صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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HE first edition of this COLLECTION was'

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THE publifhed Anno 1725; to which there is prefixed an Advertisement, giving the reasons why it was then publifhed, which Advertisement, we have thought fit here to omit: and the reafon given for publishing this new Edition is, That the former editions are fold off, and there feems now to be a demand for more; befides, we can never think it unfeafonable to publifh fuch a COLLECTION, when the doctrinal part, and even those relating to government and difcipline, are thereby brought to your eye with their proofs from the fcripture.

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In this, as in the former editions, you have fuch a Collection of our public ftandards and acts, from the time that the light and power of the gofpel recovered us from Popery, till the year of our Lord 1650, as may fully hold forth the bleffed reformation in doctrine, worship, difcipline and government, to which by the good and fpecial hand of our Lord, the church of Scotland attained.

Tho' we don't here leave out any part of the former Collection, yet, in order to oblige the fubfcribers, and render the book yet ftill more ufeful we have added the FORM OF PROCESS, ufed in the judicatories of the church of Scotland; likewife, A 2


fubjoined feveral ACTS and OVERTURES of the general affemblies thereanent; with other things of a public and interefting nature. Hoping this Edition will give a general fatisfaction, to all the members of the church of Scotland, especially, thofe who want to be informed, and retain the knowlege of their own principles.

You'll alfo please be informed, that as the fcriptures at large were left out of the former impreffi ons, fo they are likewife left out of this, and for the very fame reafon, viz. Because the CONFESSION and CATECHISMS are frequently fo printed, and many have them already; and to have put them in, would have (welled the book too much in bulk and price for poor people. But whoever wants the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION and CA TECHISMS with the fcriptures at large, may be furnished with them by the printer of this book. And now, wifhing your edification in the peru fal and ftudy of this COLLECTION he refts

Your Friend,


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