صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

maintained and worked out, which will, by God's blessing, inform the mind and influence the heart.

The Editors will only add, that they are encouraged by their past success to solicit the yet more vigorous exertions of their numerous friends. And as the "CHURCH OF ENGLAND MAGAZINE" is the rival of no other work, as its plan materially differs from that of every other periodical in this country, the Editors feel that they may venture to invite every Churchman to aid them in the full development of their purpose, so as to circulate extensively among all classes, in the very cheapest form, scriptural truth in accordance with the doctrines and discipline of the Established Church.

London, December 31st, 1836.




Advent, Extracts from Lectures on (rev. John Ayre), No. I.
Xxvii 419; No. II. xxviii. 436; No. III. xxix. 452; No. IV.
XIX. 471.

All Nature preaches to us (rev. Hugh M'Neile), xxii. 350.
American Episcopal Church and bishop Chase, i. 11.
Assumption of the Veil at Avranches (Davies), xxiii. 359.
Athanasian Creed: a Dialogue, x. 163.

Bedell's, rev. G. T., Letter to his Flock, x. 147.

Bible, Authorised English Translation of, viii. 115.


Augustine, bishop of Hippo, v. 67.

Boyle, the hon. Robert, xix. 292; concluded, xx. 308.
Burton, rev. Edward. D.D. Oxford, xi. 166.

Cobham, lord (Sir John Oldcastle), xii. 180.

Cranmer, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, iv. 51; con-
tinued, ix. 153; concluded, x. 148.

Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, xxvi. 403.

Fenelon, archbishop of Cambray, vi. 86.

Herbert, George, xiii. 198.

Horneck, Dr. Anthony, xiv. 214.

Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, vii. 99.

Jewel, John, bishop of Salisbury, xxii. 312; concluded, xxiii.

[ocr errors]

Latimer, Hugh, bishop of Worcester, xxxii. 499.

Leighton, Robert, archbishop of Glasgow, xxvii. 420.

Nicholson, John, otherwise called Lambert, xxix. 454.
Nicoll, Rev. Alex. professor of Hebrew, Oxford, xv. 231.
Nowell, Alexander, D.D. dean of St. Paul's, xxiv. 373.
Perock, Reynold, bishop of Chichester, xvii. 261.
Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, xxviii. 438.

Porteus, Beilby, bishop of London, xxi. 326.

Ryder, Henry, bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, i. 3.

Taylor, Dr. Rowland (martyr), iii. 35.

Van Mildert, William, bishop of Durham, ii. 21.

Venn, Rev. Henry, rector of Yelling, xxv. 390.

Walker, rev. Sainel, B. A., Truro, xxx. 468; concluded,
XXXL. 484.

White, William, bishop of Pennsylvania, xviii. 278.
Wilson, Thomas, bishop of Sodor and Man, xvi. 245.
British Church, History of, xiii. 197; continued, xxi. 333.
CABINET:-Select Theological Extracts from the following Au-


Appleyard, rev. E. S., the Church of England, xxiii. 366;
Augustine, Goodness of God, ix. 142; Ayre, rev. John,
God's Sovereignty and Man's Duty, xv. 239; the Second
Advent, xviii. 286.

Bacon, Scripture Knowledge, xxxii. 511. Barrow, Dr. Isaac,

Sharing in other's Good, xxv. 399; Thanksgiving, xxvi.

415; Value of the Cross, xxviii. 447. Beveridge, bishop,

Grace, xvii. 271. Bilson, bishop, Order and Discipline, fi.

31. Bisse, Dr., the Established Church, xii. 191; Bissland,

rev. Thomas, Difficulties of a Faithful Preacher, viii. 126;

Repentance, xix. 303; Value of the Human Soul, xxii. 351.

Blomfield, bishop, Ministerial Faithfulness and Unity, ix.

143. Blunt, rev. II., the Eucharist, xii. 191; Baptism,

xir. 223. Booker, Rev. J., Romish Prohibition of the

Seriptures, xxii. 351. Boyle, hon. Robert, the Bible, xx.

