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النشر الإلكتروني


Ale-street Female School." There has nothing very remarkable occurred, so as to demand notice, unless it be the circumstance of its having been preserved from the violent opposition to which many of the schools in this country have been exposed during the past year. Its way is prosperous, and its effects one of a beneficial character, but we have not, as on some former occasions, to speak of any of the pupils giving evidence of conversion to God.

"The mistress has been visited with some personal affliction; but I am happy to state that she is now nearly recovered.

The school continues to be attended by two respectable ladies of the village, one of which is wife to the curate of the parish.

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to remove the school to a situation where priestly influence is not so painful."

Chatham Free School. "Many of the schools under my superintendence have been most violently persecuted, and some of them still are, among which is the Chatham School: and when we speak of persecution in this country, it may almost universally be understood as proceeding from the Roman Catholic priests. Strenuous efforts have been made in several places completely to break up the "Bible Schools;" and in none has the opposition been more violent than in the parish where this school is situated; but by the blessing of God, and the diligence of the teacher, it is doing better than could be anticipated. Thirty premiums for correct repetition of the Scriptures have been distributed, of which four were Bibles, the highest premium that is given. After this statement, I am sure you will feel that we ought to thank God and take courage,' and to persevere, and to pray for the continued blessing of heaven upon our efforts."

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Dean-street Female School." It is in the same place, and conducted by the same person as was stated last year; and though the most strenuous efforts have been made by the Roman Catholic priest of the parish to suppress all the Free Schools in it, and some of the boys' schools have been greatly reduced, yet a kind Providence has watched over this, so as to prevent its being much injured. The premiums given for correct repetition were twenty, including four Bibles. Were this school permitted to 'proceed in its operations without priestly opposition, it would be, in all probability, one of the best in this part of the country; but we ought to be thankful that, in the midst of so many difficulties, so much is done."

Bedford-court Free School." This is one of the favoured schools which has the countenance of the priest of the parish, and is therefore generally well attended. The former teacher of this school was attentive to his business, and whether the superintendant were expected or not, he was always at his post. He was, however, a sickly man, and his sickness has, during the last fortnight, terminated in his death. He continued a member of the Roman Catholic Church, but was evidently attentive to the Scriptures; and I have often heard him, when a repetitioner has been at a loss, put him right without the aid of a book. But whether he died a member of the church of Christ or not, it would not be wise for us to Harlow Female School.-"It will not be determine. One of the inspectors was with uninteresting to know, that within the last him just before his death, and in the midst eighteen months more than one hundred perof a large assembly of Roman Catholic sons in this parish have renounced the erfriends, he said, 'I depend entirely on the rors of popery. Various causes have conblood of Christ.' A brother of the deceas-tributed to this change, but it is chiefly ed, who is equally competent to the undertaking, has been appointed to succeed him as teacher of the school."

Carter-lane Free School. -"It is situated within two miles of Sligo, and is conducted by a very competent mistress, of excellent character; but in consequence of the most determined and persevering opposition of the Roman Catholic priests, the number of children in attendance is very small. But still it would be painful to abandon these few to ignorance and indolence, especially as an inclination to rise superior to both is evinced by those who attend, and their progress is greater than could be expected if the school were larger. Should there not be an increase in the number of children in a few months, perhaps it would be advisable

owing to the very active exertions of a clergyman of the Established Church. This has occasioned very great opposition to the Free Schools in the parish, and among the rest, the Harlow Female school. But it will be gratifying to its friends to know, that the effects of that opposition has not been of so painful a nature as might have been expected, for many of the children have continued constantly to attend the school, and those who were not to be found there, learned their lessons at home, and a good attendance was still witnessed at the quarterly inspections, as appears from the list for the past year. At these inspectious thirty-three premiums have been distributed for correct repetition of the Scriptures, five of which were Bibles. The receivers have

committed to memory twelve or more chapters in the quarter. Two of these were given at the last inspection to two girls, who each repeated seventeen chapters for the quarter, and both the children of Roman Catholics. This statement will, I trust, encourage a continuance of the support the above school has already experienced, from the benevolent Christian public of Harlow." Haddington Free School." The number of children in attendance has not been equal to what it was in former years, but it is far beyond what might be expected by those who are acquainted with the violent opposition that has been manifested to all the Bible Schools in this part of the country. The teacher of this school, J. Tanzey, has publicly renounced the errors of popery, is very attentive to his Bible, and to the preaching of the Gospel, and always evinces an anxiety to communicate to his more ignorant neighbours the little scriptural knowledge he has attained, and his conduct is, I believe, unimpeachable."

