صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The BOOK of


And Adminiftration of the



Rites and Ceremonies of the Church,

According to the Ufe of

The Church of England:

Together with the



Pointed as they are to be fung or faid in Churches.



Printed by MARK BASKETT, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Majesty;
and by the Affigns of ROBERT BASKETT.


An At for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Service in the Church, and Admiand Service


niftration of the Sacraments.


HERE at the death of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, there remained one unirm Order of Common Service and Prayer, 1 of the Adm niåration of Sacraments, Rites, wrd Ceremonies In the Church of England, which was set forth in one Book, Intitured, The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of 38. craments, and other Rite and Ceremonies in the Crunch of England, Authorized by Act of Parliament, hold:n in the fifth and six hyears of our faid late Swereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, Intituled, An Att for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Aiministration of the Satraments; The which was repealed, and taken away by Act of Parliament, in the first Year of the Regn or our late Sovereign Lady Queen Mary, to the great decay of the due hour of G.d, and ci.comfort to the Protellers of the Truth of Chrifts Religion:

Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority of this Prefent Parliament, That the faid Statute of Repeal, and every thing therein contained, on's concerning the fad Book, and the Service, Admini@ration of Scrarents, Rites and Ceremontes contavced or appointed in or by the fald Book, thall be void and of none effct, froth and after the Feast of the Nativity of S. John Biprit next coming: and, That the faid Book, with the Order of Service, and of the Aum o fration of Sacraments, Rites and Ceremont's, with the alterat on, and additions therein acded and appointed by this Statute, that Band, and be, from and after the fald Feaft of the Nativity of S. John Baptift, in full force and t, scererg to the tenor and effect of this Statute: Any thing in the frefata Statute of Repent to the contrary twithfandieg

And further be it Enact d by the Queen'. Highoefs, with the Affent of the Lords and Commons in this pelent Parliament afferabled, and by Authority of the fame, That all and fingular Minifters in ary Cathedral, or Parith-Church, or other place within this Realm of England, Water, and the Marches of the fame, or other the Queens Dominions, thall, fron and after the Fraft of the Nativity of S. John Bap if next coming, be bounden to lay and ufe the Matteas. Erenicag. Celebration of the Lord's Supper, and Admi itraon of each of the Sicraments, and all the'r Common ard Open Prayer, in fuch order and form as is mentioned in the faid Book, fo Authorized by Parliament in the faid fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of King Edward the Sixth; with one alteration, or addition of certain Leffung to be u'ed on every Sunday in the Year and the Forin of the Litany altered and corrected, and two sentences only added in the delivery of the Sacrament to the Cornmunicants, and none other, or otherwife: And, That if any mancer of Parlon, Vicar, or other whatfoever Minifter, that ought or thould fing or fay Common Prayer mentioned in the faid Book, or minifter the Sacraments, from and after the Feaft of the Nativity of S. John Baptif next coming, refufe to use the fatd Common Prayere, or to minifter the Sacraments in fuch Cathedral, or Parish Church, or other places, as he should ufe to minifter the fame, in fuch order and form, as they be mentioned, and fet furth in the fald Book; or thall wilfully, or obtinately ftanding in the fame, ufe any other Rite, Ceremony, Order, Form, Manner of celebrating of the Lord's Supper openly, or privily, or Mattens, Evenfeng, or Adminiftration of the Sacraments, or other Open Prayers. than is mentioned and fet forth in the fad Book; [Open Prayer in and throughout this A&, is meant that Prayer which is for others to come unto or bear, etter in Common Churches, or Private Chapels, or Oratories commonly called the Sor. vice of the Church] or haul preach, deciare, or peak any thing in the derogation, or de praving of the faid Bock, or any thing therein contained, or of any part thereof, and fhall be thereof lawfully conv Ated, according to the laws of this Realm, by verdict of twelve men, or by his own confeffion, or by the notorious evicence of the Fatt; he fhall lofe and forfeit to the Queen's High efs, Her Heirs and Succeffors, for his first Offence, the profit of all his Spiritul Bereficer, or Promotions, coming or arifing in one while Year next after b's Conviction: and also that the Perfon fo convicted fh: for the fame Offence fufter imprisonment by the space of fix M nthe, without Bait or Mainprife: And if any fuch Perfon, once convit of any Offerce concerning the Premies, fhall after his firft conviction eftforns offend, and be thereof in form af refaid fawfully convict; That then the fame Perfon hall for his fecond Offence (uffer Imprisonment by the fpace of one whole Year, and alfo fhall therefore be deprived info fatto of all his Spiritual Promotiens; and, That it thall be law. ful to all Patrone, or Donors of all and fingular the fame Spiritual Promotion, or of any of them, to prefent or collate to the fame, as though the Perion or Perfons to offending were dead end. That if any fuch Perton or Perfons, after he fhall be twice convicted in form aforefald, fhall offend against any of the Premifles the third time, and thall be thereof in form aforefa'd lawfully convicted; That then the Perfon fo offending, and convict a the third time, fhall be deprived info fallo of all h's Spiritual Promotiort, and alfo thall fuffer Imprisonment during his life: And if the Perfon that thall offend, and be convicted in form aforefa d, corcerring any of the Premiffes, all not be beneficed, nor have any Spiritual Promotion; That then the fame Perfon to offending, and convict, thall for the brit Offense fuffer Imprisonment during one whole Year next after his fa'd Conviction, without Bail or Maisprite: And if any fuch Perton not having any Spiritual Promotion, after his first Conviction, hall eftio ns offend in any thing concerting the Premifles, and fall in form atarelaid be thereof Iswfully Conv ted; That then the fame Perfon fhall for his fecond Offence fuffer Imprisonment during h's Life.

