GRANT (James)-Original Hymns and Poems. 3d edit. 12mo. cloth, 2s. (Hamilton) ........ [981 GRANT (James)-The Captain of the Guard. 12mo. pp. 412, boards, 2s. (Routledge) [982 HAGGARD (Ella)-Myra; or, the Rose of the East: a Tale of the Afghan War. In Nine Cantos. New edit. crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. 227]...... [953 HALL (Captain Basil)-The Midshipman: being Autobiographical Sketches of his own Early Career, from Fragments of Voyages and Travels. 32mo. pp. 426, .... sewed, 3s.; cloth, 3s. 6d. (Bell) [vide Adv. 235] [984 HALL (Mrs. S. C.)-Can Wrong be Right? a Tale. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 600, cloth, 21s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 229]... [985 HOLMES (Sir W. K.)-Free Cotton, How and Where to Grow it. With Map of British Guiana. 8vo. sewed, ls. (Chapman & H.) [986 HOMER'S ILIAD. Literally translated into English Hexameters. 4to. (Oxford, Vincent) pp. 24, sewed, 1s. (Bell). [987 HOMER'S ILIAD. With English Notes, &c. By Rev. C. W. Trollope. 5th edit. Svo. cl. 15s. (Rivingtons) [988 HOPE (A. J. B. Beresford)-The Results of the American Disruption: the Substance of a Lecture delivered, by request, before the Maidstone Literary and Mechanics' Institution; in continuation of a Popular View of the American Civil War and England; the North and South. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, 6d. (Ridgway) [989 INCIDENTS in the LIFE of a SLAVE GIRL. Written by Herself. Edited by L. Maria Child. 12mo. pp. 196, cloth, 1s. (J. S. Hodson). .... ........ [991 JAMES' (John Angell) Works. Edited by his Son. Vol. 14, post 8vo. pp. 550, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Hamilton) [992 JOHNS (B. G.)-Elements of Geography, on a new plan, corrected to 1862. By James Hewitt. 18mo. cloth, 1s. (Darton's School Library) (Darton)..... [993 JOHNS (Rev. B. G.)-A Short and Simple History of England. 14th edit. pp. 136, cloth, 1s. (Darton) [994 JONES (Wm. Hanbury)-The Law of Uses. 8vo. cloth, 7s. (Stevens) [995 ........... KALISCH (M. M.)-A Hebrew Grammar; with Exercises. Part 1, The Outlines of the Language, with Exercises: being a Practical Introduction to the Study of Hebrew. 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 12s. 6d. (Longman) [996 KINGSLEY (Rev. Charles)-Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet: an Autobiography. New edit. with new Preface. Post 8vo. pp. 330, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Macmillan). [997 The new preface, in which the author explains the changes which have taken place in public affairs since the work was written, and the modifications he has therefore introduced, occupies 24, pages. ..... .... LENG'S ENVELOPE TRACTS. Take Heed How Ye Hear. 32mo. (Kingston-upon-Hull, Leng) packet, 1s. (Hamilton) [998 LENNOX (Lord William)-Recreations of a Sportsman. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 590, cloth, 21s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 231] [999 LITTLE HELPS for OUR LITTLE ONES. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 1s. (Darton)...... [1000 LOTH (J. T.)-10 Worth of French for One Shilling: an Indispensable Guide to Conversation. 12mo. pp. 60, sewed, 1s. (Marlborough) ..[1001 ........ LOW (Sampson)-The Charities of London in 1861. Comprising an Account of the Operations, Resources, and General Condition of the Charitable, Educational, and Religious Institutions of London. 12mo. pp. 340, boards, 3s. 6d.; cloth, 48. 6d. (Low) [vide Adv. 189] [1002 LUDLOW (J. M.)-A Sketch of the History of the United The views of the writers are strongly in favour of the MACAULAY (Lord)-The History of England, from the M'GHEE (Rev. Robert J.)-Expository Lectures on the Epistle to the Ephesians. 4th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1060, cloth, 15s. (Saunders & O.)...... ..[1005 MACKENZIE (F. W.)