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النشر الإلكتروني
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Academies, their value; inquiry whether a moderate number, well
endowed, is not preferable, ii. 301.

Actions moral, essential difference in, ii. 324, 402. In general readily
perceived, 325.

Agency free, not difficult, in most cases, to conceive how divine in-
fluence may comport with it, i. 154, etc.

Aior, aiovios, their import, ii. 87, etc.

Amusements, how far justifiable in students, ii. 378.


Antoninus Marcus, his opinions on a divine Providence, i. 148.
Atonement, doctrine of, i. 449. Nothing more common under the
divine government than for one person to be the medium of bene-
fits to another, 450. Men in this world often reduce themselves
to a state from which repentance and reformation can afford no re-
lief; if by transgression men are placed in a condition from which
even repentance can afford no relief, it would be analogous to a
common occurrence, 451. Main point to be established, that
there were serious obstacles to the pardoning of sin merely on re-
pentance, 452. God maintains a government sustained by rewards
and punishments, 453. Consequences of allowing penitence in a
criminal to atone for his crimes, ib. Penitence cannot atone, 454.
Some reasons which rendered an atonement necessary may be
discerned It is important to the universe that the character of
God as hating sin should be known, 455. Were offenders made
happy on repentance, the obedient and disobedient would be treat-
ed alike, 458. The divine law requires unfailing moral rectitude.
Conformity therefore to this law cannot atone for offences, 459.
If grace is exercised, it must be so as to show the divine hatred of
sin, 466.
Jesus Christ has died and endured suffering of which
no account can be given on ordinary principles, 461. The Scrip-
tures represent these sufferings as answering most important pur-
poses in the economy of redemption, 463 et seq. Objection, a.
The death of Christ is called a sacrifice for sin in accommodation
to the prejudices of men, 466. b. It is so called in allusion to Jew-
ish sacrifices, 467. c. Other things are also called figuratively
sacrifices-Colossians 1: 24, considered, ib. d. We are saved by
the death of Christ, because he died in fulfilling his ministry. e.
Because he died to confirm his doctrine, 468. f. If Christ, then,
innocent, died to procure pardon for sinners, it manifests indiffer-



ence to right and wrong, 470; or varying the objection, every ac-
countable creature should be treated according to his deserts, 473.
g. The doctrine is inconsistent with our best ideas of God's mercy,
474. h. The doctrine would have been revealed in the Jewish
Scriptures, 475. i. Less said of it in the gospels than we should
expect, 476.-Character of Him who made atonement, 478.
Attention, power of. The difference in the success of those who en-
gage in the pursuit of knowledge, to be ascribed to the different
degree in which they possess it, ii. 463. Not the gift of nature,
464. Consequences of neglecting to form habits of, ib. How
they may be formed, and value of certain studies with reference to
this object, 464. Importance of industry to this end, 466.


Baptized children sustain a peculiar relation to the church, ii. 316.
Buchanan, Dr. testimony to the condition of the Jews in the East,
i. 344.


Character, harmony of, ii. 432.


How best promoted, 433.
the design of our existence can be as well answered by devoting
the mind to one object, as by dividing it among many, 435. Re-
gard to proprieties of time and place essential to it, 436. Cannot
be perfect without fixed moral principle, 437.

Christ. His character, i. 478. His sufferings the ground of justifica-
tion, ii. 26. See atonement-see Reign, etc. Resurrection of, i.
296. See below.

Christianity, Evidences of, i. 274 et seq. Testimony from pagan
writers to its origin, 275. Obstacles it met with from Jews, 276—
from gentiles, 280.-Direct argument for it. a. Jesus and his
apostles professed to give the evidence of miracles in proof of their
religion, 289. b. All who received this religion must have believ-
ed that the miracles asserted were, in fact, wrought, 290. c. The
miracles thus pretended to and thus believed were in fact wrought,
291. On this point particular miracles noticed and examined, 293.
Among others Christ's resurrection, 296. A more particular con-
sideration of it, 299. See infra, "Christ's Resurrection." The pre-
ceding reasoning strengthened by considering, a. What must have
been the character of Christ and his disciples, if his claims were
not well founded, 312, and b. Whether the accounts of them given
by the evangelists corresponded with such a character, (i. e. of
fraudulent men.) The condition of the apostles, on supposition
they testified falsely, 316. Conclusion; the disciples could neither
have deceived others, nor had any inducements to attempt it, 319.
Internal evidence of, briefly stated, ib. et seq. Evidences of, from

