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النشر الإلكتروني
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irregular thought or emotion. The prince of this world came and found nothing in him,"-no pride, no selfishness, no depravity in any form or degree. His object in coming into the world was to save that which was lost. This object he constantly pursued; and nothing could turn him aside from it. The work he had to accomplish was to redeem sinners from the curse of the law, by being made a curse for them. And how was he straitened till this work was fully accomplished! As a man, he was in the highest degree sensitive to suffering, especially to that kind of suffering which was allotted to him. His feelings recoiled at the prospect of drinking the cup which his Father put into his hand: But his recoiling was that of a pure and holy soul, and was accompanied with an entire readiness to do and suffer what the will of God and the salvation of men required. In the garden his agony was such as to produce prostration and bloody sweat; but his heart was perfectly submissive, and in the midst of his distress he could say, "Not my will, but thine be done." Thus, through labor and suffering, he proceeded to Calvary: and there on the cross, in anguish of body and spirit, forsaken of his disciples, and of his God, he finished his work.

Far be it from me to liken any man, even the most diligent and faithful, to this holy Savior. No prophet or saint ever glorified God and finished his work as Jesus did. Let any Christian on earth compare his life with the life of his Savior; and what can be the re sult, but shame and self-condemnation? The work which God has given us to do is sufficient to occupy every moment of our time from the beginning to the end of life, and to give active employment to all our powers. But what is the fact with Christians? How is it with him who stands highest among the saints on earth as to attainments in holiness, and diligence in the service of God? Has no part of his time been wasted in unlawful pursuits or indulgencies? Have there been no years, or days, in which he has forgotten God, and disobeyed his commands? Have not even his best actions been alloyed by a mixture of sin? How does every just view of God's perfect law spoil our fancied goodness, and instead of leaving any room for selfcomplacency, lead us to abhor ourselves and repent in dust and ashes! Of the most eminent Christians it is true, that they have not already attained, and are not already perfect. Perfection they know to be their duty, and they pant after it; but they do not reach it. They fall below not only the demands of God's spiritual law, but their own desires and aims. In many respects, what they would, they do not; and what they would not, that they do. There is still law of sin in

their members, warring against the law of their mind. And when from the bed of sickness, and from the judgment seat, they take a review of their life, they will be astonished to see how little of their proper work they accomplished, and with the deepest emotion wilacknowledge that they were always, even in their best estate, monuments of the forbearance and mercy of God.

And yet Christians are in reality followers of Jesus. They have a degree of that holiness, which he had in perfection. They begin to love and obey that law, which he loved and obeyed constantly and entirely. And they begin to possess that moral purity, which he possessed without mixture. Thus having a real though a partial likeness to Christ, and truly following him, though at a distance and with faltering steps, they do, in their humble and imperfect measure, glorify God, and accomplish the great object of their existence. Through the constant aids of the Holy Spirit, they so far finish the work which God gave them to do, that they are, through Christ, accepted of him, and, as good and faithful servants, admitted to the rewards of grace. In this qualified sense, the apostle said, when the time of his departure was at hand, "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith;" though he had always been conscious that he was not yet perfect, and the highest point he ever reached was to forget the things which were behind, and to press forward to higher attainments, earnestly desiring and laboring after perfection in holiness. And in this sense our beloved brother, whose funeral services we are now called to attend, could, we doubt not, have adopted the words of Jesus: "I have glorified thee on the earth, I have finished the work thou gavest me to do."

DOCTOR PORTER was born at Cornwall, Conn., Oct. 8, 1772. At the age of seven he went with his father's family to Vermont, where he remained till he commenced his preparation for a public profession. He was graduated at Dartmouth College, A. D. 1792. While a member of College, and through the whole period of his childhood and youth, he was remarkable for his regular and sober habits. During the time that he spent with his father, he acquired a taste for agricultural and mechanical labor, which proved of immense benefit to his health in after life. He had impressions, while young, of the importance and nesessity of religion: but at what time he first gave evidence of decided piety, I have not been particularly informed. After pursuing theological study under the direction of two distinguished ministers in Connecticut, the Rev. Dr. Edwards, then of New Haven, and the Rev. Dr. Smalley, he entered on the business of the

gospel ministry, and was ordained as pastor of the church in Washington, Conn., in Oct. 1796. His pastoral relation to that church. was dissolved in Dec. 1811, with a view to his accepting the appointment he had received to the Professorship of Sacred Rhetoric in this Seminary.

In common with other Christians, Dr. Porter stood in a variety of domestic and social relations. It is hardly necessary to say, that the original qualities of his mind and heart, together with his habits and manners, eminently qualified him to sustain these relations, and to perform the various duties involved in them, to the satisfaction and profit of others. And here let me say, what ought never to be forgotten, that a good private character, by which I mean a kind and amiable disposition, and upright and blameless conduct in domestic and social life, is essential to prepare a man for any important public station. Accordingly, when the apostle undertakes to describe the qualifications which should be found in a Christian minister, he insists particularly upon the importance of the domestic and social virtues. And sorrowful experience has often shown what a fruitful source of evil it is for a man to be put into the ministry, whose disposition is selfish, proud, resentful, or peevish, or who is wanting in probity, or fairness, or any of the qualities which constitute a good private characThe case of our departed brother happily illustrates the peculiar value of a benevolent, upright, generous, and conciliatory disposition, not only as it renders a man agreeable and useful in private, but as it combines its influence with other and higher attributes of character, to qualify him for usefulness in the most public station.