Lion-street, Walworth, Female School."It may truly be said of it, that it has 'preserved the even tenor of its way,' not having been subjected to those violent attacks from the enemies of truth which many others have during the past year experienced. This, in fact, is almost the only peculiarity about it; for it remains in the same place, is taught by the same person, is pursuing the same objects, and is occasionally visited by the same ladies. Twenty-nine premiums have been distributed for correct repetition of the Scriptures."

I thought it advisable to dismiss the young woman, and did so in September last; but the school is now held by a Miss Shaw, in Friars Town, where there are already fiftyeight children in attendance, and there is every promise of the removal of the school being an advantageous one, for it is in a populous neighbourhood, and will be almost constantly superintended by one or more ladies, an advantage which, in its former situation, the school never had. And I am sure you will think with me, that the alteration it has made in the house where it is held is a good one, for a billiard room has been converted into a school room; and I doubt not but that you will be encouraged to continue your kind assistance towards its support.'

Providence Free School." This is one of the few schools that have hitherto escaped the opposition of the Roman Catholic priesthood, and the consequence is, a generally good attendance of the pupils, and a corresponding proficiency in their tasks. This school has also the advantage of occasional visits from the curate of the parish, who is an active, well-disposed man, which will of course have its influence in keeping the teacher to his duty, were he inclined to neglect it. The cause of the number being so small at the inspection in the month of June, was, if my recollection serves me, the prevalence of a contagious disease."

Rye Free School." When the opposition is considered, which, in common with many other schools, this has experienced, it is very encouraging; particularly as the school is not more than half a mile from the Roman Catholic chapel in which this teacher kept a school under the sanction of the priest, and for leaving it has incurred his particular displeasure, which is evident from the following circumstance :-Being uneasy in his mind, by reflecting on his former notoriously wicked conduct, he went to the priest for advice. But on being asked if he did not keep a free school, and replying in the af

Lyme Free School.-"This school has been preserved by a kind Providence from the violent opposition to which many have been exposed in this part of the country, and the attendance of the children has therefore been very encouraging. The country in the neighbourhood of this school had enjoyed but very few advantages of a religious nature, but since its establishment much good has resulted, not only to the children, but to their parents and neigh-firmative, he was told to go about his busibours, as particularly evinced in a very extensive desire to read the Scriptures, and to hear the Gospel preached. May their souls be benefited thereby!"

North End, Crayford, Female School. "The attendance of the children at the quarterly inspections has not been so numerous as in former years, nor was their progress in their Scripture lessons equal to what it ought to have been. On investigation, I found that this was attributable to two causes; viz. opposition from the priest, and inattention on the part of the teacher. As it is a Protestant neighbourhood, I was sure that by attention and perseverance the former might be overcome; but as the latter continued after two or three admonitions,

ness, for no confession would be heard until he gave up the school. On remonstrating with the priest, and stating that when he was living in the indulgence of almost every vice he was not treated in this sort of way, but now that he wished to live a different life, and was anxious to obtain peace of mind, and to attend to his religious duties, he thought it hard and strange that he should be treated in such a way; his only answer was, to be gone, for that while he kept a free school he would be considered as a heretic, and as excommunicated from the church.' This treatment, it is hoped, will have a good effect, in inducing him to read it more, and to attend on the preaching of the Gospel, which he has occasionally done

ever since he became a teacher for the | The former was always a nominal ProtesBaptist Society."

tant, the latter a Catholic, and clerk to the priestin B. and Inever in my life had a better hope of any individual I ever baptized. He considers himself much indebted to my ministry; but it is only just to state, that he was brought to a knowledge of the truth through the instrumentality of Sam. Brown, one of my inspectors and general readers. You will consider the conversion of this young man of some importance, when I tell you that he was a sworn Ribbonman, and he assures me that they used to meet at night, in a field between Ballina and Killala, to the amount of 1000, and he, being a good scholar, used to read letters sent to them by the Ribbonmen from Munster and other provinces; but that when he began to read the Scriptures, he was convinced of the sinfulness of such associations, and withdrew from them. From that time to the present he has been greatly persecuted, but his conduct has manifested such a mixture of firmness and meekness, as leads me to hope that he is indeed sincere.

