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النشر الإلكتروني

daughter of Judah, as in a wine press.' Lam. i. 15.

"The wild boar (as remarked by Goldsmith) can be called neither a gregarious nor a solitary animal. The first three years the whole litter follows the sow, and the family lives in a herd together. They are then called beasts of company,' and unite their common forces against the invasions of the wolf, or the more formidable beasts of prey. When come to a state of maturity, however, and conscious of his own superior strength, the wild boar walks the forest alone, and fearless. He dreads no single creature, nor does he turn out of the way, even for man himself.

"This animal is extremely fond of marshes, fens, and reedy places, as may be seen in Le Bruyn; and is probably referred to in Ps. lxviii. 30. Rebuke the company of the spearmen,' literally, the beast of the reeds or canes. p. 145.

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To a very numerous class of persons, who are unable to procure more expensive works on the subject, this useful volume will be highly serviceable; and in their names, and in our own, we present Mr. C. with our sincere thanks for the talent and industry displayed in its production.

us to be executed with considerable

skill, and great fidelity. As it was no part of the author's intention to examine the constitution, the officers, or the government of the Christian church, about which so much diversity of sentiment prevails, these subjects are not introduced; nor does the work, so far as we have been able to discover, partake in the slightest degree of a sectarian character, but its spiritual, devout, and practical strain is uniformly upheld throughout the exposition, and presents to the serious reader, within such convenient limits as may be often adapted to his confined opportunities, a rich fund of the most important instruction, admirably calculated to inform his mind, to impress his heart, and to regulate his life.

As a specimen of this valuable performance, we shall give an extract from the comment on Luke x.

"Martha and Mary were both holy women; both had a reverence and love for Jesus. Yet between them we may observe a marked difference. One was encumbered about much serving; the other sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. One, accord

The New Testament of our Lord and Sa-ingly, received a rebuke, because careful viour Jesus Christ, with a plain Exposition, for the use of Families. By the Rev. THOMAS Boys, M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and late Curate of St. Dunstan's in the West, London. Seeley.

EVERY pious and intelligent effort to promote the reading, and assist in the comprehension of the Holy Scriptures, is entitled to our most cordial approbation, whether it includes the whole or but a part of the divine testimony. In the present instance the exposition is confined to the New Testament; and, by the following statement in the preface, the design of the excellent author will be distinctly perceived :

"The object of the Editor has been, not to furnish detached criticisms upon every single verse, or even a running commentary; but to take in each chapter, or portion of a chapter, some prominent feature or single topic; and on this to offer a short practical exposition, bearing upon the subject chosen, and devoid of every thing extraneous."

The plan thus laid down appears to

and troubled about many things; the other was commended, because she chose that good part which should not be taken away from her. Wherein lay the difference betwixt them? It may be stated in one word, simplicity. In Mary we discover a simplicity of purpose, the effect of which was simplicity of conduct. She was single minded-she had but one object in view, and, in order to secure this, she disregarded others of inferior importance.

"In this quality, then, which constituted the difference between Martha and Mary,

the point that we are first to notice is simplicity of purpose. When Jesus came into the house, both, it has been supposed, sat Mary at his feet at first; for it is said that " But if this was so, Mary conalso sat.' tinued there, while Martha rose up, went away, and busied herself in preparing, and that largely, for the entertainment of her guest. Thus Martha's attention was divided, while Mary had one object, and only one; to learn of the Lord Jesus, to hear his word, to become wise unto salvation. And thus vanity, ostentation, restlessness of mind, divide our attention among many objects; while godly simplicity fixes it upon one, even the one thing needful.

"From this simplicity of purpose on the part of Mary, arose simplicity of conduct. Having seated herself at the feet of Jesus, she there continued sitting. And it will be the same with us. If our minds are simply bent upon that one great object, the salvation of our souls, then we shall press onward to eternal life, without turning to the right hand or to the left; we shall count all things but dross, that we may win Christ. One thing,' says the Psalmist, have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after;' he means if we desire but one thing, we shall seek but one. We shall make eternity our only aim, neglecting whatever is unprofitable to the attainment of this object, and only attending to other things so far as they are calculated to promote it."

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We intended to have given the entire exposition on this chapter, but by our confined limits we are sternly forbidden this indulgence; and must therefore content ourselves by adding, to what we have already introduced, the

earthly cares, and more at liberty to sit at Jesus' feet. Fatal to our best interests is the wealth which withdraws our attention from the Lord whom we acknowledge, to occupy us among necessary employments that have their origin in vanity, and duties of domestic management devised to gratify ostentation and support appearances. Yet at the same time, let us rest assured, that there is a way in which every real duty, domestic and public, may be rightly discharged; discharged in the spirit of Christ, with a supporting sense of his presence, in the sure hope of eternal life, and to the glory of God."