-The Pathology and Treatment of Phlegmasia Dolens, as deduced from Clinical and Physiological Researches; being the Lettsomian Lectures on Midwifery delivered before the Medical Society of London during the Session 1861-62. 8vo. pp. 150, cloth, 6s. (Churchill) .......[1006 MACLAREN (Rev. P.)-Guide to Prayer. 2d edit. enlarged, 18mo. (Brighton) pp. 50, sd. 6d. (Whittaker)[1007 MADGE WYLDE. The 'Young Man's Ward; or, Lights and Shadows of Orphan Life. By the Author of "Clifton." 12mo. pp. 126, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's Sixpenny Tales) (Beadle).. .... [1008 MALLET (John William)-Cotton: the Chemical, Geological, and Meteorological Conditions involved in its Successful Cultivation; with an Account of the Actual Conditions and Practice of Culture in the Southern or Cotton States of North America. Post 8vo. pp. 200, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Chapman & H.) .. [1009 The author's object, among others, is to indicate the requirements by which cotton-fields in such countries as India must be chosen. MARKHAM (Mrs.)-A History of England. New and revised edit. 12mo. pp. 590, cloth, 6s. (Murray) [vide Adv. 96].. [1010 MARRYAT (Captain)-Japhet in Search of a Father. New edit. 12mo. pp. 286, sewed, 1s. (Routledge) .... [1011 MAURICE (Frederick Denison)-Modern Philosophy; or, a Treatise on Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, from the 14th Century to the French Revolution, with a Glimpse into the 19th Century. Post 8vo. pp. 686, cloth. 10s. 6d. (Griffin). .... [1012 MEDHURST (W. H.)-Chinese Dialogues, Questions, and Familiar Sentences, literally rendered into English. New edit. Part 1, 8vo. sewed, 5s. (Trübner) .....1013 MENDELSSOHN (Felix)-Letters from Italy and Switzerland. By Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Translated from the German by Lady Wallace. Post 8vo. pp. 360, cloth, 98. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. 188] .......... [1014 MICHELL (N.)-Wreck of the Homeward Bound; or, the Boat of Mercy. 2d edit. 4to. sewed, 18. (Tegg) (1015 MONTGOMERY (James)-The Christian Psalmist. edit. 18mo. pp. 470, cloth, 2s. (Griffin) MOUNTAIN (Annie)-Old and New Sarum, Addison's Birthplace, and Stonehenge. Selected from Wiltshire Ballads. 12mo. (Salisbury, Brown) pp. 26, sewed. 6d. (Simpkin).... .[1017 10th ..[1916 MUIR (Francis)- Handbook to the Stamp Duties. Post 8vo. pp. 150, cloth, 5s. (Blackwood).... .[1018 MURRAY'S Handbook of Rome and its Environs. Forming Part 2 of the Handbook for Travellers in Central Italy. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 700, cloth, 9s. (Murray) [1019 NEUMAN and BARETTI'S Pocket Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. New edit. 18mo. bound. 6s. (Whittaker) ...[1020 NUGENT'S Pocket Dictionary of the French and English Languages. By J. C. Tarver. New edit. 18mo. bound, 48. 6d. (Longman)... O'BRIEN (Bp.)-An Attempt to Explain and Establish the Doctrine of Justification by Faith only: in Ten Sermons upon the Nature and the Effects of Faith, preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 605, cloth, 14s. (Macmillan).... .[1022 ........ [1021 O'KEEFFE (Adelaide)-Poems for Young Children. New edit. 18mo. cloth (Darton) .[1023 ORGANIZATION in DAILY LIFE: an Essay. By the Author of "Friends in Council." Post 8vo. pp. 134, cloth, 5s. (Parker). .[1024 An essuy on the capacities of governments, classes, and individuals for organization, and on the neces sity for order and method in political, social, and industrial affairs, by the author of Friends in Council. OXFORD (The) UNIVERSITY CALENDAR, 1862, corrected to December 31, 1861. 12mo. pp. 560, cloth, 6s. (J. H. Parker). ... [1025 PALMER (R.)-A Speech delivered in the House of Commons in the Debate on the North American Blockade, March 7th, by Sir Roundell Palmer. 8vo. pp. 29, sewed, 6d. (Ridgway).......... .......[1026 PAPERS for the SCHOOLMASTER. Vol. 11, 1861, 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, 3s. (Simpkin) ... [1027 PARKINSON (Joseph Charles)-Under Government: an Official Key to the Civil Service of the Crown. 