glory.
Angels, roll the rock away......
Another day is past...


.. Watts. 145

.Doddridge. 542
Doddridge. 523

.. Steele. 334
Doddridge. 332
Pratt's Coll. 289
Gibbons. 310
Curtis' Coll. 560
.Stennett. 447
Watts. 57

.Pratt's Coll. 474
Pratt's Coll. 472
... Slinn. 470
Watts. 62

Bratt. St. Coll. 424
.Doddridge. 280
.Pratt's Coll. 47
Watts. 222
Wrangham. 53

.......... Spirit of the Psalms. 109
..H. F. Burder's Coll. 471
.. Beddome. 470

Another six days' work is done...
Are sinners now so hardened grown..
Arise, arise, with joy survey.
Arise, great God, and let thy grace...
Arise in all thy splendor, Lord...
Arise, my gracious God
Arise, my soul, on wings sublime...
Arise, my tender thoughts, arise.....
Arise, O God, with just disdain
Arise, O King of grace, arise...
Arise, O Lord, lift up thine hand..
Arise, ye people, and adore...
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake......
Ascend thy throne, Almighty King......
As pants the hart for coeling streams
Assembled at thy great command
Attend, O earth, when God declares.
At thy command, O gracious Lord
Author of good, to thee we turn....
Awake and sing the song.
Awake, awake each sluggish soul...
Awake, awake the sacred song.
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve.
Awake, my soul, to sound his praise..
Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring.
Awake, our drowsy souls....
Awake, our souls, -away, our fears.
Awake, ye saints, and raise your eyes....
Awake, ye saints, to praise your King

[blocks in formation]

Awaked from sin's delusive sleep....

BE joyful in God, all ye lands of the earth.

Epis. Coll. 569

Be thou exalted, O my God

Watts. 120

Be thou, O God, exalted high......

Tate and Brady. 119

Before Jehovah's awful throne..

Before the heavens were spread abroad.

Begin, my soul, th' exalted lay.....

Behold his wondrous grace...
Behold how the Lord.........

Behold, my soul, the narrow bound..

Watts. 176

Watts. 291

Behold, the blest Redeemer comes.
Behold the blind their sight receive.

Behold the gift of God..

..Ogilvie. 243

.Pratt's Coll. 224

Pratt's Coll. 476

Doddridge. 548

Watts. 99
Watts. 298

Haskins. 307

Behold the glories of the Lamb

Watts. 313

Behold the grace appears...
Behold the heathen waits to know.

Watts. 287

Voke. 481

[blocks in formation]

Behold us, Lord, with humble fear....
Behold what condescending love....
Behold what pity touched the heart.
Behold what wondrous grace..
Behold where in a mortal form....
Beneath our feet and o'er our head.....

Bestow, O Lord, upon our youth...
Bless, O my soul, the living God...
Bless our God, his grace confessing
Bless'd Jesus, while in mortal flesh.
Blest are the humble souls that see..
Blest are the sons of peace

Blest are the souls, who hear and know..
Blest are the undefiled in heart...
Blest be the dear uniting love.....
Blest be the everlasting God...
Blest be the Lord, -the God of love.
Blest be the Lord, who heard my prayer.
Blest be the tie that binds....

Blest be thou, O God of Israel..
Blest Comforter divine...

Blest day when our ascended Lord
Blest is the man, forever blest...
Blest is the man, who shuns the place.
Blest is the man, whom thou, O Lord......
Blest is the man, whose softening heart
Blest is the man, whose tender care
Blest Jesus, when my soaring thoughts.
Blest morning, whose first dawning rays.
Blest, who with generous pity glows
Blest work-the youthful mind to win.
Bread of heaven, on thee we feed..
Breathe, Holy Spirit, from above..
Bright and joyful is the morn
Bright King of glory, dreadful God.
Bright Source of everlasting love....
Brightness of the Father's glory...
Broad is the road that leads to death.....

Buried in shadows of the night...

CAN sinners hope for heaven...
Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish..
Children of the heavenly King.

Children, to your Creator, God.

Christ and his cross are all our theme..


Pratt's Coll. 45

..Doddridge. 438

Watts. 317

Watts. 388

Pratt's Coll. 298

Pratt's Coll. 547

Cowper. 504

Watts. 181

Pratt's Coll. 134

.. Doddridge. 411
Watts. 408

Bratt. St. Coll. 223

Watts. 157

Watts. 203

Cennick. 414

Watts. 421

Wrangham. 133
...Dwight. 85
Fawcett. 412

.Epis. Coll. 496
Pratt's Coll. 348

Pratt's Coll. 341

Watts. 90

Watts. 37

Tate and Brady. 166

..Barbauld. 538
Watts. 100

Heginbotham. 329

Watts. 310

Pratt's Coll. 100
Pratt's Coll. 504

Pratt's Coll. 442

Pratt's Coll. 348

Montgomery. 290

Watts. 293

Boden. 537

.Pratt's Coll. 324

Watts. 351

Watts. 279

[blocks in formation]

Pratt's Coll. 312

..C. Wesley. 307

Watts. 113

.Spirit of the Psalms. 118

Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day. Our triumphant..Pratt's Coll. 311

Christ, the Lord, is risen to-day. Sons of men...

Christ, whose glory fills the skies.

Cleanse me, O Lord-and cheer my soul...
Come, all ye servants of the Lord..
Come, all ye saints of God....

