MEMOIRS: Containing the LIVES of SEVERAL LADIES O F GREAT BRITAIN. A HISTORY of ANTIQUITIES, PRODUC- Obfervations on the Chriftian Religion, as pro- REMARKS on the Writings of the greateft ENGLISH With a Variety of DISQUISITIONS and OPINIONS relative In SEVERAL LETTERS. LONDON: Printed for JOHN NOON, at the White-Hart, MDCCLV. O F SEVERAL LADIES O F GREAT BRITAIN. Interspersed with LITERARY REFLEXION s, and Accounts of ANTIQUITIES and CURIOUS THINGS. IN SEVERAL LETTERS. Τί δ' ἐρεῖ τὶς, ἢ ὑπολήψεται περὶ αὐτῷ, ἢ πράξει κατ' αὐτῷ ἐδ' εἰς τὴν βάλ λεῖαι, δύο τέτοις ἀγκόμενα, αὐτὸν δικαιοπραγεῖν τὸ νῦν πρασσόμενον καὶ φιλεῖν τὸ νῦν απονεμόμενον ἑαυτῶ. Quid autem alius quifpiam de ipfo five dicat, five existimet, aut adverfus ipfum faciat, ne cogitat quidem. Utpote qui duobus hifce etiam contentus fit, quicquid impræfentiarum agit, juftum præftare, et quicquid impræfentiarum fibi obvenit, diligere. What any one may fay or think of him, or do against him, on this he spends not a thought. He is contented and abundantly fatisfied with these two things; with acting juftly in what he is at prefent doing; and with approving and loving what is at prefent appointed for him. M. ANT. L. x. S. 11. LONDON: Printed for JoHN NOON, at the White Hart, near the Poultry, Cheapfide. M. DCC. LV. MADAM, O F all the ladies I can think of, or have the leaft acquaintance with, you are the most proper one to whom I ought to infcribe the following Memoirs; not only as you are the ableft and most impartial judge I know of fuch a performance, and that, fo far as the best judgment can go, the thing may stand or fall upon your opinion of it; but because you have a relish for the fubjects treated of in these sheets, and in the A 2 highest |