صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني






200. "Much more we shall be saved by his life."

IMMORTAL by their deed and word,
Like light around them shed,
Still speak the prophets of the Lord,
Still live the sainted dead.

The voice of old by Jordan's flood

Yet floats upon the air;

We hear it in beatitude,

In parable and prayer.

And still the beauty of that life
Shines star-like on our way,
And breathes its calm amid the strife
And burden of to-day.

Earnest of life forevermore
That life of duty here,

The trust that in the darkest hour
Looked forth and knew no fear!

Spirit of Jesus, still speed on!
Speed on thy conquering way,
Till every heart the Father own,
And all his will obey !

Frederick L. Hosmer.


"He went about doing good."

BEHOLD, where in a mortal form,
Appears each grace divine !
The virtues, all in Jesus met,

With mildest radiance shine.

To spread the rays of heavenly light,
To give the mourner joy,

To preach glad tidings to the poor,
Was his divine employ.

'Mid keen reproach and cruel scorn,
Patient and meek he stood:
His foes, ungrateful, sought his life;
He labored for their good.

In the last hour of deep distress,
Before his Father's throne,

With soul resigned, he bowed, and said, "Thy will, not mine, be done!"

Be Christ our pattern and our guide;
His image may we bear!
Oh, may we tread his holy steps,
His joy and glory share !

William Enfield.

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A VOICE by Jordan's shore !

A summons stern and clear:

Reform! be just ! and sin no more!
God's judgment draweth near !

A voice by Galilee,

A holier voice I hear:

Love God! thy neighbor love! for see,
God's mercy draweth near !

O voice of Duty, still
Speak forth: I hear with awe;
In thee I own the sovereign will,
Obey the sovereign law.

Thou higher voice of Love!

Yet speak thy word in me; Through Duty let me upward move

To thy pure liberty! AMEN.

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Comes faint and far thy voice
From vales of Galilee;

Thy vision fades in ancient shades;
How should we follow thee?

Ah, sense-bound heart and blind !
Is nought but what we see?

Can time undo what once was true?
Can we not follow thee?

O heavy cross - of faith
In what we cannot see!
As once of yore thyself restore,
And help to follow thee !

If not as once thou cam'st

In true humanity,

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