1 necessary. The earnest wish is entertained that the present volume may be a useful manual in the hands of parents, guardians, and others, for the instruction of youth in the principles of religion, and in the constitution of the Church. It has been the object of the Editor in the selections from Nelson, to condense the style and matter, without, however, omitting any thing that could be deemed immediately useful or important. He has added a few notes; and has occasionally introduced in the body of the work observations which he may perhaps claim as his own. His principal office, however, has been that of a Compiler. And if the book should prove a useful companion in the exalted exercises of the Christian life; if, while it serves to impress on the members of the Episcopal Communion the excellence of their truly Apostolic and Primitive Church, it should excite them to adorn their profession by corresponding fervour of piety and sanctity of manners; the Editor will be amply rewarded for the labour and attention which he has be stowed upon the work. New-York, 1804. 1 Devotions for the Festival of St. Philip and St. James Deyetions for the Festival of the Ascension Devotions for Whitsunday Devotions for Trinity Sunday Devotions for the Festival of St. Barnabas Devotions for the Festival of St. John the Baptist Devotions for St. Peter's Day Devotions for the Festival of St. James Devotions for the Festival of St. Bartholomew Devotions for the Festival of St. Michael and all Angels Devotions for the Festival of All Saints Devotions for the Ember Days Prayer to be used before Self-Examination Prayer for an effectual Belief of the Christian Religion Prayer for a right Observation of Holy Days Prayer for Fasting Prayer for the Divine Favour upon our Fasting |