219. Bradley, rev. C., True Repentance not an Act but a

Habit, xxiv. 383; Men Fellow-workers with God, xxv. 398;
the Ark of God in danger, xxvi. 414; Religion the one
thing needful at all times, xxvii. 431. Browne, archdeacon,
Application of Scripture, x. 158; Corruption of Human
Nature, xxxi. 495. Brown, rev. Abner, Moderation, ii. 30.
Badd, rev. II., Talent, iv. 62. Bull, bishop, Power of the
Spirit, xxv. 398. Burton, rev. Edward, Party Spirit, iii. 46.
Butler, rev. P. E., the Diffusion of Knowledge, xiii. 206.

Cecil, rev. R., the Devices of Satan, viii. 126; Growth in

Grace, xiii. 207; Christian Simplicity, xxiv. 383. Chalmers,

rev. T., Conscience, v. 78; Natural Theology, viii. 127.

Chillingworth, Charity, vi. 95. Close, rev. Francis, Hea-

venly Wisdom, xxxi. 495. Cowper, Christian Joy, iii. 47;

Drought, xxix. 463. Cunningham, rev. J. W., the Holy

Spirit, viii. 126; the Perpetuity of Heavenly Happiness,

xix. 303; the Christian a Pillar in the Temple of his God,

xxii. 351.

Dealtry, rev. Dr., Infidelity and Profligacy, xi. 175. Deane,
rev. J. B., the Fall of Man, xviii. 287. Dehon, bishop, the

CABINET (continued.)

Sabbath, ix. 143; Man's Moral Inability, xxi. 333; the
Believer's Completeness in the Saviour, xxiv. 382; the
Cross of Christ, xxvi. 415; the Liturgy, xxix. 463.

Eden, rev. R., Liberality, fii. 46. Evans, rev. R. W., the
Eucharist, xiii. 206.

Frith, John, Use of Riches, xxi. 335.

Gale, Love of the World, viii. 126. Gilpin, rev. W., the Day
of the Lord, xvi. 255. Girdlestone, rev. C., Preaching of the

Gospel, vii. 110. Griffith, rev. T., True Religion, iii. 47;

Personal Piety, x. 157.

Hales, Scripture Difficulties, xxvi. 415. Hall, bishop, Faith-
fulness of God, vi. 95; Reward, xix. 303; Spiritual
Knowledge, xxvii. 431; Real and Apparent Happiness,
Xxxviii. 447. Hoare, archdeacon, Selfishness, x. 158; the
Poor preached to in the Gospel, xiii. 207; What is it to
be a Christian? xxiii. 367. Hooker, Christian Security, x.
158; Things Ancient, xiv. 223. Horne, bishop, Doctrine
and Practice, xvii. 271; Patience commended by God's Ex-
ample, xxii. 351; Private Prayer, xxix. 463. Horsley,

bishop, Scripture Difficulties, iv. 62; Faith and Practice,

xvi. 255. Howels, rev. W., Praising God, x. 158; Humi-

lity, xii. 190; the Sympathy of Christ, xiv. 223; Temptation,

xvii. 271.

Jarvis, Dr., Spiritual Influences, v. 79. Jewsbury, Miss, De-

pendence upon God, vi. 94. Jowett, rev. W., Self-Decep-

tion, viii. 127.

Keble, rev. John, the Liturgy, iv. 62. Knox and Jebb's Cor-

respondence, the Christian and the mere Moralist, iv. 63;

Solitude, xviii. 287.

Le Bas, rev. C. W., the Ministry of Christ, iii. 46; False View
of Christianity, vii. H.; Leighton, abp., the Believer's
Peace, ii. 30; Humility, v. 78; Spiritual Wisdom, vii, 111;
Unworthiness, xvi. 255. Lievre, rev. J. S., Ministerial Re-
sponsibility, vii. 110.

