If. lviii. 1. Cry aloud, fpare not; lift up thy Voice like a If. lxii. 1. For Zion's Sake will I not hold my Peace, and I Cor. i. 23. We preach Chrift crucified. MACCLESFIELD: с с Printed for the AUTHOR, by T. BAYLEY. MDCCLXXIV. 28 994. |
If. lviii. 1. Cry aloud, fpare not; lift up thy Voice like a If. lxii. 1. For Zion's Sake will I not hold my Peace, and I Cor. i. 23. We preach Chrift crucified. MACCLESFIELD: с с Printed for the AUTHOR, by T. BAYLEY. MDCCLXXIV. 28 994. |