AN ABRIDGMENT OF THE CONTROVERSY BETWEEN THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, AND THE New PSEUDO-PRIMITIVES. WHERE IN The chief Arguments on each Side are propos'd in fo BETWEEN NEOPHYTU s, an Effentialift Clergyman, AND IRENEUS, a Layman of the Church of England. The SECOND EDITION. With an APPENDIX, vindicating both the Abridgment, They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of LONDON: Printed for CHARLES RIVINGTON at the Bible and Crown in பாபே THE PREFACE: T HE NEW SEPARATION from our Church had never gain'd fo many Profelytes, if the Reasons on which it is grounded had been impartially compar'd with thofe folid Answers, which have been given to even every the leaft Shadow of an Argument, which the indefatigable Labour, and excellent Wit of its Defenders could invent. What has deterr'd feveral well-meaning Perfons from studying the Controverfy, as they ought, is partly its Bulk, partly its being above their Capacity: They A 2 have |