We sincerely hope that the sale of this work will be such as to encourage the worthy author to publish, in a similar doubt not, would be a service highly manner, the Old Testament, which, we acceptable to the serious part of the community.

last paragraph on the same instructing A Brief Sketch of the Life and Character


"The benefits of godly simplicity, however, appear not merely from the distraction of mind and the inconsistency of conduct, which Mary avoided, but from the repose and assurance which she obtained. She obtained repose, where alone true repose is to be found, at the feet of Jesus. There she heard the approving declaration, that she had chosen the good part, the one thing needful. There she was edified by the words of eternal life. There she received that grace which prepared her for entering, when it was really needful, even upon active duties, in a spirit of kindness, assiduity, humility, patience, moderation, and calm tranquillity, which her sister did not manifest; because, by hurrying away to her work, she had lost the opportunity of receiving it from the proper source. There also she obtained assurance of final salva

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tion. Mary,' said our Lord, hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.' Present assurance is not necessary to our final happiness. Some Christians obtain it, but others have it not. Let us observe, then, on what the difference turns. It is given to Mary: it is not given to Martha. It is given to those believers who sit continually at the feet of Jesus: it is not given to those whose communion with him is only occasional, transitory, irregular, and unsanctified. Martha, the owner of the house, wants it. Mary who is but an inmate is more favoured. Happy they, whose smaller portion of earthly goods leaves them more disengaged from

of the Rev. John Giles, late Pastor of the Particular Baptist Church at Eythorne, Kent; who departed this Life Nov. 15, 1827, in the 70th year of his age. With numerous Extracts from his Diary and Correspondence; and a Circular Letter on the Christian Parent's Solicitude for the Salvation of his Children. Published for the Benefit of his Widow. 12mo. pp. 72. Price 1s. Wightman and Co.

THE moral worth of a book is not to be estimated by its size, or the display of talent and learning which may adorn its pages, but by its adaptation to promote the Christian's growth in grace; for in proportion as this is promoted, the church and society are benefited, and God is glorified. Perhaps there is no kind of writing better adapted to secure this end, when rightly conducted, than that of Christian biography. The reason, we conceive, is, that it comes the nearest to life, and supplies the mind, not with abstract principles, but with principles embodied in character, operating on the mind and heart, stimulating both to action, and leading to a variety of plans, and operations, and results. The consideration of these awakens our curiosity, gives employment to the imagination, and excites our hopes and fears, our joys and scr

rows, till we forget our own locality, | was opened Sept. 30, 1804, when two ser mons were preached; in the morning by Mr. Illidge from Psalm cxv. 12—14, and in the afternoon by Dr. Rippon, from Psalm lxxxv. 14. In 1807 the vestries were enlarged, and side galleries were afterwards | erected in 1810.

The success which attended Mr. Giles's exertions greatly encouraged and animated his congregation consisted of persons who came from all the surrounding places, in a circumference of 45 miles. In one year six

him. When the weather was favourable,

and seem to witness the scenes, and agents, and transactions, and consequences, as we pass from page to page of the deeply-interesting and instructive memoir. As didactic composition more particularly appeals to the understanding, and through the medium of the judgment moves the affections and stimulates to action, so biographical composition more particularly appeals to our sympathies, secures our affections. | persons from Canterbury (distant 12 miles) improves the understanding by practical illustrations of the nature and powerful influence of Christian principles, and furnishes an incentive and pattern for the attainment of private excellence and public usefulness.

Mr. Giles was a highly respectable minister of our denomination, and pre sided over the church at Eythorne, Kent, upwards of thirty-four years. By the suavity of his disposition, the gentleness of his manners, and the benevolence of his deportment, he attracted the esteem of all who knew him, both in the church and in the world; while his devotedness to God, and his unremitting diligence in the ministry, were attended by remarkable indications of the divine blessing. Few men have been better qualified for their stations, and few have been more useful.


joined the church; and many others went
from Deal, Sandwich, Dover, Wingham, &c.
seven miles distant. It was delightful on
a Lord's day morning to behold them on
the distant hills in every direction approach-
ing that sacred and retired spot, where so
many happy seasons were enjoyed.
friend hailed the Lord's day as the first and
as one who had the spirit, and could nse the
best of days, and went up to the sanctuary
language of holy David: "How amiable
are thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts ! Both
pastor and people longed for the return of
the stated seasons of worship and Christian
with his children, and could truly say with
intercourse; he was among them as a father
the apostle that he was ready not only to
impart to them the gospel of Christ, but his
own soul also.'