And it is 0.Gained and Enacted by the Authority aforefald, That if any Perfon or Perfong whatsoever, after the faid Feaft of the Nativity of S. John Baptift next coming, Cabin hy Interludes, Plays, Songs, Rimes, or by other open Words declare, or peak any thing In the derogation, depraving, or d fofing of the fame Book, cr of any thing therein con tained, or any part thereof, or shall by open fact, deed, or by open threatenings compel, or cufe, or otherwife procure, or maintain any Parfon, Vicar, or other M niter in any Cathedral, or Parish-Church, or in Chapel, cr in any other place, to fing, or say any Com mon, or Opea Prayer, or to minifter any Sacrament otherwile, or in any other manner and form than is mentioned in the fad Book; or by any of the faid means thall unlawful17 loterrupt, or let any Parfon, Vicar, or other Mintfter in any Cathedral, or ParishChurch, Chapel, or any other place, to fing or fay Common and Open Prayer, or to min fter the Sa raments, or any of them, in fucb manner and form as is mentioned in the faid Bk; That then every fuch Perfon, being thereof lawfully convicted in form abovefaid, thall fortelt to the Queen our Sovereign Lady, Her Heirs and Succellars, for the first Offen e an bunared Marks: And if any Perfon or Perfons, being once convict of any fuch Offence, eftiooms offend again any of the last recited Offences, and fhall in form aforefaid be thereof lawfully convit; That then the fame Perfon fo offending, and convet, fhall for the fecond Offence forfeit to the Queen our Sovereign Lady, Her Heirs and Succellors, four hundred Marks: and if any Perfon, after he, in form aforefa'd, hali have been tw ce convict of any Offence concerning any of the last recited Offences, fall offend the third time, and be thereat in form abovefaid lawfully convit; That then every Perfon In attending and convict, fhall for his third Offence for feit to our Sovereign Lady the Queen all his Goods and Chat-els, and shall fuffer Imprisonment during his Life: And if any Per on or Perfins, that for his fia offence concerning the Premities, thall be conviét in form aforefaid, do not pay the Sum to be paid by virtue of his Conviction, in fuch manner and form, as the faine ought to be paid within Ex Weeks next after his Conviction; That

