THE DIVINE LEGATION O F MOSES DEMONSTRATED. IN NINE BOOKS. The FOURTH EDITION, Corrected and Enlarged BY WILLIAM, Lord Bishop of GLOUCESTER. VOL. V. LONDON, Printed for A. MILLAR, and J. and R. TONSON, CONTENT S OF THE FIFTH VOLUME. C BOOK VI. CONTAINS an Examination of all the Texts brought from the Old and New Testament to prove a future State of Rewards and Punishments did make part of the Mofaic Difpenfation. SECT. I. States the Queftion, -fhews the Adverfaries of this Work to have much mistaken it. And that the true state of the question alone is a fufficient answer to all objections, p. 1-10. SECT. II. Enters on an examination of the Texts brought from the Old Testament; •firft from the book of Јов —which is proved to be an allegoric Poem, written on the return from the Captivity, and reprefenting the Circumstances of the People of that time. -The famous words, I know that my Redeemer liveth, &c. fhewn to fignify, in their literal fenfe, the hopes of a temporal deliverance only, p. 10 126. SECT. III. Contains an examination of the rest of the Texts urged from the Old Testament, p. 126—161. |