صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

actually produce those great mercies v of thee; Honour and safety to our So fence of her just rights, peace to her peop ment and promotion to Religion, ad encouragement to learning and holy I rance to all the oppressed, comfort to a people, and from all these, glory to thy Grant this OKING of Kings, for whom thou hast consigned us to all thy promifes, and to whom thou hast given Heaven and Earth, our Lord and Sa Chrift. Amen.

A Prayer to be faid by Kings or Magis themselves and their People.

* These words to be added by a Deligate or inferiour.

My God and King, thou rulest in th of men, by thee Kings reign and P justice: thou haft ap under thy felf [* a Prince to govern of thy Church accor Laws of Religion ar monwealth. O Lord, I am but an infiri know not how to decree certain sentences ring in judgment: but do thou give th understanding heart to judge this people, difcern between good and evil. Caufe me fore thee and all the people in truth and ness, and in fincerity of heart, that I may the perfon of the mighty, nor be afraid of nor defpife the perfon of the poor, and re rition; but that doing justice to all men, I a ple may receive mercy of thee, peace an our days, and mutual love, dury and corr that there be no leading into captivity, n ning in our ftreets; but we may fee the profperity all our days, and Religion efta encreafing. Do thou establish the house want, and bring me to a participation of th

thy Kingdom, for his fake who is my Lord and King, the holy and ever blessed Saviour of the World, our Redeemer Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer to be faid by Parents for their Children.

Almighty and most merciful Father, who hast promised children as a reward to the righteous, and haft given them to me as a testimony of thy mercy, and an engagement of my duty; be pleased to be a Father unto them, and give them healthful bodies, understanding fouls, and lanctified spirits, that they may be thy servants and thy children all their days. Let agreat mercy and providence lead them through the dangers and temptations and ignorances of their youth, that they may never run into folly, and the evils of an unbridled appetite. So order the accidents of their lives, that by good education, careful tutors, holy example, innocent company, prudent counsel, and thy restraining grace, their duty to thee may be fecured in the midst of a crooked and untoward generation: and if it feem good in thy eyes, let me be enabled to provide conveniently for the fupport of their perfons, that they may not be deftitute and miferable in my death; or if thou shalt call me off from this World by a more timely summons, let their portion be thy care, mercy, and providence over their bodies and fouls; and may they never live vitious lives, nor die violent or untimely deaths; but let them gloriffe thee here with a free obedience, and the duties of holy life; that when they have ferved thee in their generations, and have profited the Chriftian Common-wealth, they may be Co-heirs with Jesus in the glories of thy eternal Kingdom, through the fame our Lord Jesus Chrift. Amen.

A Prayer to faid by Masters of Families, Curates, Tutors, or other obliged perfons, for their Charges,

Almighty God, merciful and gracious, have mercy upon my Family [or pupils, or parishioners,



thy grace, preferve them with thy pro them from all evil by the custody of them in the ways of Peace and holy R ministry and the conduct of thy mo and confign them all with the partici blessings and graces in this World, with dies, with good understandings, and rits, to a full fruition of thy Glories here Fefus Christ our Lord.

A Prayer to be said by Merchants,
And Handicrafts men.

Eternal God, thou Fountain of J and Benediction, who by my Edu ther effects of thy Providence haft call profeffion, that by my industry I may proportion work together for the good others; I humbly beg thy grace to gui intention, and in the transaction of m I may be diligent, just and faithful: and favour, that this my labour may be acce as a part of my neceffary duty: and give fing to affift and profper me in my Ca meatures as thou shalt in mercy chuse be pleased to let thy Holy Spirit be for with me, that I may never be given to and fordid appetites, to lying and falf other base, indirect and beggarly Arts; prudence, honesty and Chriftian finceri Trade may be sanctified by my Religion by my intention and thy blessing: that done my portion of work thou hast allot improved the talent thou hast intrusted ferved the Common-wealth in my capa receive the mighty price of my high ca I expect and beg, in the portion and in the ever bleffed Saviour and Redeemer Je A Prayer to be faid by Debtors, and all perfons obliged, whether by crime or contract.

Almighty God, who art rich unto all, the treafury and fountain of all good, of all justice, and all mercy, and all bounty, to whom we owe all that we are, and all that we have, being thy Debtors by reason of our fins, and by thy own gracious contract made with us in Jesus Christ; teach me in the first place to perform all my Obligations to thee, both of duty and thankfulness; and next enable me to pay my duty to all my friends, and my debts to all my creditors, that none be made miferable or lessened in his eftate by his kindness to me, or traffick with me. Forgive me all those fins and irregular actions, by - which I entred into Debt farther than my neceffity required, or by which such neceslity was brought up✓ on me: but let not them suffer by the occasion of my fin. Lord, reward all their kindness into their bofoms, and make them recompence where I cannot, and make me very willing in all that I can, and able for all that I am obliged to: or if it feem good in thine eyes to afflict me by the continuance of this condition, yet make it up by some means to them, that the prayer of thy servant may obtain of thee at least to pay my debt in blessings. Amen.


I Ord,fanctifie and forgive all that I have tempted

to evil by my discourse or my example: instruct them in the right way whom I I have led to errour, and let menever run farther on the score of fin; but do thou blot out all the evils I have done by the Sponge of thy Paffion, and the Blood of thy Cross; and give me a deep and an excellent repentance, and a free and a gracious pardon; that thou may'st answer for me, O Lord, and enable me to stand upright in judgment for in thee, O Lord, have I trusted, let me never be confounded. Pity me, and instruct me, guide me and fupport me, pardon me and save me, for my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ his fake. Amer.


Almighty God, thou Fountain of a excellency both to Men and Angels, abundant favour and loving-kindness to to all my Friends and Benefactors; rewa make them plentiful recompence for a which from thy merciful Providence they veyed unto ime. Let the Light of thy shine upon them, and let them never co affliction or sadness, but such as may b ment of thy glory and their eternal Cor give them all their fins; let thy Divinet ferve them from all deeds of Darkness. niftring Angels guard their persons from of the Spirits of Darkness. And thou w every degree of their neceffity by thy i dom, give fupply to all their needs by mercy, preserving their Persons, sanct hearts, and leading them in the ways of rig by the waters of comfort, to the land of and glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord




Of Chriftian Religion.

Eligion in a large fence doth fignifie duty of a Man, comprehending in Charity and Sobriety: because all commanded by God, they becom that honour and worship which we are bou Jam. 1.27. to him. And thus the word is used in S. Jar Religion and undefiled before God and the Fat

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