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النشر الإلكتروني

them; they are not naked, like the reft of the world: And, there is a twofold garment, where with God's remnant are arrayed, viz. a garment of imputed righteoufnefs, and a garment of inherent holinefs: By the firft, all their iniquities are covered, and they fkreened from the curfe and condemnation of the law, and the ftroke of avenging justice: By the laft, viz. the garment of inherent holinefs, their fouls are beautified and adorned, the image of God restored, and they, like the King's daughter, made all glorious within: And it is the laft of these that is here principally intended. (2.) It imports, that the garment which God gives his remnant is a pure and a cleanly robe, and therefore called white raiment, Rev. iii. 19. and fine linen, Rev. xix. 8. fpeaking of the lamb the bride's wife, it is faid, that to her was granted, that he should be arrayed in fine linen, pure and white: For the fine linen is the righteoufness of faints. So that ye fee white is the livery wherewith Chrift clothes his little remnant; and, Rev. vii. 9. they are faid to be clothed with white robes. (3.) That fin is of a defiling and polluting nature: As mire and filth defile our garments, fo doth fin defile and pollute our fouls, and renders us vile and lothfome in the fight of God: Hence it is commonly called uncleanness, Zech. xiii. 1. There is a fountain opened in the house of David, for to take away fin and uncleanness; it is the abominable thing which God's foul doth hate, and is more lothfome in his fight, than the most deteftable things in nature are unto us. (4.) That it may be the lot of the Lord's people, to live and walk among a people, the generality of whom are polluting and defiling themfelves; for this is the commendation of the remnant here, that, tho' the


body of this church was corrupted, yet they had not gone along with them. Thus it fared with Noah in the old world, and with Lot in Sodóm : And the prophet Ifaiah, Chap. vi. cries out, I dwell in the midst of a people of polluted lips. (5.) That even God's remnant are not without danger of defiling themfelves with the fins and defections of their day. Sin comes gilded with fuch fair and plaufible pretences, and fuch powerful motives and arguments, that even fome of God's own remnant are not only in danger, but fome of them may be actually enfnared and defiled therewith; and, no doubt, fome that had the root of the matter in Sardis, were tainted with the corruptions of that church, as I doubt not but many in our own church, who have made very wide fteps, are notwithstanding dear and near unto God. (6.) That foul garments are very unbecoming and unfuitable unto God's remnant; for they that name the name of Chrift, and profefs to be his friends and favourites, they are bound to depart from iniquity. It brings up a reproach upon religion, and makes the name of God to be blafphemed, when any of God's remnant make a wrong ftep; as you fee in the cafe of David; his murder and adultery opened the mouths of the wicked in his day, and made the enemy to blafpheme; and, I am fure, it cannot but be bitter to any that belong to God, when, through their untendernefs, the way of God is evil fpoken of. (7.) A careful study of univerfal obedience unto all known and commanded duties. God's remnant are of David's mind and principle, they have a refpect to all God's commandments; his law is the rule and ftandard of their walk, it is a light unto their feet, and a lamp unto their paths; and they


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are always breathing after more and more conformity thereunto, faying, with David, O that my ways were directed to keep thy ftatutes! they study to have a gofpel-adorning converfation, and that their light may fo fhine before men, that others, feeing their good works, may glorify their Father which is in heaven. (8.) A holy caution and tenderness in guarding against all fin, efpecially the prevailing fins of the day, and generation wherein they live; they will not walk according to the course of the world, but they are transformed in the renewing of their minds; they keep at a distance from common defections, errors in doctrine, profanity in practice, and innovations in the worship of God; they will not fo much as give their confent unto these abominations, but endeavour in their ftation to oppofe them, and give their honeft teftimony against them. Keeping of the garments clean in a declining time, implies a steady adherence unto the truths, laws, and ordinances of Chrift, and the government that he has appointed in his houfe: Hence they are faid to keep the word of his patience. They will not fell one hoof of divine truth; no, not tho' it fhould coft them the warmest blood of their heart; they will buy the truth at any rate, but fell it at no rate. It implies, that they have fupplies of covenanted ftrength given them, to uphold and keep them from defiling their garments; for they are not able to keep themfelves; no, the way of man is not in himself; it is the Lord that keepeth the feet of his faints, when the wicked fhall be filent in darkness; yea, they are kept by the power of God, through faith unto falvation, i Pet. i. 6. which implies a keeping them as in a garrifon: The Lord Jehovah is their strength, and the munition of rocks round a


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bout them. Lastly, It imports the mortification of fin in the root and fruit of it, together with a holy care to have grace improved and exercised, till it be crowned with glory; for he that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, &c. And thus you fee what is imported in keeping of the garments clean.

The fourth thing propofed was, to enquire a little into the import of the confolatory promise made unto the remnant that keep their garments clean, they shall walk with me in white, faith the Lord; that is, as I told you in the explication of the words, they fhall be admitted to fhare of my glory at death and judgment. But I fhall endeavour more particularly to enquire into the import of this promife; and, 1. What is imported in walking with Chrift. And, 2. What in walking with him in white.

First, What is imported in walking with him? ift, It neceffarily fuppofeth the foul's fubfiftence in a feparate ftate, or after its feparation from the body; otherwise it could not be faid to walk with him. This is one of the fundamental truths of our religion, which Chrift himself proved and maintained against the Sadducees, from that fcripture, I am the God of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob; God is not, fays he, the God of the dead, but of the living. No fooner are the fouls of God's remnant divorced from their bodies, but, by the miniftry of angels, they are carried into Abraham's bofom. 2dly, Their walking with Chrift, not only fuppofes the foul's existence in a separate state, but also its activity, for it (walks) with Chrift. The fpirits of just men, upon their feparation from the body, are made perfect, and fo perfect, as they ferve him day and night in his holy temple, with infinitely more activi


ty and liveliness, than when they were coopt up in the prison of the body; which in this ftate of fin and imperfection, is a dead weight, as it were, upon the foul, in the fervice of God. 3dly, Their walking with Chrift, implies perfect peace and agreement between Chrift and them; for, how can two walk together, except they be agreed? The Lord's people, while here, are many times under the affrighting apprehenfions of his anger and displeasure, which makes them to cry out, with David, Pfal. lxxvii. 9. Hath God forgotten to be gracious? bath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah. But there will be no fuch complaint in heaven: No, no; there will not be the leaft grudge in his heart, or frown in his countenance through eternity; nothing but a perpetual fmile of his reconciled countenance. 4thly, It implies intimacy, which is more than agreement; for there may be a good understanding where there is little intimacy and familiarity: But the Saints in glory, they fall walk with Chrift; that is, he and they will be very intimate one with another. This intimacy is begun on earth; for fometimes, even in the wildernefs, he brings them into the chamber of prefence, and allows them fweet fellowship with himfelf; fometimes they fit down under his fhadow with great delight: But this intimate fellowship fhall be confummate and completed in heaven, where all vails fhall be rent, and all clouds fhall be for ever difpelled, and nothing fhall remain to intercept the bleffed familiarity betwixt him and them: Then that word fhall be fully accomplish'd, John xvii. 23. I in them, and they in me, that they may be made perfect in one. Fifthly, It implies, that they shall be in the prefence of Chrift; and this is an additi


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