Mackenzie, Miss Mary Jane, Covetousness, v. 79; Leaven,
viii. 126; Family Prayer, xv. 238. Macneile, rev. Hugh,
the Second Advent of our Lord, xxx. 479. Magee, abp., the
Day of Atonement, iii. 46. Marsh, rev. E. G., Growth in
Grace, xxii. 351. Martyn, rev. H., the Spiritual Temple,
xv. 238. Mason, Rev. W., Frames and Feelings, viii. 127;
Massillon, the Christian a Man of Prayer, iv. 62; Universality
of Prayer, xiii. 206. Melvill, rev. Henry, the Blessed Hope,
vii. 110; the Loss of National Christianity, x. 158; the Chris-
tian's Death-bed, xviii. 237; Value of the Bible, xiii. 206;
Blessed Effects of the Bible, xxviii. 447; the Church's
Year, xxxii. 511. Milton, Vice and Virtue, i. 15. More,
Hannah, Works of Fiction, xv. 239.

Neale, rev. C., the Bible a Lamp, iii. 46. Neale, rev. Ers-
kine, Ministerial Encouragement, vi. 94. Newnham, W.
Esq., Affliction, ix. 142. Noel, hon. and rev. G. T., the

Riches of the Gospel, vi. 94.

Paley, the Goodness of God, xiv. 223. Pearson, dean of Salis-

bury, the Minister and his People, xi. 175. Philpot, arch-

deacon, Happiness of the True Christian, vi. 94.

Richmond, rev. Legh, Music, iii. 46. Rose, rev. H. J., Love

of Reputation, vii. 110. Ryder, bishop, the Excellency of the

Church of England, i. 15.

Sandford, bishop, Living without God, iv. 62; Forgive-

ness, x. 158. Saurin, the Blood of Christ, xv. 239; the

Dying Christian, xxv. 399. Scott, rev. T., Religion every

Thing, xvii. 271. Sherlock, bishop, Christ and Mahomet

contrasted, xvii. 271. Simeon, rev. Charles, Absence of

Means of Grace, xxxii. 511. Skelton, Pride, ii. 30; ditto,
iii. 47. South, Dr. Robert, Efficacy of Christ's Blood, iii. 47;
Atonement for Sin, iv. 62; Sinfulness of the Heart, iv. 63;
Christian Experience and Knowledge, xviii. 287. Stewart,
rev. J. II., Apostolic Consolation, xxi. 335; the Coming of
the Lord, xxiii. 366. Sumner, bishop of Chester, Christ the
Light, ii. 31; the Christian Church, x. 158; Ministerial En-
couragement, xiii. 206. Sumner, bishop of Winchester, Power

of the Gospel, v. 79; Religious Apathy, xxxii. 511.

Taylor, bishop, Jeremy, Spiritual Discernment the Work of the

Holy Spirit, xx. 319; Impatience, xxiv. 383; Sickness,

CABINET (continued.)

bishop of Calcutta, Spiritual Life, xiii. 206; the Value of the
Liturgy, xx. 319. Woodward, rev. Henry, Happiness and
Trials of the Christian, xii. 191.

Canada, Missionary Exertions in, xx. 307.

Canadian Church, Address on behalf of the (bishop of Quebec),
XXV. 396.

Ceylon, Heathen Idolatry, xx. 317.

Chase, bishop, Book of Common Prayer, xv. 227.

Christian Love (bishop Jewel), vi. 92.

Christianity, Truth of (Gurney), iii. 39.

Christian's new Name (rev. J. W. Cunningham), ix. 140,
Church Service: a Dialogue, xxi. 323.

Church of England not Guilty of Heresy and Schism, (rev. C.
Girdlestone), vii. 102.

Churches of Asia, No. I. Introduction, xvii. 269; No. II. Ephe-
sus, xviii. 284; No. III. Smyrna, xxiii. 355.
Continent, State of Religion on the, x. 174.

Dale's, rev. Thomas, Address on the Lord's Day, xviii. 275.
Damascus, (R. Wilson), xvii. 259.

