UPON VARIOUS AND IMPORTANT SUBJECTS; AND SHORT PRAYERS ANNexed. With a PREFACE by the Reverend Mr. HERVEY, To which is now added, SUBMISSION TO THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. OR, The Neceffity of trufting to a better Righteousness than our IN TWO VOLUMES. "Meditate upon these things, give thyfelf wholly to them; that thy pro- By BENJAMIN JENK S, Late Rector of Harley in Shropshire, and Chaplain to the VOL. I. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. MATTHEWS, STRAND; T. VERNOR, THE FIRST VOLUME. INTRODUCTION. Reflecting upon meditation itself. MEDIT. 1. Of God, as incomprehenfibly great. 2. Of God, to be feen in his creatures. 3. Of God, as the preserver of all. 8. Of the incarnation of our bleffed Saviour. |