Come, blessed Spirit, source of light..
Come, dearest Lord, and bless this day..
Come, divine and peaceful guest..

Pratt's Coll. 326

.. Beddome. 340
Dobell. 448

.. H. F. Burder's Coll. 346

Come, gracious Lord, descend and dwell...

Watts. 406

Come, gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove.

Brown. 343

Come, happy souls, approach your God...

Watts. 281

Come hither, all ye weary souls

Watts. 357

Come, Holy Ghost, come from on high

Reed's Coll. 439

Come, Holy Ghost, inspire our songs.....

Pratt's Coll. 324

Come, Holy Spirit, calm each mind........H. F. Burder's Coll. 344

Come, Holy Spirit, come. With energy.

Rippon's Coll. 341
DAUGHTER of Zion, awake from thy sadness.. Fitzgerald's Coll. 576

[blocks in formation]

Come, let us join our cheerful songs..

Come let us join our friends above..
Come, let us join our souls to God.
Come, let us join with sweet accord.
Come, let us lift our joyful eyes.
Come, O my soul, in sacred lays...
Come, O thou King of all thy saints.
Come, O ye saints, your voices raise
Come, Sacred Spirit, from above...
Come, said Jesus' sacred voice.......
Come-sound his praise abroad......
Come, thou Almighty King..
Come, thou soul-transforming Spirit....
Come, weary souls, with sins oppressed.


.... Hart. 342
Watts. 343

Heginbotham. 430
Pratt's Coll. 417

Pratt's Coll. 539

Watts. 167

Watts. 326

..Leed's Coll. 430

Montgomery's Coll. 415
.De Courcy's Coll. 447

Watts. 297
Blacklock. 270

.. Steele. 452
....Stcele. 88
Doddridge. 343
Pratt's Coll. 359
Watts. 168

Dobell's Coll. 268
Pratt's Coll. 457

.. Steele. 359
Watts. 422
Hart. 361
Burder. 266
Steele. 458
Watts. 209

Come we, that love the Lord...

Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched...
Come, ye that know and fear the Lord....
Come, ye that love the Saviour's name..

Consider all my sorrows, Lord...

Create, O God, my powers anew..

..Steele. 435

Crown his head with endless blessings..

.Pratt's Coll. 202

Daughter of Zion, from the dust.

....Montgomery. 474

Day of judgment, day of wonders

..Newton. 521

Dearest of all the names above.

Watts. 296

Dear Father, to thy mercy-seat...

.Steele. 498

Dear Jesus, when, when shall it be

Doddridge. 371

Dear Lord, accept a sinful heart

Cowper. 433

Dear Lord, and will thy pardoning love......Dobell's Coll. 334

[blocks in formation]

Eternal Spirit, we confess
Eternal Sun of righteousness.

Eternal Wisdom, thee we praise.

Eternity is just at hand..

Exalted Prince of life, we own..

Exalt the Lord our God......

FAITH adds new charms to earthly bliss.

Faith is the brightest evidence

Faith, 'tis a precious grace.


Watts. 339

.Pratt's Coll. 493

Watts. 258

Steele. 525

Doddridge. 315

Watts. 175

Turner. 383

Watts. 382

.Beddome. 382

Faithful, O Lord, thy mercies are ..........Montgomery's Coll. 268

Far as thy name is known

Far from my thoughts, vain world, be gone.

Far from these narrow scenes of night....

Far from the world, O Lord, I flee....

Father, how wide thy glory shines

Father, I sing thy wondrous grace.
Father of all, in whom alone....
Father of Glory! to thy name.
Father of heaven, whose love profound.
Father of mercies, God of love
Father of mercies, in thy house...
Father of mercies, in thy word
Father of mercies, send thy grace.
Father of peace and God of love..
Father, to thee our souls we lift
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss.
Firm and unmoved are they.
Firm as the earth thy gospel stands.
Firmly I stand on Zion's hill..
Fixed on the sacred hills

Fools in their hearts believe and say

Forever blessed be the Lord.

Forever shall my song record..

For thee, O God, our constant praise.....
Fountain of mercy, God of love...

Watts. 110

[blocks in formation]

Frequent the day of God returns...

From all that dwell below the skies.
From deep distress and troubled thoughts..

From earliest dawn of life.....

From Greenland's icy mountains.

From lowest depths of wo

From the cross uplifted high

Hawes. 358

GIRD on thy sword, victorious Prince
Gird thy sword on, mighty Saviour...
Give me the wings of faith to rise
Give thanks to God-he reigns above..
Give thanks to God-invoke his name.
Give thanks to God most high...
Give thanks to God, the Sovereign Lord.
Give to our God immortal praise..
Give to the Lord, ye sons of fame
Give us room that we may dwell.
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glory to God on high...
Glory, to thee, my God, this night.
God in his earthly temple lays
God in the gospel of his Son
God is a spirit, just and wise
God is goodness, wisdom, power..
God is the refuge of his saints.


Epis. Coll. 532
...Brown. 461

Watts. 197

Watts. 219

..Pratt's Coll. 503

. Heber. 465

Tate and Brady. 220

Watts. 105

Reed's Coll. 475

Watts. 501

Watts. 189

Watts. 188

Watts. 228

Watts. 226

Watts. 226

Watts. 85

Pratt's Coll. 480
.Drummond. 154
. Reed's Coll. 325

..Kenn. 558
Watts. 153
.Beddome. 284
Watts. 261
Pratt's Coll. 564
Watts. 106

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