صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



A - MEN.


"Return to thy rest, O my soul."

RETURN, my soul, unto thy rest,
From vain pursuits and maddening cares;
From lonely woes that wring thy breast,
The world's allurements, toils, and snares.
Return unto thy rest, my soul,

From all the wanderings of thy thought;
From sickness unto death made whole,
Safe through a thousand perils brought.
Then to thy rest, my soul, return,
From passions every hour at strife;
Sin's works and ways and wages spurn;
Lay hold upon eternal life.

God is thy rest, — with heart inclined

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I to myself no more would live,
Come, Lord, be thou my King alone!
What lives by life that is not thine,
I yield it to thy righteous doom;
What yet resists thy power divine,
Oh, let thy fire of love consume!

And then, within the heart abide
That thou hast cleansed to be thy throne;
A look from thee shall be my guide,

I watch but till thy will is known.

Yes, make me thine, though I am weak,
Thy service makes us strong and free;
My Lord and King, thy face I seek;
For ever keep me true to thee.

ΑΜΕΝ. Gerhard Tersteegen.

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251. Seeking the Knowledge of God.
SHINE forth, eternal Source of light,
And make thy glories known;
Fill our enlarged, adoring sight

With lustre all thy own.

Vain are the charms, and faint the rays,
The brightest creatures boast;
And all their grandeur and their praise
Is in thy presence lost.

To know the Author of our frame
Is our sublimest skill;
True science is to read thy name,
True life, to obey thy will.
For this I long, for this I pray,

And, following on, pursue,
Till visions of eternal day

Fix and complete the view.

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