prophecy, 325.-Objections against, considered. General remarks,
showing that difficulties night have been expected before hand,
359. a. Its want of clearness, 361. b. Why was it not introduc-
ed earlier, and why is it not now enjoyed by the whole world?
365. c. It has given rise not only to theological disputes, but to
wars and persecutions, all which God must have foreseen, 367. d.
It renders its votaries gloomy, 369.—Superior obligations imposed
by it when compared with Judaism, ii. 253. A wonderful religion,
255. The attempt to prove it not true a daring enterprise, 258.
Importance of the public preaching of it in a national view, and
the protection of it by public enactments urged, 303. Means of
perpetuating it, 309. Such perpetuity promised, 310. But on
certain conditions, 311. a. That we feel the power of it ourselves,
312. b. That children be taught the Holy Scriptures, 313.
That family prayers be maintained and have distinct reference to
children, 315. d. That we show our regard for it by a readiness
to make sacrifices in its support and extension, 317. e. That we
favor the diffusion of knowledge, 320.—Truth of, proved from its
effects, 336. Change effected by it in religious sentiment, 337.
In national customs, 339. In public morals, 340. Its effects in
converting numbers from open vice or religious insensibility, 341.
Importance of this source of proof, 345. The claims of, 399.
Nothing gained by neglecting its evidences, 404.
Classical studies, their value, ii. 392.


Colleges, munificence of Massachusetts to them commended, ii. 302.
Government of them, its object, 388. Importance of a uniform
execution of their laws, ib. Of attention to the morals of their
members, 389. Responsibility of instructors in this respect, 390.
Connexion between good government and good morals, ib. Their
claims on those who have received their advantages, 476.
College life, its dangers, ii. 362. From the opinion that the standard
of morals to students is not the same as to others, ib.
From want
of independence, 364. From the use of profane language, 367.
From dissipation, 369. Means of security, a habit of acting from
principle, 369. What is implied in this, 370.
Communion, with God, effects of it on christian character, ii. 133.-
Of saints. Secret and family devotion fitted to prepare us for it, 134.
Tendency of it to diminish fear of death, 135. Seasons of such
communion often attended with comfort and joy, 136. Caution
in speaking of them enjoined, 137.

Conscience, its nature and power, ii. 323 seq. Acknowledged difference
between human actious stated, 324. This difference in general rea-
dily perceived, 325. No man sins through unavoidable ignorance,
326. This moral discernment followed by approval or disappro-
val, and attended, in our case, with pleasure or pain, 326. Instan-
ces of its power, 327 et seq. Conscience and reason will never
die, 333. Hereafter it cannot be silenced, 335.

Controversy, theological, temper with which it should be conduct-
ed, ii. 270.

Conversion, equal degrees of light and influence not necessary to ef-
fect the conversion of all sinners, ii. 41. See Regeneration.
Cudworth, Dr. his opinion that notwithstanding the number of pagan
gods, the unity of God was still maintained, examined, i. 180 et seq.


