صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني







First agreed upon by the ASSEMBLY of DIVINE'S at


And now appointed by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY
of the Kirk of SCOTLAND, to be a part of Uni
formity in Religion, between the Kinks of
Chrift in the three Kingdoms.

Together with the Directions of the GENE
RAL ASSEMBLY Concerning fecret and pri
vate Worship: And the Sum of Saving Know-
ledge, with the practical Uie thereof.

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Printed by ROBERT SANDERS, One of HER
MAJESTIES Printers 1711.

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he ACT of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, apparing

the CONFESSION or FAITH. Edinburgh, 27. August 1647. Ante Meridiem. Seff. XXIII.

Confeffion of Faith for the Kirk of God in the thres Kingdoms, being the chiefeft part of that Uniformity Religion which by the folemn League and Covenant we re bound to endeavour; And there being accordingly a onfeffion of Faith agreed upon by the Aembly of Divines tting at Westminster with the affitance of Commiffioners om the Kirk of Scotland; Which Confeffion was fent om our Commiffioners at London to the Commiffioners the Kirk met at Edinburgh in January last; and bath` ten in this Affembly twice publickly read over, examined, ad confidered; Copies thereof being also Printed that might be particularly perused by all the Members of bis Affembly, unto whom frequent intima ion was pub. ckly made, to put in their doubts and objections if they ad any; And the faid Confeffion being upon due examinaion thereof, found by the Affembly to be most agreeable to he Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received Doctrine, Worship, Difcipline, and Government of this Kirk; And lastly, it being fo neceffary and so much longed or, that the faid Confeffion be with all poffible diligence and xpedition approved and established in both Kingdoms, a principle part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and as a special means for the more effectual uppreffing of the many dangerous errours and herefies of these times. The General Affembly doth therefore af er mature deliberation agree unto and approve the faid Confefsion as t the Truth of the Matter (judging it to be meft Orthodox, and grounded upon the Word of God) and alfo as to the point of Uniformity; Agreeing for our part that it be a common Confession of Faith for the three Kingdoms. The Affembly doth also blefs the Lord, and thankfully acknowledge his great Mercy in that fo excellent a Confefsion of Faith is prepared, and thus far agreed upon in both Kingdoms, which we look upon aș a great ftrengthning of the true Reformed Religion a

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gain the common Enemies thereof; But left our intention and meaning be in fome particulars mifunder flood, It's here by exprefly Declared and provided, that the not mention ing in this Confession the feveral forts of Ecclefiaftical Officers and Affemblies, fhal be no prejudice to the truth of Chrift in thefe particulars to be expreßed fully in the Directo ry of Government. It is further declared, that the Affem bly under ftandeth fome parts of the fecond Article of the 3. Chapter only of Kirks not fettled or conftituted in point of Government; And that although in Juch Kirks, a Synod of Minifters and other fit perfons may be called by the Magi frates Authority and nomination, without any other call, to confult and advise with about matters of Religion. And altho' likewife the Minifters of Christ, withous delegation from their Churches, may of themselves, and by vertue of their Office, meet together Synodically, in fuch Kirks not yet Conftitused; yet neither of these ought to be done in Kirks Conftituted and fettled: It being always free to the Magiftrate to advise with Synods of Ministers and ruling Elders, meeting upon delegation from their Churches, either ordinarly or being indicted by his Authority occa fionlly and pro re nata; It being also free to Aßemble to gether Synodically, as well pro re nata, as at the ordinary times, upon delegation from the Churches by the intrinsi cal power received from Chrift, as often as it is necef fary for the good of the Church fo to Affemble in cafe the Magistrate, to the detriment of the Church, with hold or deny his confent, the necessity of occafional Aßem. blies being first remonstrated unto him by humble fup.. plication.




First agreed upon by the Affembly of DIVINES at WESTMINSTER;

And now appointed by the General Affembly of the Kirk of SCOTLAND, to be a part of Uniformity in Religions between the Kirks of Chrift in the three




Of the Holy Scripture.

Ltho' the Light of Nature, and the Works of Creation and Providence, do lo far manifeft the Goodness Wisdom, and Power of GOD, to leave men unexcufable 4, yet are they not fufficient to give that knowledge of GOD and of His Will, which is neceflary unto Salva; tion b: Therefore it pleased the Lord at fundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal Himself, and to declare that His Will unto His Church ¢, and afterwards for the better preferving and propagating of the Truth, and for the more lure eftabishment and comfort of the Church against the corruption of the Flesh,and the malice of Satan, and of the World, to commit the fame wholly unto writ ing d; which maketh the holy Scripture to be moft neceffa rye, these former ways of Gods revealing his Will unto his People, being now cealed f.

a Rom.2.14.15. and 1.19,20. Pfal.19.1,2,3. Rom. I. 32. with chap.2.1. b1 Cor.1.21. ¡I Cor.2.13,14. CHeb. 1.1. d Prov. 22 19,20,21. Luke 1.3,4. Romans 15.4. Matthew 4 4 7 10. Ifaiah 8.19,20.

2. Under the name of holy Scripture or the Word of God written, are now contained all the Books of the Old and New Teftament, which are thele


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