3d edit. revised, 12mo. pp. 199, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Bell).. .. [1028 PARLEY (Peter)--Tales about the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Comets. 7th edit. entirely re-edited by W. S. Kenny. Square 16mo. pp. 312, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Tegg) ........ [1029 PASSAGES in the LIFE of a YOUNG HOUSEKEEPER, related by Herself; with Practical Hints for the Arrangement and Management of a Household, in Town or Country. Post 8vo. pp. 150, boards, 2s. 6d. (Hogg)[1030 PLAN (A) for the Complete and Final Settlement of the Question of the Sale and Transfer, Mortgage, and Registration of Land. By an Irish Landowner. 2d edit. 8vo. (Dublin, Robertson) pp. 96, sewed, 2s. (Simpkin) .. [1031 PULLING (Alexander)-A Summary of the Law and Practice relating to Attorneys. 3d edit. 8vo. cloth, 188. (Stevens) ..[1032 PUNCH. Vol. 14, reissue, boards, 5s. (Office)...... [1033 QUEEN ELIZABETH: a Dramatic Poem, in Five Acts. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Mozley) ....[1034 RAGONOT (L. C.)—A Symbolic French and English Vocabulary. 8th edit. 4to. pp. 80, cloth, 5s. (Lockwood) [1035 RAILWAY (The) TRAVELLER'S HANDY BOOK of Hints, Suggestions, and Advice; Before the Journey, On the Journey, and After the Journey. 12mo. pp. 156, boards, 1s. 6d. (Lockwood).... ......... [1036 RAMSAY (E. B.)-The Christian Life, in its Origin, Progress, and Perfection. Post 8vo. pp. 423, cloth, 9s. (Blackwood) [1037 "RECOMMENDED to MERCY": a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 650, cloth, 31s. 6d. (Saunders & O.)........ [1038 REED (Henry)-Introduction to English Literature, from Chaucer to Tennyson. New edit. 12mo. pp. 366, cloth, 3s. 6d. (J. F. Shaw) ...[1039 SCRIPTURE LESSONS for the UNLEARNED. By the Author of "Ploughing and Sowing." 2d edit. 12mo. cloth, 9d. (Mozley) ....... [1043 SEVEY (Louis)-The Dark Cloud; or, Priestly Influence in Ireland in the Present Day: a Tale. 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 5s. (Saunders & O.) ...... [1044 SHELFORD (Leonard)-The Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency; comprising the Statutes now in force on those subjects, with General Orders, Forms, &c. 3d edit. 8vo. cloth, 40s. (Maxwell)............ . [1045 SHUTTLEWORTH (Sir James Kay)-Four Periods of Public Education, as reviewed in 1832, 1839, 1846, 1862. Svo. pp. 640, cloth, 14s. (Longman) [vide Adv. 188] [ 1046 SINNETT (A. Percy)-Patent Rights; an Inquiry into their Nature. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, 1s. (Ridgway) ..[1047 SMEDLEY (F. E.)-Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All that Came of it. New edit. post 8vo. pp. 470, boards, 2s. 6d. (Virtue) ...... [1048 SMILES (The) and FROWNS of FORTUNE. By Clarisse. Post 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 5s. (J. Blackwood). .... [1019 A story chiefly designed to show the evils of intem↳ perance. ............... SOMERTON (Alice)-The Torn Bible. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 156, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Seeley) [vide Adv. 211]............................ [1050 SPEECH of the Right Hon. Robert Lowe, M.P., on the Revised Code of the Regulations of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education, in the House of Commons. Svo. pp. 91, sewed, 1s. (Ridgway) SPITTA (C. J.)-Lyra Domestica: Christian Songs for Domestic Edification. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 156, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Longman)......... ...[1052 STAMP (George)-An Index to the Statute Law of England. 3d edit. brought down to the close of the Session 24 & 25 Vic. 1861. By James Edward Davis. Post 8vo. cloth, 188. (Sweet).... [1053 STEPS TOWARD HEAVEN: a Series of Twelve Entertaining Tracts. 