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النشر الإلكتروني

the better. See how he remembers the kindness of th, Jer. ii. 2. "Thus saith the Lord, I remember thee, kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when ■wentest after me in the wilderness," &c. He loves e who come in at the first sound of the gospel, far more rebels, who stand out till the last, that they can do no e. The fewer calls and invitations you resist, the more lly will you be accepted of God. He loved a young jah, a young Josiah, a young Timothy; and John is ed the "disciple whom Jesus loved," John xiii. 23. bese he was youngest and earliest converted. See how ctionately Paul salutes Epenetus, by the title of his ell beloved," because of his being "Christ's first fruits Achaia," Rom. xvi. 5. And if Paul loved him so much, De sure Christ loved him far more.

Moreover, do not think that justice will spare you, if it ■ you in sin, and out of Christ, because you are young. sume not upon mercy upon this account; remember t threatening, Psal. Ixviii. 21. "God shall wound the

d of his enemies, and the hairy scalp of him that goeth still in his trespasses." You have no ground to think t he will spare you till you be old and bald-headed: no, may even take you by the hairy scalp while you are in r youthful vigour and freshness, and punish you, as he h done many others before you.

) young folk, if you would mind your souls, and sancthe Sabbath in the days of youth, take these few direc


. Look always on death as near, and within a few steps ou. Alas! many young folk think it is as improper them to be thinking on their graves, as to think of going bed at noon: their sun is high, and it is a long time to it; they look on death at forty or fifty years distance. that folly is this! Do you not see graves of your length, skulls of your size, in in the church-yard r Yea, do you see twenty die young, to one that live to old age? Let th and eternity be then the frequent subjects of your litation on the Lord's day.

Think much this day upon your vileness and misery nature; that you are "children of wrath, heirs of hell, mies, to God, and strangers to Christ and the covenant


of grace; yea, servants to sin, and bond-slaves to the devil:" For the prodigal never thought of turning to his father, till he saw himself in a lost and undone condition.

3. Think much on Christ's fitness, fulness, and suitableness for all your wants and maladies. In him you may find a remedy for whatever troubles you. Is it guilt? here is pardon. Is it great sins? here's a Redeemer's blood that cleanseth from all sin. Are you condemned? here sufficient righteousness to justify you. Is pollution and filthiness your fear? here a deep and open Fountain that runs continually. Are you chained prisoners? here liberty. Are you drowned in debt ? here a ransom and Surety. Are you diseased? here Balm. Are you poor? here fine gold. Are you dead ? here the Resurrection and the Life. Are you starving? here the manna and the fatted calf. Are you weak, and unable for duty? here all-sufficient grace and strength. Yea, he " is able to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him:" And particularly, he says of little children, "Suffer them to come unto me; and, him that cometh (saith he) I will in nowise cast out."

4. Let children and young lolk carefully attend ordinances this day in the church; lie close by the pool side, till it please the Angel of the covenant to come and put you in. Study to remember what you hear, and give an account thereof to your parents when you come home.

5. Early acquaint yourselves with the scriptures; read much of them this day, and meditate on them, Psal. cxix. 9. "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereunto, according to thy word." How came Timothy to be so well acquainted with Christ and his way? but because " from a child he knew the scriptures," 2 Tim. iii. 15.

6. Be much this day in prayer; for the prayers of young folk are very pleasant music in God's ears. It would be both very pleasant and profitable, if children of the same family would take some time this day to meet, and read, and pray together; for so the examples, and hearing of one another, would be mutually helpful, and stir them up to a concern about their duty. It is the fault of parents, that do not put them on to this practice. If children did thus begin early to the service of God, it would become habitual



ad delightful to them afterwards. But, alas! instead of is, many parents let their children run and play through e streets, and in the church and church-yard, on the Sabath, without restraint. But, let such parents remember at though children die in their iniquities, yet their blood od will require at their hand one day.