then every Perfen fo convict, and fo not paying the fame, shall for the fare firft Ofies inftead of the faid Sum, fuffer Imprifonment b the face of fix Monthe, with ut Baldor Mapelfe: And if any Perion or Pertons, that for his record efe ace concerning the Premiles that be conv et in fuam af refair, do not pay the laid um to be paid ng Virne of his Convictico, and this Enature, in fuch miner and form as the lane ought to be paid, within fix Weeks next after his laid fend. Conv&ior; That then every reafon in enveted, and not fo paying the fame, fall for the fame second offence. In the fead of the laid Sum, fuffer Imprisonment during twelve Minths without Byl or Mainprife and, That from and after the fate Fed of the Nativity of S. Jern Boet text cording, allerd every Perion and Perfons ichab tena within this Realm, or any other the Queru', Maj fly's Dominion, f. diligently and faithruly, raz oz no law'ul or reafinable exufe to be abient, endeavour themselves to refort to their Parish Church, or Chipei accoftumed, o☛ u on raiona le Let thereof. to fome ufual place, where Carathon Prayer, and itch serves of God fall be u'ed n fuch time of Let, woon every Sunday and other days oro«ired >nd used to be kept as H ly days, and then and there to an de orderly and foberly curmạ the time of the Common Player, Preachinge, or other Se 1e of God there to be used, an₫ min fered, upon pain of Punishment by the Cenfures of the Crurch; and alto pon pain, that every Pertin to cffending that forfeit for every fuch Offence twelve Pesce, to be levi d by the Church wardens of the Parith where such offence fhall be done, to the ute of the Poor of the fame Parish of the Goods, Lanut and Tenements of fuch Offender, by way O citress.

And for due execution hereof, the Queen's moa excellent Maj Ay, the Lords Tempo ral, and all the Commons in th's prefent Parlament aflembla, di in Gee's perne earnestly require and charge all the Arcrb shops. Bishops, and other Ordinaries, that they Bhall endeavour theantelves to the uitermoft of the knowledges, that the cue and true exeut o hereof may be had throughout their Diocefes and Charges, as they will antwer b fore God for fuch evils and plagues, wherewith Alinighty Gor may jufly pusith his people for nel ling this good and wholfrime law. And for their Authority in this behalf, se i further Enacted by the Authority atorefald, That a and gular the faid Archbishops, Bthep, and all other their officers, exercifing Ecclefin@ical jur:te et on, as well in placer exempt, as not exempt, within their Dicct fer, all have ru Power and Authority by this Aft, to reform, corrent, and puth by Cenfures of the Church, all, and fingular Prions which that offerd within any of thetr Juritdiftions, or Diocefes, after the fald Feaf of the Nativity of S. John Buplift next coming, again this Act and Statute: Any other Law, Statute, Priviledge, Liberty, or Provifion heretofore made, had or suffed to the contrary notwithstanding

And it is Ordained and Erafted by the Authority aforefald, That all and every Juftice of Over ard Determiner, or Juftices of Affize shall have full Power and Authority in every of their open and general Seffious, to enquire, hear, and determine all, and at manner of Offences that thall be committed, or done contrary to any Article contained in this prefent Act, within the limits of the Commiffion to them diried, and to make procels for the execution of the fame, as they may do agaloft any Perion being indicted before them of Trefpaís, or lawfully convicted thereof.

Provided always, and be it Enected by the Authority afcrefald, That all and every Archbishop and Bhop fhall and may at all time and tires at his liberty and pleafure, join and affocate himfelf by virtue of this Act to the fad Juices of Oyer and Determ ner, or to the fa'd Juftices of Affize, at every of the faid open and general Sefings to be huiden in any place within his Dioce'e, for and to the inquiry, bear ng, and determining of the Offences aforeta 1.