Trowbridge Free School." It is situated in the town-land of Cashel, parish of Kilenumery, county of Leitrim, and is still under the care of John M'Kenny, who was the teacher when the last report was made of it. In the parish where it is situated, within the last eighteen months very many persons have renounced the errors of popery, principally in consequence of the very active exertions of a clergyman of the Established Church; of course other causes have contributed, one of which was the above school, and the circulation of the Scriptures by its means. But this circumstance has occasioned great opposition to the free school, as well as every other effort that is made to enlighten the minds of the people. And it is painful to state, that here, as in other places, the opposition has been carried to open violence on the persons of many who have ventured to think for themselves. But though this opposition has diminished the number of children in the school, yet it is likely to do well, of which there being Some months ago I recommended Edhalf the usual number at the last inspection, ward Hart and Thomas Berry to be emmay be considered as decided evidence.ployed as inspectors and general readers, There have been distributed twenty-five the former at 241. the latter (living in the premiums for correct repetition of the Scrip- town of Fisky) at 301. per annum. I will tures, three of which were Bibles. The thank you to let me know the decision of progress of many of the boys in writing, the Committee, that I may communicate it. figures, &c. has been of a praiseworthy to them. character, as here attested by the superintendant of the district.


From the Rev. Mr. Briscoe.
Dublin, Jan. 22, 1828.


You will perceive, from the date of this

The church in Swift's-alley being destitute, I am supplying them for two or three Sabbaths; besides which, I have opportunities of preaching to the sailors, and I trust that my feeble endeavours will not be altogether in vain, In about a fortnight or three weeks I hope to return to my post, and resume my usual labours.


With best wishes for the Society's inletter, that I am at present in the metro-creasing prosperity, I remain, dear brethren, polis. I have been here about a week or yours affectionately, ten days, and my object in coming is to collect a little money to repay the 251. lent me by the Committee, as well as 107, which I have myself expended, in fitting up my meeting-house in Ballina. At present I have collected about 71.; but cannot say to what extent I shall ultimately succeed. In


Received by Mr. Ivimey.

£ s. d.

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deed, I am not very sanguine; if, however, For the Rye School, by Mrs.
I can get enough to repay the Committee, I
shall not be very solicitous about repaying

The operations of the Society in my district are going on steadily. My congregation is on the increase, the Readers are diligently employed, and the schools present an appearance, which, to say the least, is far from discouraging. Nothing extraordinary has recently occurred, except that on the 27th of last month I baptized two persons in the neighbourhood of Easky. These were Wm. C. of B. and RM- of C.


For Harlow Female School, by
Miss Lodge...

Subscriptions received by W. Burls, Esq. 56, Lothbury; Rev. J.Ivimey, 51, Devonshire Street, Queen Square; and Rev. G. Pritchard, 16, Thornhaugh Street.

Subscriptions and Donations in aid of this Society will be thankfully received at the Baptist Missionary House, No. 6, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, London: or by any of the Ministers and Friends whose names are inserted in the Cover of the Annual Report.




reach the place in the course of three nights, for you must know that the heat is so great that I can hardly go to the outside of the door in the course of the day. The night before last was what is called the Churuck poojah, that is, the time when men are suspended high in the air, by iron hooks through the flesh of their backs. Three

The letter, of which the follow-men were so suspended, each about ten minutes, I attended with my ammunition ing is an extract, from Mr. Leslie of books. None of the native Christians to a relative in this country, was could go with me, as at such a time they dated the 15th of April last:

I would have received much ill treatment. I penetrated into the vast crowd alone, and "There is at this time an unusual degree was treated with much respect, excepting by of excitation among the Hindoos, on the one or two Brahmins, who were evidently subject of Christianity. In one of my cold enraged to see me there, knowing their craft day excursions I entered a village about was in danger. They called me unclean. I three or four miles off. About a month ago mildly replied, that they said what was true, I was visited by a man of the village who for I was unclean, because I had sinned. had seen me there. His mind seemed to be They then tanntingly asked, "Who made in a very bewildered state: he talked in such sin?" As I knew what they were aiming at, a way that I thought him a little insane. II merely said, that it did not matter who told him of the love of Christ. He left us, made sin. We know that sin is, and the taking with him a tract, and I saw and important question is, Is there any Saviour? heard no more of him till yesterday, when Finding that I was not disposed to enter he appeared again. He had been reading upon the question of moral evil, a question the tract; he had been talking of its con- which the Brahmins are fond of puzzling us tents to the villagers: some approved, others with, they left me, giving me some horrible literally called him a fool; but he appears looks. I followed them some time in the in his right mind. He seems fixed, and crowd, but shortly lost them. has invited me to the village, to make "The Brahmins here are a shocking set of known the riches of salvation. To-morrow men. They hate us with a perfect hatred. I intend to dispatch some of the native Many of the people, however, seem very Christians, to see how things are, and on favourably disposed to Christianity, and I their report I shall proceed. A consider- really think that things never looked so well able landholder, with a number of his people, as they do at present. One of the native from a village about fifty miles off, have Christians told me last night, that he has been here. They appear wonderfully affected by the Gospel.