II. I shall close with a word to aged people. You that re old men and women, give ear to what I am to say. Conder how many Sabbaths you have mis-spent, and mourn or it. In threescore years time you have above three thouand Sabbaths to reckon for, and if God "lay judgment to ne line, and righteousness to the plumet," you will not be ble to answer for one of them. O humble yourselves deepy before God, and employ Christ to clear your counts for


Put on resolutions in his strength, to improve time etter for the future, and particularly the Sabbaths which tod may yet allow you, for securing an interest in Christ, nd making provision for long lasting eternity. Have you ot great need for it? Alas! there are many old persons who have all yet to do. Their glass is near run, and their un is at the setting; and yet they have their work to bein, and their journey to set out for; though they have livd threescore years in God's world, yet they never spent Three hours of all that time in sincere serving of God, or roviding for endless eternity. They never communed with their hearts, thought on their ways, shed a tear for in, or fell on their knees to cry, "Lord, what shall I do to e saved ?" What hope shall I have in a dying hour? Vhere will I take up my lodging through eternity? How many old persons are grossly ignorant of the first princiles of religion! Yea, many children of five or six years Id will far outstrip them. O what is the reason of all this, ut the neglect and mis-spendiag of the Sabbath day, and The contempt of the means of grace and knowledge which ou might have enjoyed thereupon? Well then, what reolve you to do for the time to come? Have you not forgotten God and Christ, and neglected your souls and heaven ong enough? Or, will you do it to your dying hour? Are you content to go to the grave without Christ, and without hope? O what a sad sight is it, to see gray hairs and graceessness meeting together! to see men put to look through heir spectacles, but never minding to look to their Saviour! to see them leaning on their staves, but never th ing on Christ for salvation! to see age forcing t and bend their bodies to the earth, but yet neve knee in secret, to beg repentance! O what a sh live fifty or sixty years in the world, without a fers or penitent tear for sin! to live without God, with and without faith! O what will you answer for abuse of God's long suffering patience! Old sin thou hadst died when a child, or when first bor have lived so long, and go to hell at last. If tho in age, and old in sin, what a hot and fiery hell m look for, at last! O how many Sabbaths and serm many calls, counsels, and exhortations, have you for! Remember, you will be called to an account year, month, day, and hour, you have lived: A account can you give of fifty years spent in sin, si lived in a Christless and prayerless state, or three Sabbaths trifled away ? Will you not be persuade flee to Christ, as thy Surety and Cautioner, to counts, and pay thy debts before the door be shut = prove the time and Sabbaths which remain, for Go and your precious soul's advantage. And to him, effectually persuade and enable you so to do, be p ever. Amen.





On the Burial of CHRIST, from John xix. 40, &c.

ON our Friday Christ was crucified and laid in the grave; our Saturday, which was the Jewish Sabbath. Christ lay ad and buried all that day in the grave; on the Sunday, first day of the week, Christ rose from the grave.

Observe, 1. How low Christ did humble himself for us; - was content not only to become a man, but a poor man sorrows for us, yea, a deserted man, a condemned man, a ead man, and lie as a dead corpse in the earth for us. This the lowest step he could descend. Psal. xxii. 15. "Thou st brought me into the dust of death."

2. Observe how he humbled himself in his burial: 1. He as not buried by friends, but strangers. 2. Not with herd, escutcheons, hearse, and other solemnities, as became e Prince of the kings of the earth, but in a very private, asty manner. 3. Not in the sepulchre of the kings, and his father David, not in the burying-place of his ancesrs, but in the sepulchre of a stranger. Behold! how poor as the heir of all things! While he lived, he had not a Duse of his own where to lay his head; and when he was ead, he had no where to lay his body. O deep humiliation! Was he who lay in the Father's bosom from all eternity, ow laid in the bosom of the earth? O wonder at it, that e was willing to stoop so low, to ransom our souls that vere sunk as low as hell by sin! O! men and angels can ever enough admire this love of Jesus! that he who wore he keys of hell and death at his girdle, should be con


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