THE SACRED CALENDAR OF PROPHECY: OR A DISSERTATION ON THE PROPHECIES, WHICH TREAT OF THE GRAND PERIOD OF SEVEN TIMES, AND ESPECIALLY OF ITS SECOND MOIETY OR THE LATTER BY GEORGE STANLEY FABER, B.D. RECTOR OF LONG-NEWTON. For the true account of Times in Scripture, we must have recourse to that SACRED CALENDAR PRINTED FOR C. & J. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, AND WATERLOO-PLACE, PALL-MALL. 1828. OTHE CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. BOOK IIT. The vision of the great metallic image. p. 3. The poetical machinery of the vision of the great image is bor- 1. The image is to be viewed under two aspects. p. 6. 1. The image under its chronological aspect. p. 7. (1.) The head of gold is Nebuchadnezzar: hence the life of the image must be reckoned from the (2.) The breast and arms of silver are the Medo-Per- sian Empire from the time of its junction to (3.) The belly and thighs of brass are the Grecian Empire from the time of its junction to the (4.) The legs of iron, with the feet and toes partly of iron and partly of clay, are the Roman Empire from the time of its junction to the Grecian. 2. The image under its geographical aspect. p. 18. |