(NOTI. In the following table of contents the number of the page is set down immediately Page 6 tural and spiritual. Page 7 34 The wisdom of God in general. 35 Things which God alone 58 The power of God. Page 959 He is the mighty God. Page 15 77 Sins of the wicked against the 102 Page 36 115 Forbearance ascribed to God. 148 God's anger threatened a- his people. Page 50 from his happy state. 144 God's blessing, he blesseth 15 Man's disobedience and fail 145 Persons pronounced blessed, 16 Man's first sin referred to.. who they are. Page 51 17 Angels, their number. 146 God's blessing promised by 18 Their names. 147 Anger ascribed to God. 21 Their employment. Page 61 52 33 God doth not cast off nor re- 34 Prayers against being cast off 53 God depriveth the wicked of the wicked. Page 83 children of God and he their 57 38 Blessings from God as a Father 58 59 60 64 39 Marks and characters of God's the graces and practice of the 61 duties of religion. Page 86 62 40 Wicked stiled children of what-63 41 Under God their heavenly Fa- other the duties of that rela- eous. God doth direct. Page 95 God doth lead.-Promises that God will lead his people. Christ doth lead. God doth guide his people. God doth strengthen. L'age 96 Strength promised.--Prayed for. Obtained. Page 97, 98 God doth uphold. Page 98 God giveth safety. God called a shield, rock, fortress, refuge. Page 99 God is an helper to his people. Page 100 --Help from God promis- ed.-Prayed for-Help ac- knowledged. Page 101 out God is vain. Help from the creatures with- Saviour God saveth his peo-67 ple from evils. Page 88, 89 44 Persons to whom salvation is 68 promised. Salvation prayed for. Page 90, 91 69 45 Salvation is of grace. God a deliverer, he delivereth from sickness. God delivereth from enemies and oppression. Page 102 Christ a deliverer.-Deliver- ance prayed for. Page 103 Deliverance to the poor and needy. 46 Word of God a mean of salva-70 Prophets and apostles deliv- tion. 47 Ministry a mean of salvation. 71 48 God is the defence of his peo- ple. Page 92 72 49 God is a Redeemer, redemp-73 tion to his people is from him. 50 God redeemeth his people from enemies and other evils.-Threats against those 74 redeemed who apostatised af-" ered. Page 104 All God's faithful servants shall be delivered. Deliverance from moral evil. God delivereth the wicked in- to their enemies hands.- Heathens delivered into the hands of the Israelites.P.105 God is a keeper to his people. Page 106 |