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appealed to last November. Mr. Ford) says of the former place,—“ I am happy to say that many of the young people are meeting in class, and making progress in the Divine life;" and of the latter the minister reports, that there are eight meeting in class.

At Diss, in Norfolk, about ten young persons promised to meet in class, and did so for a time; but some afterwards declined. In a revival with which the circuit has since been favoured, these became the first subjects of the work of God.

At Blackley, in the Manchester First circuit, Mr. Cooke says there are twentyfour meeting in class.

At Burnley, the superintendent says there are sixty meeting in class, who promise, by these means, to give their hearts to God,

At Hadfield, in the Glossop circuit, there are forty gone to class.

In a lady's boarding school, in Doncaster, there are seven, of Wesleyan parents, who have gone to class.

At Tickhill, in the Doncaster circuit, there are eight gone to class.

At Driffield, the superintendent says, "We have a goodly number in this circuit of young people meeeting in class, by the appeals made to them."

At Doncaster, the superintendent says," The appeals were made a blessing, especially to the young. The fruit remains unto this day."

At Epworth, the superintendent says, "The results, as to the young, in various places in our circuit, are great and lasting good. The greater part of them remain stedfast, and seem to bid fair as to the future."

At Silsden, in the Addingham circuit, the day-school-master state, that ten or more have begun to meet in class, some of them adult hearers.

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At Chapel-Town, Leeds First circuit, Mr. J. Robinson, class-leader, says,— "I am happy to inform you, that twentysix of the young people are in a fair way for heaven; and there are eight more who began to meet by the same means two years ago; making thirtyfour in all. And there are more who have begun since you were here."

From the Wakefield circuit, the superintendent reports, as the result of a united instrumentality, thirty young people members of the Society, twentyfive on trial, and one hundred rather younger, meeting in other classes. Young people in other places have begun to meet in class, as the result of appeals made by different parties.Wesleyan Sunday School Magazine.


WANDSWORTH.-The Sunday School Anniversary connected with the Independent Chapel, was commenced on Lord's day, November 28th, when two impressive sermons were preached to overflowing congregations, by the Rev. J. A. Spurgeon. Every available part of the chapel and school rooms was crowded, and many were unable to get near the place. The collections amounted to £21. 12s. The next evening, November 29th, the teachers and friends gathered together in the large and beautiful school room at the " Boy's Home," kindly lent by Mr. Leyland, for the occasion. About 350 sat down to tea, after which the tables were removed to afford the utmost possible accommodation to those who crowded to the public meeting. After singing and prayer, and an opening address from the Rev. P. H. Davison, letters of sympathy were read from the Revs. E. P. Hood and F. Soden; and Joseph Payne and J. Baines, Esqrs, regretting their inability to attend. A most interesting report was read by Mr. Holt, the Superintendent of the school, and stirring

addresses were delivered by the Revs. you." At the close of the service, a tea T. Davies of Putney, I. M. Soule, of meeting took place in the new rooms. Battersea, R. Ashton, Secretary of the The tables were gratuitously furnished Congregational Union, and E. Bolton, by the ladies of the congregation, and of of Hackney College. During the past other Christian denominations in the year the school has prospered in all its town. More than 450 persons were departments, Its numbers (carefully present at the tea, and at its close a analyzed for the occasion) are 570. Of public meeting was held, over which these, 170 attend the infant class; and the Rev. J. S. Bright presided. Mr. 80 are in the adult classes. Several mem- C. Rose, the secretary of the building bers have been added to the church committee, gave a detailed statement as from the school, and the teachers are to the origin, 'progress, and successful thankful to know that one of their number, Mr. John Ashton, M.A., has been accepted by the London Missionary Society, as a missionary for India.


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completion of the undertaking. Mr. Todman, the treasurer, furnished some interesting particulars as to the finances, especially in regard to the productiveness of the weekly contribution. Interesting addresses were delivered in the course of the evening, by the Revs. J. Graham; Thomas, (Wesleyan); WEST STREET CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOLS. G. H. Adeney, of Reigate; J. Waite, of These schools were established by a Leatherhead; R. Lewis, of Shore; J. relative of the immortal Raikes, in 1806, Payne, Esq., of Leatherhead; and Mr. At their jubilee celebration in December, A. Mitchell, the superintendent. The 1856, an effort was initiated to obtain cost of the new rooms, with vestry, the erection of new rooms for their ac- offices, and other requisites, to render commodation. Subscriptions lists were them complete, exceeds £700.; toward accordingly opened, and a weekly con- which about £400. has been collected. tribution towards the requisite funds On the following Sabbath the pastor commenced. So successful had been the liberally offered to devote the whole of endeavour, in the spring of the pre- his income derived from the pew consent year, that the Committee appointed tributions for a year, towards the liquiby the Church to superintend the under-dation of the debt, providing the holders taking, felt justified in proceeding with of pews and sittings would double their the work. The site on which it was subscriptions for the same object. As intended to erect the building having there is little doubt of the acceptance of been used for many generations as a this noble offer, it is hoped that the place of sepulture, rendered it difficult amount remaining unpaid will be cleared to secure a solid base for the future su-off during the present year. perstructure. This obstacle was surmounted by the employment of concrete, and the corner stone of the new erection was laid on July 14th, by the Rev. J. S. Bright, the minister of the chapel. The THE Bishop of Oxford has offered a new rooms were opened under very prize for the best essay on the following auspicious circumstances, on the 20th subject:-" The best method of proOctober. An excellent sermon on behalf moting reverence and devotion among of the building fund was preached in the school children during Divine worship." afternoon, by the Rev. J. Graham, of Cra- Competitors for the prize are confined ven chapel, from 1 Peter, v. 7, “Casting to the Diocesan Association of Schoolall your care upon Him for He careth for masters.