When Mr. Giles was ordained in 1793, the church consisted of 93 members: in 1804, they were 183: in 1810, 213; in 1813, 234: in 1820, 245. This was the largest number it reached yet, notwithstanding the deductions by deaths, removals, and the formation of new churches, presently to be mentioned, at the death of the pastor the number was 223. In the whole, 340 persons were added to the church during the course of his labours, and chiefly by his instrumentality." pp. 31, 32.

"His ministry excited so much attention and interest that the congregation rapidly increased, and it soon became necessary to provide more ample accommodation. Two side galleries were consequently erected in the meeting-house. ، Against Whitsunday, "Thus did God eminently bless the lahe writes, May 23, 1797, "when I intend bours of this excellent man. Three hundred to baptize, two additional galleries are to and forty persons were added to the church be erected. Am almost ready to hope we at Eythorne-three new churches were have the skirts of a Pentecost gale among formed-places of worship were erected at us.' The church and congregation still in- Deal, Dover, Eastry, Youel, Barnswell, &c. creasing, it was determined to enlarge the and several persons were called to the work place of worship; when Peter Fector, Esq. of the ministry; viz. Messrs. Stanger, Branwhose house was opposite the meeting-ford, Smead, and Webb, whose efforts have house, offered to purchase it, and the ground been very usefully employed in disseminatand premises connected with it, for 500l. ing the word of life in the neighbouring and an acre of land in another part of the villages-Mr. Clarabut, the respected pastor parish. His terms were accepted, and a of the Baptist Church at Tring-besides meeting-house was erected on the new | Mr. Wheldon, of Deal, and Mr. George ground. This commodious building, 55 l'earce, now a Missionary at Calcutta, who feet by 40, with a vestry and front gallery, | had been members at Eythorne, and were and a large stable adjoining, cost upwards called to the ministry by the churches at of 10007. the expense was defrayed by the Deal and Dover, to which they were discongregation themselves, without any appli- | missed. In addition to these, there are cation to the religious public. The place several others whose gifts appear hopeful.

"Our departed friend would have dis- for support, and without which they dained to court popularity; he was not will labour in vain to promote the eloquent, he was not eccentric; he did not prosperity of the Christian church, and aim at singularity; there was no external or the glory of their Lord and Master.

adventitious attraction. Does any one ask, Doubtless it will be an additional rewhat was the secret of his usefulness? An extract from one of his letters to a brother commendation to some, that it is pubminister shall answer the question. "There lished for the benefit of the surviving is one thing which I must say, and I think widow, who is left with very inadequate it is of pretty general application; that means of support. We are glad to hear serious, genuine piety, satisfies the people. Under such preaching the people do not that nearly 800 copies were ordered grow very wise, but continue, generally before the pamphlet went to press, and speaking, a holy people. We have often should rejoice if by this our hearty reerred in thinking that great men are to commendation as many more were dissupport God's cause; but genuinely-pious, praying, plain men do the business." Yes, posed of. We hope our readers will he was a pious, praying minister; a boly not only purchase it themselves, but also man of God." Such men God blesses and recommend it to others; by so doing honours. It is said of Barnabas that " he they will confer a favour on the widow, was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost, and by perusing it be amply remuneratand of faith; and much people was added ed in their own souls. We are happy to to the Lord;" for there is an established connection between character and useful- add that the Christian public have antiness." pp. 33, 34. cipated our recommendation, by calling for a third edition."


The Balance of Criminality; or Mental
Error compared with Immoral Conduct:
addressed to young Doubters.
ISAAC TAYLOR, Minister of the Gos-
pel, Ongar. pp. 178. Price 3s. 6d.

In this book-making age, we seldom see such a work as that now before us. Here are the materials for a respectable volume compressed into a tract of seventy-two pages, and sold at the moderate price of one shilling! This alone ought to recommend the book; but we are happy to say that it has far higher In our opinion, this work is calculated claims to the favourable notice of the to be eminently useful. We know of public. It is a very interesting Memoir. none who might not read it with advanIt is neatly written, in a condensed but tage, while to the many who unhappily perspicuous style, and with an evident tamper with speculations fundamentally aim at usefulness. The extracts from erroneous, and thoughtlessly sport with Mr. G.'s diary and correspondence are very valuable and instructive. We think it is a work deserving extensive circulation.

