RELIGION AT HOME; BEING A SERIES OF CONVERSATIONS, BETWEEN A MOTHER AND HER DAUGHTER, ON IMPORTANT SCRIPTURE SUBJECTS. BY THE AUTHOR OF "Meditation with Self-examination for every Day in the Year." "These words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine LONDON: PUBLISHED BY WM S. ORR, & CO., 1844. Preface. IT is a matter which cannot but excite the regret of every reflecting mind, imbued with the principles of true religion, that so many, occupying the responsible position of parents, are found almost entirely neglectful of the duties which devolve upon all who sustain that interesting character. Much pains are employed, and considerable sums expended, in teaching children a variety of things, which are deemed essential to constitute what is called a polite education,—but which acquirements, frequently, are of no real advantage to the possessor, in rendering the present condition prosperous; and too often, alas! are fatal barriers in the way leading to objects of an ever-enduring nature. History presents us with numerous examples of the greatest and most permanent benefits resulting from the instruction of wise and affectionate mothers. Many emi nent servants in the church of Christ, besides the illustrious DODDRIDGE, have delighted to recur to the eventful period, when they hearkened to her, whose speech was always seasoned with wisdom, and in whose tongue was "the law of kindness." Such an one will be prompt to discern opportunities most favourable for communicating useful knowledge, and skilful to practise those methods, by which what is taught shall be too engaging to be easily forgotten. The every-day occurrences of life-a walk in the garden, the field, or the retired lane, all will yield profitable hints. to the contemplative observer of Nature's diversified operations, and furnish lessons, which may lead the youthful mind to HIM, in whom "we live, and move, and have our being." |