The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated: In Nine Books, المجلد 5A. Millar, and J. and R. Tonson, 1765 |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
abfurd Abraham againſt allegory amongst ancient anfwer Apoſtle argument becauſe bleffing book of Job cafe Chap Chrift Chriftian circumftance Command confequence confidered Difpenfation difpute doctrine double fenfe Egypt Egyptian eſtabliſhed expreffion facred facrifice faid faith fame fays fecond fecondary fenfe feems feen ferve fhall fhew fhewn fhould fignify firft firſt fome fpeaking ftate of Rewards fubject fuch fuffer fuppofe fupport future ftate God's hath hiftory himſelf Idolatry Ifaac Ifrael inftance interpretation itſelf Jefus JESUS Jewish Jews Job's Judea laft likewife Lord miſtake Mofaic Mofes moft moral moſt muft needs muſt myfteries nature neceffary obfcure obferved occafion paffage Pagan perfon prefent promiſed Prophecy Prophets Propofition prove purpoſe queftion reafon Refurrection Religion reprefentation reprefented Revelation rewards and puniſhments Sadducees Sanballat Scripture ſenſe ſhall ſpeak ſtate Teftament thefe theſe words thing thofe thoſe thou tion truth underſtand underſtood unto uſe whofe Writer