Dead Sea, Description of (rev. T. H. Horne), iv. 55.
Discipline, Difficulty of, in a National Church (rev. C. W. Le Bas),

XV. 229.

[blocks in formation]

Gospel Necessary, xxii. 337.

Sunday Newspapers (by the rev. John Ayre), xxii. 353.

Protestant Privileges, xxiv. 369.

The Fall of the Leaf, xxv. 385.

The Importance of Authority in Instruction, xxvi. 401.

The Divine Authority for a Liturgy (by the rev. H. G. Wat-

kins), xxvii. 417.

The Extension of the Establishment, xxviii. 433.

The Excellence of the Liturgy (by the rev. H. G. Watkins),

xxix. 449.

Duties of Godfathers and Godmothers, xxx. 465.

The Importance of conscientiously discharging Ordinary Du-
ties (by the rev. T. P. Wright, M.A.), xxxi. 481.
The Lapse of Time (by the rev. John Ayre), xxxii. 497.

Faith and Sight (bishop Hobart), xix. 294.

Family Prayer (archdeacon Hoare), xxvi. 402.

France, Religious Exertions in, i. 6.

French, Conversion of Mr. John, xvii. 263.

Glover's Farewell Letter, xxii. 344.

Thomas, xxx. 477; No. V. Christmas Day, St. Stephen, xxxi.

492; No. VI. St. John the Evangelist, the Innocents, Sunday

after Christmas, xxxii. 509.

Liturgy, Address on the Devotional Use of the (Dodsworth),
xvii. 261.

Lowliness of Mind (bishop Copleston), xxvi. 412.

Luther, Death of (Scott's History), xxiv. 375.
Martyrdom of a Greek (R. Wilson), viii. 125.
Minister, the Christian (bishop Wilson), v. 76.
Minister, the Duty of a Christian, ii. 19.
Mysticism (Alex. Knox), xix. 291.


Alexander, emperor of Russia (Pinkerton), ix. 144; Alphage,
abp. of Canterbury, xv. 240; Annunciation, Popish cere-
monies at the Festival, xix. 304; Arabs, the (Sandys), xxiii.
368; Ararat, Mount (Morier), xviii. 288; Asses, (do.), xxvi.
416; Atheism, Folly of, xxix. 464.

Babylon, (Sir R. K. Porter), xxix. 464; Barrington, bishop
(Townsend), xxvii. 432; Basil, St., iii. 48; Boulogne, Super-
stition (Rae Wilson), viii. 128; Burning, Spontaneous, xvii.
Card-playing (Gilpin), xiv. 224; Chimney Sweeps (Hodgkin),
vii. 96; Chinese Superstition, viii. 128; Church Service (rev.
Abner Brown), v. 80; Churches in London (bishop of London),
iv. 64; Cingalese Superstition, xii. 192; Columba, xxiii.
368; Conservatism (Osler), vii. 96; Contentment (Oxford
Herald), iv. 64; Cyprian, iv. 64.

Death of Friends (Chrysostom), xii. 192; Dehon, bishop, xxviii.

448; Demagogue, the (Osler), xix. 304; Dogs in the East

(Jowett), vii. 112; Drawing Water (Irby and Mangles), xxix.

464; Drunkenness, Effects of, xxi. 336.

Early Rising, xiii. 208; Eastern Sheep (Hartley), vi. 96; Edu-
cation and Crime (lord Abinger), x. 160; Egyptian Burying-
place, xxviii. 448; Endowments, Advantage of (rev. J. Ayre),
xvi. 256; Episcopal Munificence, v. 80.

France, Religious Provision in (rev. J. Davies), xxix. 464.
Ganges, the River, an object of worship (Ward), xvi. 256;
George the Third (Mrs. H. More), xxvii. 432; Gibbon, Death
of (archidn. Hoare), xi. 176; Gilpin, rev. W., xvii. 272; Guilty
Conscience, iii. 48.