in the first place, on the part of teachers -due preparation for teaching-personal piety-fervent prayer, and oftener conversations with the children on soul matters. Much was said in favour of Bible circulation, for home use, by means of the children's own small

weekly payments. Libraries, too, and the periodical publications of the Sunday School Union were warmly re

commended, as were also Bible Classes,

and Week-Evening Free Schools, for the impartation of secular elementary education, coupled with religious instruction, which are conducted in Alston on a liberal scale, and which it were desirable should obtain wherever Sunday schools are established.


THE annual deputation of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Sunday School Union, consisting of Messrs. E. Ridley and J. W. Townsend, recently visited Alston, a distance of 45 miles, where they met with the usual cordial reception. Two of the friends met them at the station, and intimated the duties and arrangements, which respectful and business like attention were appreciated. The Congregational, Wesleyan, and Methodist schools were visited in the morning, and for the most part found in an active and encouraging state; the number of teachers in all was gratifying. All three went on in their usual way, so that the order, usages, and mode of teaching could be witnessed. A good number of classes were separately gone into, and a kind and seasonable word offered to teacher and child. In several, it was recommended that shorter lessons be read, less time given to the excrcise of reading, and more to questioning the children on the lesson, explaining it, and grounding practical instruction thereon. In the afternoon, the schools assem-tained by E. Goddard, Esq., the late bled in one of the largest chapels, when the devotional exercises, with an introductory address, were undertaken by the Rev. J. Harper, after which the teachers and children were severally addressed. A variety of questions were put to the little people regarding some of the leading truths of the Bible, which they readily and satisfactorily answered, thereby indicating their progress in divine knowledge.

In the evening, there was a still larger attendance of parents, teachers, and friends. The services were introduced by the Rev. Mr. Long, after which all parties were suitably addressed, and evinced considerable interest on the occasion.

At the close, a conference of teachers was held, when several practical points were started and warmly recommended. Among the rest, early attendance; and,


SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION.-At the solicitation of the friends connected with this Union, Mr. Fountain J. Hartley, lately visited Ipswich, as a deputation from the London Sunday School Union; and during his stay was kindly enter

mayor, and also by Mr. E. Grimwade.

In accordance with the previous arrangements, a special prayer meeting of the teachers was held on the Saturday evening, at Nicholas Chapel school room, (kindly granted by the Rev. J. Raven.) The attendance of the teachers on the occasion was very gratifying. After prayer had been offered by several friends, an address was delivered by Mr. Hartley, who took for his subject the "Personal aspect of the Sunday School work," especially in reference to the teachers themselves. The address was listened to with great interest and pleasure by the friends assembled.

On Sabbath morning, Mr. Hartley, accompanied by Mr. Rees, one of the secretaries of the Ipswich Union, paid a brief visit to the following schools in connexion with the Union, viz: Nicholas Chapel, Friar's Street, Globe Lane,

and Tacket Street-(Independents), crowded, from 1,300 to 1,400 children, Market Lane-(Wesleyan,) Turret and a large number of adults, being Green-(Baptist,) Rope Walk,- (Prim- present on the occasion. The children itive Methodist,) and California school, sang with great spirit and effect several in connexion with Nicholas school, and favorite hymns, and the service was situate about a mile and a half distant altogether one of a very pleasing from the town. The attendance of character, and will, we believe, live the children at the various schools was long in the remembrance of the children below the usual average, in some degree present. perhaps owing to the severity of the weather; but it was observed, that the teachers generally were at their posts. Owing to the limited time allowed for this purpose, the visitation made by Mr. Hartley was necessarily brief and hasty; but he was evidently cordially welcomed by the superintendents and teachers of the various schools, and the visits appeared to afford him much pleasure from the hearty reception he met with.

In the evening, Mr. Hartley paid a visit to the Ragged Schools, and at the close of the visit addressed the children present, in his usual happy and felicitous style.