Decision of character, urbanity consistent with it, ii. 468.
Demoniacs of the New Testament, two opinions on the subject, ii. 94.
The existence of evil spirits not inconsistent with reason, 95.
Credible that they are injurious to other beings, 96. Representa-
tions of Scripture on this point, the existence and agency of Satan
argued, 97. His influence exerted both upon the minds and bodies
of men, 98. Objection. Satan is never said to have been ejected
from the possessed, or devils, but daiuoves, or dauóvia. Import of
these words, 99 et seq. Inference, that the demons mentioned are
the "angels" of Satan, 100. Opinion of Mr. Farmer examined, ib.
His main argument against possessions, and the reply, briefly stat-
ed, 103. Objection, that evil spirits seem never to have had such
power at any other period or place, considered, 106. Reasons for
believing that demoniacal possessions were not confined to the time
of our Saviour, 108.-Objection considered, founded on 1 Cor. 8:
110. Another, drawn from the case of the damsel at Philippi,
possessed of a spirit of divination, ib. Others noticed,—that the
belief concerning demoniacs produces endlesss superstitions, 112.
That the doctrine is inconsistent with the proof of revelation from
miracles, 114. Passages which relate to demoniacal possessions,
examined to show that more is meant by possessions, than bodily
distempers-case of the demons which entered into the swine, 118.
Argument, that our Saviour on this subject used language in a
popular sense, answered, 119. Statement that Christ and his apos-
tles received no commission to instruct men in the nature of dis-

eases, and reply, 121. Other passages in proof of the common
opinion, 122. Argument that the doctrine has an ill influence on
the success of Christianity, examined, 123.

Dependence of man on God for moral goodness, ii. 158.
Depravity human, just views on this subject important, i. 392. Source
of inadequate notions respecting the extent of the demands of God,
393. The divine requirements could not be less than they are,
394. Is the divine law in its application general or particular?
395. Is no allowance to be made for creatures frail as we are, and
surrounded by temptations? 396. Negative qualities condemned
by the divine law, 397.-There prevails universally some degree
of departure from the divine law, 395. Is the quantity of human
guilt small? Our ingratitude a proof of corruption, 400. Our

want of love for God also a proof, 403. That mankind generally
are destitute of such love shown;-by the want of a devout spirit
among men, 404. By the reluctance manifested to contemplate
and converse on the character and requirements of God, 405. By
our disregard of his honors and felicity, 407. By the general as-
pect of things in a civilized and christian land, 408. Some re-
straints enumerated against which crimes are committed-of pa-
rents and guardians—of a civil nature, 410—of religion, 411. Ob-
jection, the inference from which precedes, though just as it re-
spects ourselves, is too severe in regard to others, 415. Reply, the
human character has appeared to equal disadvantage among bar-
barous and civilized nations; and facts stated, showing the fero-
cious depravity of uncultivated and even most refined pagan com-
munities, 416. It has been extremely vicious under various de-
grees of religious light, 418. It has an acknowledged tendency to
alter for the worse, 422. The moral character ascribed to pagan
deities indicates the moral feelings of mankind, 423. Even the
Jews forsook the true God and worshipped idols, ib. No commu-
nity have yet been discovered, who have learned the character of
God from his works and have been accustomed to worship him
aright, 424. Our opinion of mankind is less favorable in propor-
tion to our converse with the world, ib. Objection, though there
is much vice, there is also much virtue, 426. Objection derived
from the existence of social and domestic virtues, 427. Reasons
why such virtues are not of themselves moral qualities, 428. Evi-
dence of Scripture on this subject, 430. a. The object of our Sa-
viour's advent implies that the character of man is vitiated, ib.
Christ speaks of the world, as hostile to his religion, ib.
c. Satan
denominated the god of this world, 431. d. Gen. 8: 21. Eph. 2:
3 and Rom. 8: 5, 9, 14 examined, 432 et seq.-Inquiry into the ex-
tent of this depravity, 438 et seq. Objections considered, a. If
sinning is natural, man cannot be blame-worthy, 442. b. The
doctrine attributes moral evil to those who are incapable of moral
action, 442. Inquiry as to the connexion between the sin of our
first parents and the present moral character of their descendants,
considered, 444. The bodily appetites become more imperious in
consequence of the first transgression, 445. Influence of depravi-
ty upon the understanding, 447.


Divinity, profession of, value of it, and of the liberally educated mem-
bers of it, ii. 473. Necessity of extensive learning in them, 474.
Influence of it on the literary and moral state of the cominunity, ib.
Doctrines, not necessarily unimportant because not clearly revealed,
ii. 176-nor so, because grent and good men have differed in regard
to them, 177. Manner in which unwelcome doctrines should be
exhibited, 265. Temper with which they should be defended, 269.

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