"They have gone home, taking the Gospel with them; and have promised to send a messenger in ten or fifteen days for the native Christians to visit them. I intend to wait till the time has expired, but should no messenger come, I will nevertheless send off two of the native brethren, and shall in all probability follow them myself. I shall

been visited by a native banker, for the express purpose of inquiring into the Gospel; and he also said, that at present there were more disposed to inquire and hear than there ever had been at any previous time. In Bengal, the people, I understand, are turning in bodies to the Lord; whole villages are renouncing idolatry for Christianity. We cannot say any thing like that of Hindoosthan, but we may hope that the shower that

is falling in Beugal will come up here. The Bengalees have had the Gospel preached to them twenty years longer than the people here."

Various further particulars relating to this station will be found in the "Extracts of Correspondence" appended to the Memoir of Mrs. Leslie, which, as our readers will perceive, by referring to another part of this Number, has just left the press.


Of these seven

tized. To complete this interesting "house-
hold" was wanting an old female servant
who has lived with them some years. She
is now rejoicing in the Lord with them,
and, God willing, on Saturday evening next
will, with seven other persons, openly pro-
fess her attachment to the Redeemer, by
being baptized in his name.
persons, one is a conductor of ordnance,
a man who fears God above many. Two
are soldiers' wives, natives of this country,
who were formerly Mahomedans. The other
four are young men belonging to the Euro-
pean Regiment. The deportment and spirit
of all, I am happy to add, is such as to adorn
the Gospel. Oh that our gracious Redeemer
may preserve them, by his mighty power,
through faith unto eternal salvation!

In the surrounding villages from two to

schools, and one on the Mission premises.

It will be seen, by the following six miles distant, I have now seven native statement from Mr. Burton, that he One of these in turn I visit every morning has been cheered, under the afflic-before breakfast; and after examining the tions he has had to endure, by some gratifying "tokens for good."

Digah, April 26, 1827.

children in reading the New Testament, and repeating " and repeating Watts's Catechism, and the commandments, I read a portion of Scripture to them, and conclude with prayer. In the eight schools there are now about 250 children in constant attendance, fifty of whom read in the New Testament. When my dear friend, Mrs. Rowe, left Digah, there were three native female schools, but these I have been obliged to discontinue. Besides being the most direct and hopeful

"I wrote to you last from Serampore, which I left on the 4th of January, and coming up by land arrived at this place on the 26th, just three months ago this day. Mentioning Serampore, I cannot omit acknowledging how greatly I am indebted to all the dear friends there, for their unmeasured kindness to myself and children, dur-channel for communicating to the people at ing our stay among them.

"Never did I dread any thing so much as the loneliness awaiting me here; never did I experience feelings so deathly as those with which I first glanced round my for saken bungalow. On finding, however, that all things had gone on remarkably well at the station during my absence, and particularly that the native schools were in better order than when I left them, I soon recovered composure, and applied myself to my several duties.

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Reviewing the last three months, I see much cause for expressing unfeigned gratitude to the God of all grace. He has, indeed, as ever, been better to me than any fears. If my sorrows have abounded, my consolations also have much more abounded. A short time previous to my departure for Calcutta, a family of Roman Catholics, of Portuguese extraction, consisting of a young man, his wife and mother, seemed seriously inquiring after the good and the right way.' One of the native brethren attended almost daily at their house for the purpose of reading the Scriptures and prayer. The Lord opened the hearts of all, gladly to receive his word; and last month these three persons, with two young men from H. M. 13th Regiment Light Infantry, were bap


large the blessings of religious instruction, the collateral benefits of native schools are very great. They are the best assistants to the young Missionary in the acquisition of the language; they use him to a simple and familiar method of converse with the people; they undermine the prejudices of a gloomy and vile superstition; whilst in his visits to them, the Missionary has the very best opportunities of preaching the gospel to adults, who though they may not endure to be personally addressed, will attend (and it may be with conviction) to all that is said to a child.

You will have heard that a young man has been sent up from the Serampore college as a Missionary to Patna. He arrived about a month ago, and I trust he will be made very useful in that large city. He is the only light to a quarter of a million of souls. The brethren have requested me to superintend his engagements, and as soon as I can spare time I shall endeavour to help him in the establishment of schools, &c. At my request one of the native brethren is gone from hence to reside with him, as well for company as to assist him in his labours. Their house is in the heart of the city, about ten miles from mine."

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