Halley, Dr., ix. 144; Hand joining in Hand (Jowett), xxvi. 416;

Heberden, Dr., xvi. 256; Henry the Eighth, Death of

(Soames), xxi. 336; Hindoo Absurdity, xiii. 208; House of

the Dead (Jowett), xxvii. 432; Howard at the Bastile, xiv.

224; ditto, Anecdote of, iii. 48; his Mode of Travelling, xii.


Indulgences (Rae Wilson), v. 80; Intoxication, Swedish Laws
against, ii. 32; Ireland, State of (Booker), vii. 112; Ireland
(Prayer-Book and Homily Society's Report), xxvi. 416.
Jewish Customs, xvii. 272; Jewish Testimony to Protestant-
ism, xviii. 288; John of Saxony (rev. J. Scott), xxxi. 496.
Law (Skelton), i. 16; Latimer, bishop, vi. 96: ditto, in his Old
Age, xx. 320; Lavater, Tomb of (bishop of Calcutta), i. 16;
Liturgy, the (J. Poynder, Esq.), xxiii. 368; Locusts (Morier),
xxix. 461; Lollards, the, xii. 192; Luther, Anecdote of,
v. 80.

Mental Fever (Thackrah), xxx. 480; Milton's Resignation,
xxii. 352; Ministerial Faithfulness, x. 160; Morocco Jew
(Jowett), xvi. 256; Morton, bishop, (Walker), xxii. 352;
Music (Grimshawe), ii. 32.

Naples, Romish Superstition (Rae Wilson), vii. 112; New-
foundland (archdn. Wix), ix. 144; Night Study (Newnham),
iv. 64.

Oaths (rev. J. II. Stewart), xix. 304.

Persecution (Young), iii. 48; Phosphorescence of the Sea (Hig-

gins), iii. 48; Porteus, bishop, ii. 32; Protestant Consist-

ency (Soames), xviii. 288; Providence (rev. W. Howels), xv.


Rachel's Grave (Sandys), x. 160; Rochelle, Siege of (Smedley),
x. 160; Romanism (Rae Wilson), iv. 64.

Sailor's Bible, the, ix. 144; Selah (bishop Sandford), xxiii. 368;

Servants, Hints relative to (Standard), xx. 320; Sharp, abp.

vii. 112 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, fii. 48; Sleep, Want of, vi.


Solitude and Society (Wolfe), ii. 32; Source of the

Danube (bishop D. Wilson), vii. 112; Spirits, Ardent, (archdn.
Wix), i. 16; Spirit Drinking, viii. 128; Swartz at Tanjore,
xxvi. 416; ditto, Character of (Heber), xxxii. 512.
The Constitution (bishop Porteus), xxxii. 512; Traditions of
the Zoolus (captain Gardiner), viii, 128; Turkish Power,
Effects of (Hartley), xiii. 208; Turkish Burying-ground (Lau-
rent), xiv. 224.

Voluntaryism in America, xx. 320; Voluntary Principle (Osler),
xxiv. 384.

Washing, Oriental practice of (Hartley), xiii. 208; Weaning of
Children, Feast at (Morier), xiv. 224; Wolfe, rev. C., i. 16;
ditto, xv. 240; Workhouses (Osler), xxi. 336.
Xavier, Francis, xxiv. 384.

New Zealand, Sabbath in (rev. W. Yate), vi. 92.

PASSING THOUGHTS, by Charlotte Elizabeth:-
No. I. The Covert, i, 4.

II. The Snare, ii. 20.

III. What ought I to do? iv. 53.

IV. The Captive, v. 70.

V. The Branch, vi. 85.

VI. The Dog, vii. 101.

VII. The White Plumes, viii, 117.

VIII. Loyalty, ix. 132.

[blocks in formation]

Advent (rev. J. East), xxvii. 431; Second Sunday (K. T.), xxviii. 447; Third Sunday (ditto), xxix. 463; Fourth Sunday (rev. J. East), xxx. 480.

African Mother (Mrs. Sigourney), ii. 31.

Anchor of Hope, the (rev. T. Grinfield), xxvi. 415.

