A SERMON, PREACHED AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF St. GEORGE, SOUTHWARK, BEFORE THE Loyal Southwark Volunteers, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1803, FOR A General Fast, WITH AN ADDRESS TO THE SAME LOYAL CORPS, Delivered at the Drum-Ilead, UPON THE CONSECRATION OF THEIR COLOURS, ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1803, BY The Rev. JONATHAN PAYNE, A. B. ALSO, A Copy of a Letter from the Rev. J. BRAND, Rector of the Parish of St. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY Mr. Matthews, 117, Strand; Williams, Stationer's-Court; Button, Pater 5 THE RIGHT HONOURABLE GEORGE TIERNEY, ESQ. M.P. TREASURER OF HIS MAJESTY'S Royal Navy, LIEUTENANT-COLONEL COMMANDANT; JOHN ROLLS, Esq. THE LIEUTENANT COLONEL; SAMUEL PRITCHARD, Esq. THE MAJOR; THE CAPTAINS, LIEUTENANTS, ENSIGNS & STAFF, Non-commissioned Officers and Privates, OF THE Loyal Southwark Volunteers. THE FOLLOWING SERMON AND ADRESS, Are with the greatest respect and deference, Dedicated, By their most obedient humble Servant, JONATHAN PAYNE, 51, Prospect-Place, St. George's Fields, October, 1803. ADVERTISEMENT. An unjust insinuation against the Au2 thor's loyalty, and an illiberal attack upon his Orthodoxy, first suggested the idea of commiting the following pages to public inspection, and public candour. They are respectfully Dedicated to the LOYAL SOUTHWARK VOLUNTEERS, as a testimony of his gratitude for the very flattering attention with which they honored the delivery, and for the unexpected and liberal acknowledgments, they have conferred upon him. |