صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

is originally and fubjectively without us, comes to be made ours for our perfonal and complete juftification. I have fhewed that this is by Imputation; and have instanced how the foundation of fuch Imputation is laid in the eternal covenant between the Father and the Son, and in Chrift's acting, in pursuit of that covenant, in all his Mediatorial undertakings as the Surety and fubftitute of his people, fulfilling the law in their nature and room, and fo bringing in everlafting righteoufnefs, all that righteoufnefs which they want for their full and perfect juftification; which righteousness is made theirs upon believing, according to the firm and gracious conftitution of the new covenant, to the full fatisfaction of all the parties concerned and ever will abide fo.

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I. WHAT reafon have we to admire the counfels of divine wisdom in the method of our pardon and falvation? The Apostle tells us, with a fingular emphasis, in a paffage that has been already quoted, that it became him, for 'whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many fons unto glory, to 'make the Captain of their falvation perfect through fufferings,' Heb. ii. 10. The redeeming, justifying and faving finners by the obedience and death of Chrift, was a defign worthy of God; worthy of him who is the great Lord and Sovereign of all worlds, and for whose glory and fervice all things are; and in the

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execution and accomplishment of it, how do his wifdom, holiness, and juftice, with his other ador able excellencies, fhine out with full confiftency, and in their highest glory? Here is no jar, no clafhing nor contention among them; but they are all opened out in their mutual fubferviencies, each smiling and reflecting a luftre upon the other, whilft infinite grace feems to fit fupreme, and prefide over all the reft. And never is the humble faint filled with a more admiring view of God; with a higher awe of his fupreme authority and dominion; with a deeper veneration of his unblemished holiness, and unyielding juftice, joined with the most adoring thoughts of his infinite wifdom, and attended with a humble joyful affiance in his boundless grace and mercy, than when he can take a steady furvey of the harmony of all the perfections of God in this work. Here, Chriftian, is delightful employment for thee! Herein God hath abounded towards us in all wifdom and prudence, united all the honours of his juftice with the glories of his grace. These are the things which angels are looking into with ftudious intention, with the most rapturous joy and wonder; they contemplate, adore, and praise, 1 Pet. i. 12. Let this view of God affect our hearts, poffefs our whole fouls, and fill us with ftill increafing delight! We adore thee, O moft gracious God, in this method of our redemption and pardon; we revere all thy perfections, and with everlafting gratitude own our obligations to thy grace!

2. How fhould we be affected with the infinite condefcenfion and love of Chrift! It is


by his blood we are redeemed from hell, redeemed to God, and justified; and it is his most perfect obedience and righteousness, that is, the foundation of all our hopes. How low did he ftoop to raise us? And to what extremeft forrows and fufferings did he fubmit, to bring in a righteousness for our juftification! He declined none of the duties of obedience, none of the labours of the cross; humbled himself to death, endured the cross, defpifed the foame; with zeal and steadiness purfued his great defign, till he could fay, the things concerning me have an end; and in all, with what evidence and glory did his love appear! Ye knew, fays the Apostle, the grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that though he was rich, yet for your fakes he became poor, that ye through his povery might be rich, 2 Cor. viii. 9. As elfewhere he exhorts believers to grow and improve in the knowledge of the love of Chrift; that love, whofe full dimenfions we can never hope to comprehend, Eph. iii, 17, 18, 19. that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all faints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Chrift which passeth knowledge. If we are Chriftians indeed, and know any thing of the gofpel, we must know fomething of this. His love is wrote in characters of blood, and his grace is ftamped upon every line and bleffing of the gofpel, How low and mean the nature he affumed; and in that nature, thro' what a series of forrows and fufferings did he pafs! And all for our fakes, and to effect our redemption; for our fakes, and to effect the redemption and falvation of fuch

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finners as we are. Aftonishing thought! While we were yet finners Chrift died for us; and when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son. What matchlefs and 'unequalled love is this! To die for finners, those that were wicked and ungodly: not for friends but for enemies, and to make them friends; "Had not God faid it, and the fcripture re"vealed it, who, (fays one *,) would have be"lieved our report ?" But it is the great myf tery and endearment of a Redeemer's love; to bear the weight of his Father's wrath, and open his bofom to all the ftrokes of his juftice; to be rent and torn, broken and bruifed to the death; to do and fubmit to this, for fuch fin. ners as we are, and that we might be redeemed, pardoned, and faved; if we fee nothing of the love of Chrift in this, or nothing in this love that is wonderful, it is becaufe fin and unbelief have blinded our minds, and hardened our hearts.

3. How fhould we revere that law, which Chrift hath paid fuch a regard to! What honour hath God put upon the law, and how hath he magnified it in the death of his Son! When made of a woman, he was made under the law; and when fulfilling a righteousness for the finner's juftification, what a perfect obedience does he pay down to it in its precept, and in its penalty, and in its fullest extent? The law abates him nothing and can we fee in pursuing him through all its curfes, and emptying down all its stores of vengeance up

* Mr. Ambrofe.



on his head, and not learn to revere this law, and with holy awe bow before it? It is of fu preme authority, and indifpenfable obligation. Let us learn to keep up high and honourable thoughts of it. If we give into debafing thoughts of the law, every thing in the death of Chrift, and in the grace of the gofpel, will foon lofe its glory with us. And how vain is it to hope to be juftified in any way that fhall weaken and undermine the authority, and obligations of it? Let us then study the law, and labour after a clofer and more fpiritual acquaintance with it: Study it in its extent and fpirituality, and pray to God to bring our hearts more fully under the awe and authority of it. This would lay us low at the foot of mercy, and beat us off from all our vain and falfe confidences; quicken us in our applications to the Lord Jefus Chrift, and fill our hearts with the highest value for his righteousness and grace.

4thly, and laftly: Of what infinite importance muft an intereft in this righteoufnefs be! It is a glorious righteoufnefs, and when propofed in the gofpel for our acceptance, challenges our higheft efteem and most thankful regards. It is every ways complete and perfect; what neither law nor justice can form any exception againft. It is an everlasting righteoufnefs, what never shall be fucceeded by the provifion of any other; and, when upon the foul, by faith, and according to the gracious conftitution of the new covenant, shall never be taken from it. In one word, it is the great gift and bleffing of that covenant, that is everlafting, ordered in all things, and fure; fuitable to


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