† This was originally called Quintilis or the fifth Month; but its Name was changed to July, in honour of Julius Cæfar; who was born on the Twelfth Day of this Month, 100 Years before Chrift. This in the Calendar of Romulus was called Sextilis or the fixth Month, which was changed fer that of August in honour of Augustus Cæfar, who rather chose to give his Name to this Month than to September, in which he was born, because in this Month he entered into his first Confulship and gained feveral remarkable Victories. + This Month derived its Name from the Order in which it flood in the Calendar of Romulus; being, as the Name implies, the seventh in Succeffion; as the Old Roman Year began in March. A : ما + It is so called from the Latin Word Octo Eight, because it was the Eighth Month in the Old Roman Calendar. Several of the Emperors attempted to alter its Name, but in vain, for foon after their Death it always regained its former Title. : This, like the two preceding Months, takes its Name from the order of fuccession in which it stood in the antient Calendar of Rome; being derived from the Latin Word Novem Nine; because it was the ninth Month according to that computation. Note, that Ecclus 25 is to be read only to verfe 13, and Eccius 30 only to verse 18, and Boclus 46 only to verse 20. |