A SECOND PART TO THE MORSELS OF CRITICISM: CONTAINING ADDITIONAL DISSERTATIONS, AND ADDITIONAL NOTES; Further illuftrating the original Work ;-and tending to THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Τὸ γὰρ Πνευμα πάντα ἐρευνᾶ. For the Spirit Searcheth all things. I COR. ch. ii. ver. 10. Τὸ καθ ̓ ἡμέραν ἀνακρίνοντες τὰς Γραφὰς, ἐι ἔιχοι ταῦτα ὕτως. They were daily examining the Scriptures whether thofe things were fo. ACTS, LONDON: PRINTED BY DAVIS, WILKS, AND TAYLOR, CHANCERY-LANE; AND SOLD BY J. WHITE, HORACE'S HEAD, FLEET-STREET. M.DCCC. CONCERNING THE PUBLICATION OF THIS SECOND AND SUPPLEMENTAL PART. THIS additional Volume to The Morfels of Criticism, I now venture to offer to the World, without hesitation; printed not only in Octavo, but also in Quarto; -merely for the fake of doing justice to the Purchasers of the former Edition, of the original Work ;-by putting it in their power to have the whole work complete, without purchasing the fecond Edition. For this fole purpose, the identical pages, that were set in the press for this, the third Volume of the new Octavo Edition, have been worked off, on a larger paper, as a mere fecond Supplementary Volume to the Quarto Edition; in order to avoid the trouble and expense of new setting the A 3 |