SUNDAY SCHOOL Repository; OR, TEACHERS' MAGAZINE. VOLUME I. 4 Commencing, January 1813. London: PRINTED BY H. TEAPE, TOWER-HILL. Published by W. Kent, No. 116, High Holborn; Sold also by T. Hamilton, CONTENTS. His Letter to Colonel Townley, giving an Account of the good Effects resulting from the first trial of a Sun- Account of the Rise and Progress of the General Sunday School 10 Extract from a Charge to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry Letter from William Morton Pitt, Esq. to the Committee.. 21 Extract from the last Report of the Society.. Questions to which answers are required from Applicants, &c. 30 On the Advantages of Sunday School Unions, with Rules for con- } n On the Propriety of forming Bible Associations in Sunday Schools, with an Account of the Southwark Sunday School Bible Asso- 34 ciation...... Review of Lancaster's Address to the Friends and Superintendents ? 45 Letter from the late Robert Raikes giving an Account of the Sun-} 51 Obituary.-Account of the Happy Death of Charles Lipscomb,...., 59 An Account of the Rise and Progress of the Sunday School Union.. 65 An Account of the Hibernian Sunday School Society.... First Paragraph in the Gloucester Paper relative to Sunday Schools 114 Sunday School Union Public Breakfast Origin, Progress, and Present State of the Edinburgh Gratis Sab- Proceedings of the annual Meeting of the Sunday School Union.159, 178 Annual Sermon to the Members of the Sunday School Union, brief? 179 On Promoting the Reading of the Holy Scriptures.... Question proposed to the Children of a Sunday School, with the answer of one of the Boys...... Parallel between the characters of Julius Cæsar and Robert Raikės 196 Minutes taken at the Quarterly Meetings of the Sunday School 198 Letter of instructions from the Edinburgh Gratis Sabbath School .... Letter to the Treasurer of the Sunday School Union from Bristol... 229 Statement of the rise and progress of the Bristol Methodist Sunday School Society Obituary-Account of the Happy Death of Margaret Lincoln, 237 Minites taken at the Quarterly Meetings of the Sunday School Union 258 An Account of the internal arrangement and system of Discipline 262 of the Friars' Mount Sunday School............ Interesting Account of two Malefactors recently executed in .... An Account of the first Anniversary of the Sheffield Sunday School Catholic School for the instruction of poor Irish Children. Quarterly Meeting of the Sunday School Union in London.. Meeting of Superintendents in London.... Second Quarterly Meeting of the Bath Sunday School Union.. Frome Sunday School Union..... Woolwich Sunday School Union.. Essex Sunday School Union.. Intended Publication on Adult Schools. Want of Education Address delivered at the Quarterly Meeting of the Bristol Sunday Speech of Mr. C. N. Wawn at the formation of the Newcastle- upon-Tyne Sunday School Union A Sunday Scholar's Collection of the Names of Christ. Minutes taken at the Quarterly Meeting of the Sunday School Union 324 Review of the Bristol and Nottingham Sunday School Hymn Books 326 Report of the Bath Sunday School Union · Extract from the Report of the Nottingham Sunday School Union, $38 |