Autumn (Keble), xxvi. 415.

Baptismal Birth-day (Coleridge), xii. 191.

Beauty of the Sanctuary (Grinfield), xxvii. 431.

Be not Faithless (Anon.), xxv. 400.

Brevity of Life (Francis Quarles), xxii. 352.

Child, on the Death of his (Legh Richmond), xvi. 256.
Children of Light (Barton), ix. 143.

Christian Life, a race (Montgomery), vii. 111.

Church, Hymn for the Opening of a new (Howorth), xi. 176.
Communion of Saints (Edmeston), xv. 239.

Death of an Infant, Lines on (Anon.), xvii. 272.
Divine Adoption (Mad. Guion), vi. 95.

Drop of Dew (Marvell), xii. 191.

Early Instruction (Edmeston), xviii. 287.

Ecclesiastical Sketches (Wordsworth), Nos. I. and II. x. 159;
Nos. III. and IV., xi. 175; Nos. V. and VI., xiii. 207;
Nos. VII. and VIII., xii. 255.

Evening Hymn (Anon.), vii. 111; Ditto (H. E.), xiv. 223.
Evening Song for the Sabbath-day (Montgomery), iii. 47.
Gratitude to God (Mad. Guion), vi. 95.

Holy Scriptures (Herbert), iv. 63.

Home, thy (rev. R. W. Evans), xiii. 207.

Hour of Prayer (C. E.), xxiii. 367.

Hymns (by a Person who had lost his Sight), xix. 303.

Hymn written at the Holy Sepulchre (G. Sandys), xxiv. 384.

Life (bishop King), xxiii. 368.

Lines (by a Clergyman), iii. 47.

Lines on the Martyrdom of Rowland Taylor, xxxii. 512.

Love to God (rev. J. Hartley), xii. 191.

Marigold, the (George Wither), xviii. 287.

Mary's Grave (rev. H. F. Lyte), xxxii. 512.

Morning Hymn for a Child (Pearson), xxv. 399.

Nativity, the (rev. T. Dale), xxx. 496; Ditto (a Layman), xxxi.


Penitential Hymn (bishop King), xxi. 337.

Pilgrim's Song (rev. H. F. Lyte), xxv. 399.

Pool of Bethesda (Barton), xix. 304.

Poor Man's Deathbed (Miss Bowles), viii. 127.

Praise (Edmeston), iv. 63.

Prayer (C. E. M.), xvii. 271.

Psalm, Twenty-third (Herbert), xv. 239.

Public Worship (Herbert), xxix. 463.

Return unto me (rev. H. F. Lyte), xxviii. 448.

Rose, Lines on a (by a Young Man), i. 16.

Sabbath Morning (Edmeston), v. 80.

Saint Thomas's Incredulity (rev. T. Dale), xxx. 480.

Serving God (Herbert), vii. 111.

Sin (Herbert), xiii. 207.

Sleepers, the (Miss Browne), v. 79.

Stanzas (Christian Lady's Magazine), xxiii. 367.

Sunday (Herbert), x. 159.

Sunday School (Anon.), xxiv. 384.

The Invitation (Christian Lady's Magazine), xxi. 336.

There is a Thought (W. S. M.), xiv. 223.

The Tempted Saviour (Edmeston), viii. 127.

"Thy will be done" (C. E.), xxiv. 383.

To one deprived of Hearing at Church (Hours of Sorrow), xxviii. 448.

Union with Christ (Christian Lady's Magazine), xxii. 351.

Unseen World, the (rev. C. Neale), ix. 143.

Waterloo Bridge (rev. S. C. Wilks), iv. 63.

When shall we meet again? (Miss Bowles), xiii. 207.

Wings (T. K. Hervey), ix. 143.

Winter Rose (Charlotte Elizabeth), xvii. 271.

Porteus, bishop, and the Observance of the Lord's Day (Life of H. More), v. 77.

Prayer-Book, History of, xiii. 195; concluded, xiv. 213.