Provided alfo, and be it Enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Books concerning the faid Services fhall at the Cofs and Charges of the Parishioners of every Prith, end Cathedral Church, be attained, and gotten before the laid Feast of the Nativity of S. Joen Baptift next following; and that all fuch Parishes and Cathedral Churches, or other places, where the faid Books all be attained and gotten before the faid Feaft of the Nativity of S. John Bipi A, fhall within three Weeks next after the fald Books to attained and gotter, use the fard Service, and put the fame in ufe according to this Act.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority a'crefid, That no Perfon or Perfors fraŭ be at any time hereafter impeached, or other wife molefted of, or for any the Offences above rent oned, hereafter to be committed, or done contrary to this Act, unless he or they fo offending be thereof indicted at the next general Seffions to be holden before any fuch Juices of Oyer and Determiner, or Juft ces of Affize, next after any offence committed or dons contrary to the tenor of this Ad.

Provided always, and be it Ordained and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and fingular Lords of the Parliament, for the third Offence abve mentioned, fhall be trted by their Pers.

Provided alto, and be it Ordained and Eracted by the Authority aforefald, That the Mayor of London, and all other Mayors. Bail th, and other Head Officers of an and Brgular Cities, Boroughs, and Towns-Corporate, within this Realm, Wales, and the Marches of the fume, to the which Juttices of t.za to not commonly repair, shall have ful Power and Authority by virtue of inis Act, to enquire, hear, and determine the Offences abovefaic, and every of them yearly, within fifteen Divs after the Feats of Eafter, and S Michael the Archangel, in i ke manner and forin as juftices of Affize, and Oyer and D.

term or may do.

Provided always, and be it Ordained and Eracted by the Authority afcrefid. That all and fingular Aruhishops, and B hope, and every of their Chance bors, Commiliaries, Archdeacons, and other Creinaries, having any peculiar Ecclesia? cal Jurifdiétio, Poli have full power and Authority by v rue of this Act, as well to engere in their Vifitation, Synode, and elsewhere within their Juridiction, at any other time and place, to take Ac culations and Informatioes ct all, and every the things above mentore, done, commits ted. or perpetrated, with n the limits of their Jurite atoms and Authority, 29 to puwith the taine by Acmonition, Excon musication, Seque aration, or Deprivation, and other Cenfures, and Prozettes in like rorm, as heretofore hath been used in like Csks by the Qizen's Ecclefiaftical Law.

Prev ded always, and be it Enacted, That whatsoever Perfon offending in the Premier ali, for the Off nice, firft receive Ponishtuent of the ordinary, having a 73 menial thereof, uncer the fad Ordinary's Seal, thall not for the fame office eftions be coov ched before the Jutticer, and likewile receiving, for the laid Ofence. Punishment hit by the Judices, he thali not for the fame Orfeace eticons receive Punishment of the Ordinary: An thing contained in this Act to the cotrary notwithtarding.

Praised always, and be it Enatred, That fuch O rarments of the Church, and of the Mi nitters thereof that be retained, and be in ute, as were in th's Church of England by the Authority of Parlament in the fecond Year of the Reign of King Edward the Sith, unc other Order fhall be therein taken by the Authority of the Queen's Majesty, with the Advice of Her Commonere, appointed and Authorized under the Great Seal of England Caufes Ecclefiaftical, or of the Metropolitan of this Realm: And alfo, That if there tha happen any Contempt, or Irreverence to be used in the Ceremonies or Rites of the Church, by the mifching of the orders appointed in this Book; the Queen's Malety may hy the like advice of the fsid Comm diners, or Metropolitan, ordain and publish foca further Ceremonies, or Rites, as may be ruft for the advancement of G: d'a Gry, the cuifying of his Church, and the due reverence of Chrit's holy Myfteries and Sacraments.

And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Laws, Statuter, and Ordinances, wherein, or whereby any other Service, Adminiftrat on of Sacraments, or Commos Prayer is limited, eftabilined, or fet forth to he used within this Realm, or any other the Qu'en's Dominions, or Couatrics, that from henceforth be witerly rot, and of nome excl.

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