CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. V. An Exhortation to Sinners to come unto God by Christ 270 VI. The Tenderness of Christ to the Lambs of his Flock VII. Proofs of Christ's Tenderness, and the Improvement we should SERMON I. On the Character of the Unregenerate II. On the Nature of Regeneration, and particularly of the Change it produces in Men's Apprehensions III. On the Nature of Regeneration, with respect to the Change it VI. Of the Importance of entering into the Kingdom of Heaven VII. Of the Necessity of the Divine Influences to produce Regene- 481 An Address to the Regenerate, founded on the preceding Dis- SERMONS ON THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN, PREACHED AT NORTHAMPTON. QUOD ENIM MUNUS REIPUBLICÆ AFFERRE MAJUS MELIUSVE POSSUMUS, QUAM CICERO DE DIV. LIB. II. CAP. I. TO THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, IN NORTHAMPTON, UNDER MY MINISTERIAL CARE. MY DEAR FRIENDS! As I reckon the providence which fixed me with you, in the pastoral relation, amongst the most singular blessings of my life; I would always retain a sense of those engagements which it brings me under, to labour to the utmost for your spiritual improvement. And through the divine goodness, I find it a delightful work; as your candid and serious temper adds a freedom and pleasure, both to my public ministrations, and private converses with you. I take this opportunity of renewing the assurances I have often given you, that I could gladly converse with you more frequently at home; did not the other work, in which I am engaged, as a tutor, demand so large a share of my time. I heartily thank you, that you so kindly consider it, and make all the allowances for it I could reasonably desire. I trust, God is my witness, that it is a sincere concern for his glory, and the interest of a Redeemer in the rising age, that has determined me to undertake the additional labour of such an employment: And as you voluntarily chose to sacrifice something of your private satisfaction, to these great and important views, I hope you will have the pleasure to see them answered, and that you yourselves will not, on the whole, be losers by them. You know, it is my desire, that as my pupils advance in the course of their preparatory studies, they would endeavour by their religious visits, conversation and prayer, to supply in part, that lack of service to you, which my care for them must necessarily occasion; and it is as a farther supply of it, that I now offer you those Sermons on the Religous Education of Children, which you heard from the pulpit some months ago. The indulgence and thankfulness with which you then received them, is one instance, amongst many others, of your relish for plain and practical preaching. When some of you expressed your desire that they might be made more public, I confess I knew not well how to deny you; and I was the more willing to comply with your request, because it is a subject which cannot be often handled, so largely, in the course of preaching. That tender concern for you and yours, which led me to treat of educa tion, engaged me also to manage it in such a manner, as I apprehended might be most for your advantage and for theirs; that is, to make it, as far as I could, a warm and serious address to you. I have likewise, for the same reason, retained that form in transcribing them for the press; though I am sensible it might have appeared more fashionable and polite, to have cast them into a different mould, and to have proposed my remarks in a more cool and general way. |