the consequences of such a procedure, we would most earnestly recommend a careful and dispassionate perusal of its valuable contents. The reader will Every pious parent who reads the perceive, that while the author has letter in the Appendix, will, we con- principally in his benevolent view those ceive, immediately put it into the hands who have either already been drawn of his children, and request them to into the vortex of Socinianism, or who read it with care and self-examination, are fearfully approaching its destructive praying God to accompany it with his influence, his remarks are admirably blessing. Young ministers may also adapted to effect a salutary pause on read this short, but comprehensive any mind, whose scepticism may be sketch, with advantage. They may awfully hurrying it away into a rejechere view prospectively, many duties tion of the great principles of revealed which they will be called to discharge, religion. If this work should obtain many trials with which they will be the encouragement which we think it exercised, and many sources of rich deserves, it will pass through repeated consolation to which they must repair editions.


New Publications.

1. The Roman Catholic Claims, a question not of Religious Liberty, but of Political Expediency. An Address to the Protestant Dissenters of Great Britain, assigning Reasons why, in reference to the subject, they should maintain the most strict Neutrality. With an Appendix. By Joseph Ivimey. Price 1s. Wightman and Co.

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8. The Domestic Guide to the Footstool of Mercy: a Course of Morning and Even2. The Life of Samuel Rutherford, one ing Prayers for one Month, with occasional of the Ministers of St. Andrew's, and Prin- Prayers, and an Index of Scriptures for cipal of the College of St. Mary. With an Family Reading. By Charles Williams. pp. Appendix. By Thomas Murray, F.A.S. E. Author of the "Literary History of Gallo-251. Price 4s. 6d. Westley. An excellent book. way," &c. pp. 383. Price 4s. 6d. Oliphant. need such assistance may obtain it, or one We sincerely wish that those who 3. The Life of John Eliot, the Apostle equally good, of which, it will be no dispaof the Indians; including Notices of the ragement to Mr. Williams to say, there are principal Attempts to propagate Christianity several. Even by those who may not rein North America, during the Seventeenth quire this work as a formulary of devotion, Century. pp. 300. Price 3s. 6d. Oliphant. it might be profitably consulted. The au4. Life of John Erskine, Baron of Dun; containing Remarks upon the Religious and Political Affairs of Scotland during the Sixteenth Century. By James Bowick. pp. 161. Price 2s. Oliphant.

5. Memoir of Martha Fowler, a Sabbath School Teacher, who died at Carlisle. By the Rev. Richard Hunter, Carlisle. Second edition. pp. 132. Price 1s. 6d. Oliphant. 6. On Religion and the Means of its Attainment. By John Brown. Third edition. pp. 128. Price 1s. 6d. Oliphant.

These interesting publications, though minor in form and size, are not so in value. Such octodecimos are more likely to be extensively read, and to effect a much greater amount of moral and spiritual improvement, than many costly folios under which both the press and the public have frequently groaned. We exceedingly regret that our limits will not allow us to do justice to these productions. So far, however, as our cordial recommendation may be supposed to supply this deficiency, we have much pleasure in appending it to this brief reference.

7. History of the Waldenses, from the earliest period to the present Time. By the Author of the History of the Reformation, &c. pp. 296. Price 3s. 6d. Oliphant. The Waldensian History has always been considered peculiarly important, recording, as it does, the marvellous preservation of divine truth, when pursued by the fanaticism of ignorance, the despotism of superstition, and

thor has endeavoured to supply what he considers to be a sufficient variety, within such límits as he hopes will be generally acceptable. The Index of Scriptures is a valuable appendage.

9. Review of a Pamphlet, entitled, “Declaration of the Catholic Bishops, the Vicars Apostolic, and their Coadjutors in Great Britain, paragraph by paragraph, &c. By the Rev. George Townsend, M.A. Prebendary of Durham, &c. 8vo. pp. 114. Rivingtons. With some few exceptions, in which the author's sentiments, as it appears to us, are corrupted by his connection with a national endowed church, we strongly recommend this pamphlet, as exposing the sophistry Declaration of the [Roand jesuitry of the man] Catholic Bishops," &c. Let not our countrymen, in regard to these professions of faith, forget our Lord's maxim, " By ference to what they call their claims, the their fruits ye shall know them;" nor in reinfallible declaration, "No man can serve two masters."

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In the Press.

The Abomination of Desolation; or, Proofs that the Destruction of Jerusalem was not foretold in the 24th Matthew, 13th Mark, and 21st Luke. By T. Parkin.

The Means of promoting a Revival of Religion in the Associated Churches. A Discourse delivered before the Southern Association of Baptist Churches. By John Neave. Published in compliance with the unanimous request of the Association.

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