Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels, Collected Out of the Works of the Fathers, Volume IV Part 1 Gospel of St. JohnCosimo, Inc., 01/01/2013 - 380 من الصفحات |
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Abraham adds ALCUIN Apostle Arian Art thou baptism baptized BEDE beginning begotten believeth birth blind body born bread called Capernaum carnal Christ CHRYS circumcision cometh darkness death devil disciples divine doctrine doeth doth eternal Evangelist eyes faith feast flesh follows Galilee give given glory grace GREG healed hear heard heaven HILARY Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour human Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus saith unto Jews Joan John Judæa judge knew light live Lord's Manichæans meaning miracles Moses nature Only-Begotten Orig ORIGEN Passover Pharisees Prophets received resurrection sabbath salvation Samaria Samaritans say unto Scriptures servant sheep Shepherd shew sinner sins Son of God soul speak spoke teach temple testimony thee Theoph THEOPHYL things Thou art Tr.xxvi Tract Trin true truth understand verily voice Vulg whence whereas Wherefore wished woman Word worship ye believe