Prayer-Book and Bishop Chase, xv. 227.

Primitive Christianity (bishop Wilson), xv. 232.

Progress of Religion in the Heart (Simeon), xx. 311.

Providence (Account of Thomas Hownham), xvii. 268.

Recollections of a Country Pastor:

No. I. James Robb, xi. 172.

II. The Infidel, First Visit, xiii. 211.

III. Ditto, Second Visit, xv. 228.

IV. Rose H-, xix. 301.

V. Bob Smith, xxii. 339.

VI. Brown Gubbens, xxvi. 413.

Revealed Truth, Importance of (bp. Stillingflect), xviii. 277.

Romish Imposition, xxii. 348.


Abercrombie's Address, i. 13.

Anderson's Discourses on the Communion Service, S. 3. Ayre's Lectures on Advent, S. 2.

Bartholomew's Sermon at Hampstead, vi. 94.

Beaver's Readings from the Old Testament, viii. 125.
Biddulph's Young Churchman Armed, S. 2.

Biddulph's Sermon; Conversion, not Miracle, the Test of Divine Influence, S. 3.

Bissland's Preaching of the Cross, iv. 61.

Bradley's Series of Practical Sermons, S. 2.

Brown's Notices of Abner and David Brown, ii. 29.
Chalmers on Church Extension, v. 77.
Collins's Statistics of Glasgow, S. 2.
Conybeare's Theological Lectures, vi. 94.
Crabbe's Address to the Irvingites, S. 1.

Dalby's Lectures on the Life of Samuel, iv. 60.
Dale's Sermons at Cambridge, viii. 125.

Deserter, by Charlotte Elizabeth, ix. 141.
Dodsworth's Sermon on Church Building, ii. 28.

Eden's Sermons on the Unity of the Church, iii. 44.
Edwards's Works, iii. 45.

Evans's Consecration Sermon, S. 3.

Fowle's Plain Sermons at Salisbury, S. 4.

Goode on the Extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit, S. 3.
Gresley's Sermons, S. 2.

Griffith's Christian Loyalty, S. 4.

Grinfield's Sacred Songs, S. 1.

Hancock's Sermon on the Death of Lieut.-Col. Stewart, S. 1.

Harvey's Sermon on the Lord's Day, xiii. 205.

Higgins's Churchman's Plain Appeal, S. 3.

Hoare's Letter to Buxton, S. 1.

Irons Dissertation on the Doctrine of Final Causes, S. 4.
Jerram on Secession from the Church, i. 14.

Jowett's Christian Visitor, iii. 45.

Le Bas's Consecration Sermon, S. 3.

Letter on the National Schools in Ireland, v. 78.
M'Caul's Sermons on the Christian Ministry, ii. 30.

M'Ilvaine's (bp.) Missionary Character of the Church, xiii. 205.
Mammon, S. I.

Noel on the Spiritual Claims of the Metropolis, vi. 93.
O'Croly on the Churches of England and Rome, iii. 44.
Oke's Poems; the Atonement, &c., S. 3.

Page's Ireland and its Evils, vii. 109.

Pearson's Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Mortimer, S. 4.
Phillips' Sermon, the Christian Minister, S. 3.

Pictorial Bible, v. 78.

Poole's Sermons on Association, S. 3.

Riddle's First Sundays at Church, S. 2.

Robinson's What is Popery? S. 3.

Short Exposition of the Burial Service, S. 3.

Terrot's Claims of the Scottish Episcopalians, S. 2.

Testimony of the Reformers, edited by Bickersteth, v. 78.

Tracts for the Times, S. 1.

Tyng's Memoir of Bedell, vi. 93.

Wesley's Natural Philosophy, by Mudie, S. 3.

White's Discourses, What is Truth? S. 4.

Wix's Newfoundland Journal, S. 2.

Yate's Account of New Zealand, iv. 61.

Richmond's (Rev. Legh), Rules for acquiring readiness in Public Speaking, ix. 136.

Sabbath at Boulogne (Sherwood), ii. 22.

