صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

If. lviii. 1. Cry aloud, fpare not; lift up thy Voice like a
Trumpet, and fhew my People their Tranfgreffion, and
the House of Jacob their Sins.

If. lxii. 1. For Zion's Sake will I not hold my Peace, and
for Jerufalem's Sake I will not reft, until the Righteouf-
nefs thereof go forth as Brightness, and the Salvation
thereof as a Lamp that burneth.

I Cor. i. 23. We preach Chrift crucified.


с с

Printed for the AUTHOR, by T. BAYLEY. MDCCLXXIV.



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