On the Monday evening, a meeting of the ministers and teachers, for conference, was held in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall, (kindly lent by the Mayor) Mr. E. Grimwade presiding. After singing and prayer, by the Rev. J. Gay, the chairman addressed the In the afternoon the children con- meeting on the importance of the Union, nected with the schools already named, and referred to the success which had with those of the Ragged Schools, and resulted from the canvass held some also of two schools connected with time since in Ipswich, and called upon Tacket Street, conducted in villages Mr. Hartley, who in a very friendly about three miles distant, met at the and pleasant manner, stated the impresnew chapel at Tacket Street, (kindly sions produced on his mind by the brief placed at the disposal of the Committee and hasty visits paid by him to the by the Rev. E. Jones,) when a sermon, schools on the previous day, kindly pointspecially adapted to the juvenile con- ing out the matters in which he regarded gregation, was preached by Mr. Hartley, the Ipswich schools as deficient, and sugfrom Judges iii. 20, "I have a message gested various points for their improvefrom God to thee." In which he ment; alluding also to the pleasure he showed the children who the mes- experienced in witnessing the healthy sengers were that God sent to men, and vigorous state of the Ipswich viz., angels, ministers, teachers: and


A conference then took place on the following subjects:-"What shall we do with our Senior Scholars?" "How should we deal with refractory and un"Discipline of the ruly scholars ? "

then told them that he had a message from God for them, and it consisted of four things. It was to offer them-1st, A free pardon; 2nd, A beautiful dress; 3rd, A safe guide; and 4th, A happy home; and in conclusion told them of school generally;" "Modes of teach"Separate services," &c.; and another messenger whom God would ing;" send to them all, at a time none could on each of these points the opinions of tell-that messenger was Death. In Mr. Hartley, and his experience in conthe course of his address, he illustrated nexion with other schools, was solicited. his subject by Bible truths and anec- Mr. Hartley replied to each question put dotes; and at the close, briefly ques- to him, to the evident satisfaction of the tioned the children on the heads of the meeting. In the course of the confeaddress. The chapel was densely rence, the chairman, with the Revs. J.

Cox, E. Jones, and J. Gay, and Messrs. Pitcairn, Thomas Jones, Bull, Prenticé, Seager, Boyce, and Dothie, took part in the discussion. At the close, a hearty and cordial vote of thanks to

For our errors kindness ever,

Hath an antidote sublime; With harsh words the heart will never, Melt until the end of time.


E. S. A.

Mr. Hartley, was proposed by Mr. Rees, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' SONG.

and seconded by Mr. Pitcairn, for his kindness in visiting the town on this occasion, to which Mr. Hartley replied; and with a vote of thanks to the Chairman, the meeting was closed with the Doxology and prayer, by the Rev. J. Cox.

The visit of Mr. Hartley, it is anticipated, will have an important influence on the schools in the town generally, while it will tend to strengthen the hands of the friends of the Ipswich Union, and lead them to adopt further measures for the welfare and prosperity of the various Sunday schools.



Kindness hath a regal power

In this beauteous world of ours, When dark storms of sorrow lour,

Or in pleasure's brightest hours: Like fair spring, so bright and cheery, O'er the earth its verdure flings, Kindness to the lone and weary, Joy and gladness often brings.

As the genial summer shower

Irrigates the parched earth, Like the dew-drop in the flower, Kindness heightens modest worth: For our errors kindness ever,

Hath an antidote sublime; With harsh words the heart will never Melt until the end of time.

Kindness, beauty hath and splendour,
Like the gorgeous evening glow,
As the sun with glances tender,

Smiles on all the world below; Kindness like some heavenly spirit, Breathes gladness in the darkest hour; Like the luscious dew-drop's visit,

To the little drooping flower.

Let us not forget that kindness
Much of evil will remove,
Let us not with mental blindness,
With an angry word reprove;

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Eccles. xi. 6.

For we "know not which shall prosper,"
That planted here or there,
Or whether both may flourish,
Our anxious hearts to cheer.
Full oft we "go forth weeping," Ps. cxxvi. 6.
For the hardness of the soil,
And the "tares," which, ever springing,

Our earnest efforts foil; ་ Matt. xiii. 25. 26. And oft-times we grow weary

Of the "burden and the heat," Matt. xx. 12. And are fain to leave our labor,

And seek a cool retreat!

Then we think of our "Example," John xiii.15.
Whose heart so large and true,
Yearning to raise the "many,"

Could only reach the "few."
And we hear Him gently saying,
"Cease not to watch and pray,
And let your faith look onward

To a glorious harvest day:
E'en now the fields are whitening;
See how the tall corn waves!

Ye shall thrust in the sickle,'

Matt. vii. 14.

And gather many sheaves!" John iv. 35. 36. So we praise Him and take courage To begin our work anew, Resolving not to quit the field

While aught remains to do;
We wish for rest no longer,

Till our task is fairly done,
Nor seek a "gourd" to shelter
From the scorching noon-tide sun;
But we stand in closer union

The one beside the other,
Exhorting and encouraging
Each his faint-hearted brother.
Aye, as we labor, praying

For the refreshing rain, Which can impart vitality,

To the newly-planted grain!

Heb. x. 24.

Joel ii. 23.

1 Cor. iii. 7.

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