As a minister of the gospel, Dr. Porter was distinguished for the excellencies of his character. So he was regarded by the church and congregation to which he ministered. So he was regarded also by his brethren in the sacred office, and, to a great extent, by the community. He had that combination of intellectual and moral qualities, which constitutes a permanently useful preacher. His understanding was lucid and discriminating; his imagination fertile, and remarka bly chaste; and his heart susceptible of strong and tender emotion. He was always serious and affectionate; and none who attended his ministry could doubt, that the principle which governed him, was love to Christ and to the souls of men. His habit of reasoning was logical and convincing; and his taste, uncommonly pure and classical. He felt an utter repugnancy to all affected grandeur and floridness of language, to every thing which savored of pomp or ostentation, or tended to obscurity. His style was simple, neat, perspicuous, and

dignified, suited to convey to his hearers the clear and orderly conceptions of his own cultivated mind. He was endued with an instinctive and delicate discernment of what was just and proper, whether in thought or expression. In respect both to the words and phrases he employed, and to their arrangement and sense, he always spoke in pure English. Where is the preacher or writer, whose style is more entirely free from every thing provincial, obsolete, pedantic, or ambiguous, or exhibits a more happy union of simplicity and ornament? As a speaker, he had many excellencies, and few faults. His sermons were doctrinal and practical. They set forth the truths of religion in their scriptural form, and carried them out into their practical uses. His appeals to the conscience and heart were direct and faithful, and often awakening and impressive. A good measure of success attended his ministry, both in the conversion of sinners and the advancement of believers in holiness; which last was as real an object with him as the former. He lived in a time of revivals, and had a marked agency in promoting them.

In February, 1812, he was introduced into the Bartlett Professorship of Sacred Rhetoric in this Institution, the office having been vacated by the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Griffin. Dr. Porter's previous acquaintance with the duties and trials of the pastoral office, together with his intellectual and moral qualifications, fitted him to enter, with pleasing prospects of success, on that department of labor, and to exert a most happy influence in training up young men for the ministry. In the variety of duties which fell to him in the Institution, he had ample use for all his talents and acquisitions; for all his accuracy, and taste, and judgment; for all his activity, patience, and skill. His usefulness was answerable to his peculiar qualifications, and to his habitual and persevering diligence. Any man who takes into view the good which he accomplished by his instructions in the Seminary, and the works which he published in relation to the difficult business of his department; and considers the intrinsic value of those works and the high estimation in which they are held, will see that he possessed powers and acquisitions of no ordinary character, and that his time here did not pass away without substantial results.

It was a matter of conscience with Dr. Porter to bend his efforts, first of all, to the appropriate objects of his own department; secondarily, to the general interests of the Institution; and then to the welfare of the churches, and the success of Christianity at home and abroad. It was his persuasion, and the persuasion was very just, that he was under imperious obligations as a Christian, and as a Professor

too, to do all in his power, consistently with his official duties, to promote benevolent societies, literary and religious institutions, revivals of religion, and every object relating to the salvation of men. Indeed he was well aware that the permanent usefulness of this theological establishment could not be secured alone, but was essentially connected with the general prosperity of the church, and the flourishing state of our various public institutions. To these institutions he had a steady, strong, enlightened attachment. And he not only felt an interest in them, and prayed for their success, but was always ready to aid them, to the full extent of his ability, both by his personal services and by pecuniary contributions. He gave liberally to charitable institutions generally. But he contributed more particularly to this Seminary, and the American Education Society. In each of these he founded two scholarships, amounting in the whole to four thousand dollars; besides the very generous aid which he afforded to the Porter Rhetorical Society in the purchase of its library. To the American Education Society he also gave the greater part of his property, by his Will. It ought to be added, that the example of pious charity which he exhibited, had a happy effect on the conduct of othFor such was the confidence of the Christian community in the soundness of his judgment and the purity of his motives, that his contributing to any object had an influence to secure generous contributions from many others.


In every part of the business which he undertook, he evinced a remarkable degree of practical wisdom. In regard to any object which was brought before him, he inquired not only whether it was good in itself, but whether it was practicable. His judgment on all questions of this kind, being grounded on just views of the interests of religion, and a very accurate discernment of the characters of men, was seldom mistaken. And it was by no means uncommon for those who were associated with him in important public transactions, to distrust their own opinion, as soon as they found it different from his.

Dr. Porter possessed the peculiar qualifications which are requisite in a presiding officer. He had kindness of disposition, and uncommon self-control; sterling intelligence, and Christian decision. He exhibited politeness without affectation, dignity without pride, and strict adherence to rules of order, without pertinacity. And he was distinguished for his skill and despatch in business. With these qualifications, he was often called to preside on public occasions. And when the office of President was established in this Institution, he was at once selected by his colleagues, as well as by the guardians

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