| Francis Grose, Samuel Pegge - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 262
...applied to their languages."— 2'fce Author. BARNES (Rev. William, of Came Rectory, Dorchester) A Philological Grammar, grounded upon English, and formed...Languages. Being an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. 8vo (pp. 322), cloth. 9s " Mr. Barnes'... | |
| Westmorland dialect - 1839 - عدد الصفحات: 432
...Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. Edited by Thomas Wright, MA. 8vo, cloth, «Js. A PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, grounded upon English, and formed from a comparison of more than Sixty Languages. Bcing an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of ah1 Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek.... | |
| Thomas Wright - 1842 - عدد الصفحات: 592
...By JRBABTLBTT. Thick 8vo,clotk. 12». PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, founded upon English, and framed from ,i comparison of more than Sixty Languages, being an Introduction to the Science of Grammar, and a help to Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. By the Eev. W. BABNES,... | |
| Joseph Hunter - 1845 - عدد الصفحات: 428
...formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; edited by W. NANSON LETTSOJC, Esq. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 6*. A PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, grounded upon English, and formed...Languages. Being an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. By the Rev. W. BAENES, BD, of St.... | |
| Thomas Wright - 1846 - عدد الصفحات: 554
...formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; edited by W. NANSON LBTTBOM, Esq. Fcp. STO, cloth. 6*. A PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, grounded upon English, and formed...Languages. Being an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. By the Rev. W. BARNES, BD, of St.... | |
| Edmund Gardiner Fishbourne - 1846 - عدد الصفحات: 186
...UnitedStates. By JRBAUTLETT. Thick 8vo,cWA. 12*. PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, founded upon English, and framed from a -*- comparison of more than Sixty Languages, being an Introduction to the Science of Grammar, and a help to Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. liy the Rev. W. BAENES,... | |
| Thomas Wright - 1846 - عدد الصفحات: 558
...UnitedStatcs. ByJ. R. BABTLEIT. Thick 8vo,c/oM. 12*. PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, founded upon English, and framed from a •*• comparison of more than Sixty Languages, being an Introduction to the Science of Grammar, and a help to Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. By the Eev. W. BABHKB,... | |
| John Yonge Akerman - 1846 - عدد الصفحات: 104
...UnitedStates. ByJ. R.BARTLETT. Thick 8\o,cloth. 12*. BHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, founded upon English, and framed from a comparison of more than Sixty Languages, being an Introduction to the Science of Grammar, and a help to Grammars of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek. By the Eev. W. BARNES,... | |
| 1867 - عدد الصفحات: 698
.... a GRAMMAR founded on Rask'si with Reading Lesson* in Verse and Prose, AC. 12mo, û*. cloth. R EV. W. BARNES'S PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, grounded upon English,...formed from a Comparison of more than Sixty Languages] beinjr an Introduction to the Science of Grammar of all Languages, especially English, Latin, and Greek.... | |
| Gonville and Caius College. Library, John James Smith - 1849 - عدد الصفحات: 368
...formerly Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; edited by W. NANSOK LBTTSOM, Esq. Fcp. 8vo, cloth. 6*. A PHILOLOGICAL GRAMMAR, grounded upon English, and formed -^*- from a comparison of more than Siity Languages. Being an Introduction to the Science of Grammars of all Languages, especially English,... | |
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