Sacred Song (Rev. T. Grinfield), xxvi. 407.

Scriptures proved to be the Word of God (Hales), xxxii. 499.

Scriptures in Spain, xix. 290.

Simeon's Address to the Undergraduates at Cambridge, xxxi. 483. Sunday Scholar, the, No. I., i. 5; No. II., viii. 118; No. III., xxiv. 371.

Supernatural Agency in the Material World (Sharon Turner),

xii. 188.

Swartz's Farewell Letter, xii. 190.


Anderson, rev. Robert (Brighton), the Performance of the Divine Will, xviii. 281.

Ayre, rev. John (Hampstead), the Mutual Knowledge of the Good Shepherd and his Sheep, ix. 137.

Biddulph, rev. Thomas T. (Bristol), Jehovah our Righteousness, xxvi. 408.

Bissland, rev. Thomas (Hartley, Hants), Duty of Adorning

the Gospel, viii. 121.

Dale, rev. Thomas (St. Bride's, London), God's Remembrance of Children, xiv. 217.

Dodsworth, rev. William (Margaret Chapel, London), Christians the Temple of God, xii. 184.

Eden, rev. Robert (Hackney), Works done for Christ the Law of Judgment, xix. 296.

England, rev. Thomas (St. Mary's, Newington), There are no Little Sins, xiii. 200.

Girdlestone, rev. Charles (Sedgeley, Stafford), the Christian's Life and Death, x. 152.

Girdlestone, rev. Edward (Deane, Lancashire), Hearing of God by the Hearing of the Ear, xxiv. 376.

Grant, rev. Robert (Bradford Abbas, Dorset), Ministerial Affection and Devotedness, xxi. 328.

Griffith, rev. Thomas (Homerton), the Spirit of Prayer, iv. 56.

S. 1, 2, 3, 4, refer to the Supplementary sheets of Reviews, which follow No, xxxii.

SERMONS (continued.)

Grinfield, rev. Thomas (Bristol), the Meeting of the Saints in Heaven, xxvii. 424.

Hambleton, rev. John (Islington), the Conversion of St. Matthew, vii. 104.

Hancock, rev. William (Kilburn), the Weaned Child, v. 72. Hankinson, rev. T. E. (Camberwell), the Star of Bethlehem, xxxi. 488.

Harvey, rev. Richard (Hornsey), Christ Sighing over Men's Obduracy of Heart, vi. 89.

Hoare, ven. C. J., archdeacon of Winchester, Continuance in the Faith, xxviii. 440.

Horne, rev. T. H. (St. Edmund's and St. Nicholas, London), the Festival of the Nativity, xxx. 472.

Maddock, rev. Samuel (Bishops Sutton, Hants), the Encouragements and Consolations of the Ministerial Office, xv. 233. Melvill, rev. Henry (Camberwell), the Anchor of the Soul, xxiii. 360.

Marsden, rev. J. B. (Tooting, Surrey), Love to the Brethren, xvii. 264.

Marsh, rev. E. G. (Hampstead), Brotherly Love, xi. 168.

SERMONS (continued.)

Nicholls, rev. B. E. (Walthamstow), Mocking at Sin, xvi. 249. Pearson, rev. J. N. (Islington), Christian Stedfastness, iii. 40. Sale, rev. Thomas (Southgate), Christ having the Words of Eternal Life, xxix. 456.

Sandys, rev. John (Islington), the necessity of Union to Christ, XXV. 392.

Stewart, rev. J. H. (Liverpool), the Christian's Hope in the Death of Infants, xxxii. 304.

Wilson, rev. Daniel (Islington), Man's Objections to receive the Gospel of Christ, xxii. 344.

Wright, rev. T. P. (Hackney), the Danger of falling short of the Heavenly Rest, xx. 313.

Tindal's New Testament, xvii. 200.

Unbelief, the Inconsistency of, i. 7.
Venn's Whole Duty of Man, x. 151.
White, Bishop, Last Days of, xxv. 386.

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