صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Arranged from ROSSINI.



· MEN.

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THOU Grace Divine, encircling all,

A soundless, shoreless sea, Wherein at last our souls must fall

O Love of God most free! When over dizzy heights we go, One soft hand blinds our eyes, The other leads us, safe and slow,

O Love of God most wise!

And though we turn us from thy face,
And wander wide and long,
Thou hold'st us still in thine embrace,
O Love of God most strong!
The saddened heart, the restless soul,
The toil-worn frame and mind,
Alike confess thy sweet control,

O Love of God most kind!

But not alone thy care we claim,
Our wayward steps to win;
We know thee by a dearer name,

O Love of God within!

And, filled and quickened by thy breath,
Our souls are strong and free

To rise o'er sin and fear and death,
O Love of God, to thee !

Eliza Scudder.

299. "While I live, will I praise the Lord."
WHEN all thy mercies, O my God!
My rising soul surveys,
Transported with the view, I'm lost
In wonder, love, and praise.

Oh, how shall words, with equal warmth,
The gratitude declare,

That glows within my ravished heart!
But thou canst read it there.

To all my weak complaints and cries,
Thy mercy lent an ear,
Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learned
To form themselves in prayer.
When worn with sickness, oft hast thou

With health renewed my face;
And, when in sins and sorrows sunk,
Revived my soul with grace.

Ten thousand thousand precious gifts
My daily thanks employ ;
Nor is the least a cheerful heart,

That tastes those gifts with joy.

Through every period of my life

Thy goodness I'll pursue;
And after death, in distant worlds,
The glorious theme renew.

Joseph Addison

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ONE thought I have, my ample creed,
So deep it is and broad,
And equal to my every need,-

It is the thought of God.

Each morn unfolds some fresh surprise, I feast at Life's full board;

And rising in my inner skies

Shines forth the thought of God.
At night my gladness is my prayer;
I drop my daily load,
And every care is pillowed there

Upon the thought of God.

I ask not far before to see,
But take in trust my road;
Life, death, and immortality

Are in my thought of God.

To this their secret strength they owed
The martyr's path who trod;
The fountains of their patience flowed
From out their thought of God.

Be still the light upon my way,
My pilgrim staff and rod,
My rest by night, my strength by day,
O blessed thought of God. AMEN.

Frederick L. Hosmer.

"To-day, if ye shall hear his voice."

OUR God, our God, thou shinest here;
Thine own this latter day;
To us thy radiant steps appear;

Here leads thy glorious way!
We shine not only with the light

Thou didst shed down of yore; On us thou streamest strong and bright; Thy comings are not o'er.

The fathers had not all of thee;

New births are in thy grace;
All open to our souls shall be

Thy glory's hiding-place.
We gaze on thy outgoings bright;
Down cometh thy full power;
We, the glad bearers of thy light;
This, this thy saving hour!

On us thy spirit thou hast poured,
To us thy word has come ;
We feel, we bless thy quickening, Lord!
Thou shalt not find us dumb.

Thou comest near; thou standest by;
Our work begins to shine;
Thou dwellest with us mightily,
On come the years divine!

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Thomas H. Gill.

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SING forth his high eternal name

Who holds all powers in thrall, Through endless ages still the same,— The mighty Lord of all.

His goodness, strong and measureless, Upholds us lest we fall;

His hand is still outstretched to bless,
The loving Lord of all.

His perfect law sets metes and bounds,
Our strong defence and wall;
His providence our life surrounds,-
The saving Lord of all.

He every thought and every deed

Doth to his judgment call;
Oh, may our hearts obedient heed
The righteous God of all.

When, turning from forbidden ways,
Low at his feet we fall,

His strong and tender arms upraise, -
The pardoning Lord of all.

Unwearied he is working still,

Unspent his blessings fall,

Almighty, Loving, Righteous One,

The only Lord of all.


Samuel Longfellow.


"Sing aloud unto God our strength."
BE light and glad; in God rejoice,
Who is our strength and stay;
Be joyful, and lift up your voice
To God the Lord alway.

Ourselves, O God, we wholly bind
A sacrifice to be;

In token of our thankful mind,
O God most dear, to thee.

We praise thee, mighty Lord on high,
With heart and hearty cheer;
To thee we sing, we call, we cry,
O Lord our God most dear.


Adapted from John Hopkins. 1578.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation ;
whom shall I fear?"

I CANNOT Walk in darkness long, -
My light is by my side;

I cannot stumble or go wrong
While following such a guide.

He is my stay and my defence,
How shall I fail or fall?
My helper is Omnipotence!

My ruler ruleth all!

The powers below and powers above
Are subject to his care:-

I cannot wander from his love
Who loves me everywhere.

Caroline A. Mason

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