12mo. packet, 1s. (Hodson) ...... [1054 STEWART (Dugald)-Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. New edit. by Rev. G. N. Wright. 8vo. cloth, 7s. (Tegg). .. [1055 THOMSON (Robert Dundas)-School Chemistry; or, Practical Rudiments of the Science. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 280, cloth, 6s. 6d. (Longman)...... . [1059 A large portion rewritten for this edition. TRENCH (Mrs. Richard)-Remains of the late Mrs. Richard Trench: being Selections from her Journals, Letters, and other Papers. Edited by her Son, the Dean of Westminster. 8vo. pp. 530, cloth, 15s. (Parker & S.)..... ... [1060 VOLTAIRE'S History of Charles XII.. King of Sweden. By Smollett. New edit. 32mo. pp. 310, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Allman) ..... [1061 VON SCHMIDT (Christopher)-The Basket of Flowers, and other Tales. Translated from the German. 12mo. (Halifax, Milner) pp. 370, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Simpkin).. [1062 WELLINGTON (Duke of)-Life of Arthur First Duke of Wellington, partly from the French of M. Brialmont, partly from Original Documents. By Rev. G. R. Gleig. 8vo. pp. 710, cloth, 15s. (Longman) [vide Adv. 188] [1063 A cheaper and condensed edition of the author's work on the same subject already published. With portrait and maps. WELLINGTON (Duke of)-Life of. By W. H. Maxwell. 6th edit. 3 vols. Vol. 2, pp. 520, 8vo. cloth, 9s. (Bohn's English Gentleman's Library) (H. G. Bohn) [vide Adv. 217]..... .... [1064 WESLEY (Samuel, Jun.)-Poems on several Occasions. New edit. including many pieces never before published. Edited and illustrated, with copious notes, by the late James Nichols. 18mo. pp. 660, cloth, 5s. (Simpkin) [1065 WHITE (Henry)-History of Great Britain and Ireland. 15th edit. revised and continued to 1862. 12mo. 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Military Libraries, Reading-Rooms, &c.-Report of Ordnance Survey-Reports on Progress of, to 31st Queensland-Papers relating to the Affairs of Salmon Fisheries, England and Wales-1st Annual Statistical Tables relating to Colonial and other Pos- ... Advertisements of New Books. 6d. 25. 2s. 7d. 4d. 58. ફă. 18. 1s. 3d. 2d. 24d MESSRS. SEELEY, JACKSON, & HALLIDAY ARE NOW PUBLISHING THE I HE STRENGTH of JUDAH and the VENGEANCE of ASHUR. A Tale of the Times of Isaiah. By CHARLES STOKES CAREY. With Frontispiece. In small 8vo. cloth, price 5s. II THE ADOPTED CHILD: a Story illustrative of the Spirit of Adoption. By the Author of "Katherine Douglas." With Frontispiece. In small 8vo. cloth, price 3s. 6d. ARGARET WARNER; or, the Young Wife at the Farm. By the Author of "Nursery Influence." With Frontispiece. In small 8vo. cloth, price 3s. 6d. BROAD SHADOWS on LIFE'S PATHWAY. By the Author of “Doing and Suffering." With a New Frontispicce. Small 8vo. cloth, price 5s. V THE FIFTEENTH THOUSAND. 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Conducted by JAMES SAMUELSON. Containing, besides other interesting matter The Phosphorescence of the Sea. With a Plate. By A. De Quatrefages. Translated by the Editor. The Sun and Solar Phenomena. With a coloured Plate. By James Breen, F.R.A.S. Light and Colour. With a coloured Plate. By Robert Hunt, F.R.S. The International Exhibition Buildings. With Plate. By W. Fairbairn, C.E., D.C.L., President of British Association. The Application of Science to Electro-Plating. By George Gore. Artificial Precious Stones. By W. S. Howgrave. The White Clover. With Two Plates by Tuffen West. By Mrs. Lankester. The Human Heart. By Isaac Ashe, B.A., T.C.D. Miscellanea. Reviews. Quarterly Retrospect of every Department of Science. Robert Hardwicke, 192 Piccadilly. (216) Bohn's English Gentleman's Library for April. 2. Proceedings of Societies. - University MAXWELL'S LIFE of the DUKE of Intelligence.-4. The Revised Code. Educational Intelligence.-6. National Education in Scotland.-7. Appointments. 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