صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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HESE services are published by the American Unitarian Association in the hope that their use will promote the devotional spirit in our free churches. The collection of " Hymns for Church and Home" has been for a number of years in familiar use. The services for congregational worship are now added to the collection of hymns in accordance with the desire of many congregations and in the hope that their common use will bring the minds and hearts of fellow-worshippers into closer and more conscious union. The arrangement of the introductory portion of the services is that of Dr. James Martineau's "Ten Services for Morning and Evening Worship," while the greater part of the material has been drawn from the "Book of Prayer and Praise," published by the Association in 1893. Valuable suggestions have also been received from the "Services of Christian Worship," prepared by the Rev. John Cuckson. The Psalter is that of the "Book of Prayer and Praise." A collection of general prayers is included for use in lay services, or at the discretion of ministers. These services have been compiled and arranged by the skill and industry of the Rev. George H. Badger, with the advice and criticism of experienced and helpful friends. The aim has been to secure forms of worship that can be used without intellectual embarrassment or spiritual restraint by as many of the people worshipping in Unitarian churches as possible, and to make the services, through simplicity of form and sincerity of language, a help to all who desire to worship in spirit and in truth.


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4. READING OF PSALMS. Congregation standing.

5. GLORIA. (Chanted by the Choir or Congregation.)


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* In case there is no choir, this number may be omitted and a congregational hymn inserted after the Reading of the Psalms.

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