THE FOLLOWING ARE PUBLISHED BY GEORGE KING, ST. NICHOLAS STREET, ABERDEEN; AND ROBERT KING, PETERHEAD; And may be had, by Order, of any Bookseller in the United Kingdom. Counsels for the Young, with Hymns 002 002 with Hymns, by Alexander Cruden, Author of the Baxter's Fifty Reasons why a Sinner ought to turn to Triumph in Death, or a Memorial of Helen Macken Hymns, a selection of, for Schools, by Rev. A. Ken nedy, Keith 006 Simpson's Funeral Sermon, on the Death of the late 006 Shepherd of Salisbury Plain 006 Discourses to Christian Parents, by Rev. John - Hill, Huntly 010 Life of the Rev. W. Brown of Inverury, by do. tions of the Shorter Catechism, by the Rev. R. Cook, Fragrance from Faded Flowers, or Memoirs of the Fa mily of Shirreffs, Auchmedden, Aberdeenshire; Robert May, Inveralochy, near Fraserburgh; and Jessie Paterson's Church History, 2 vols. Vol. 1. Scripture History; Vol. 2. History of the Church, from the *** Any of the Vols. may be had separate. Newton's, John (of London) whole Works, including Letters to a Wife, and Olney Hymns, 4 vols. 8vo. Steuart's Letters on the Divinity of Christ, and on the Trinity, with Essay by the Rev. A. L. Gordon, Greyfriars 018 0 026 D PRACTICAL DIVINITY, IN A SERIES OF SERMONS ON THE SHORTER CATECHISM COMPOSED BY THE REVEREND ASSEMBLY OF DIVINES AT WESTMINSTER. BY THOMAS WATSON, FORMERLY MINISTER AT ST. STEPHEN'S, WALBROOK, LONDON. Without Abridgement. He being dead, yet speaketh,-HEB. xi. 4. ABERDEEN: GEORGE KING, 28, ST. NICHOLAS STREET ; MDCCCXXXVIII. TO THE READER. THESE Catechetical Lectures of the late Reverend Mr. THOMAS WATSON-all but one written with his own handI have read over; and, since my testimony is desired concerning them, I do hereby declare, that though I will not undertake to justify every expression or sentence in them, or in any human writing-I find them, in the main, agreeable to the doctrinal articles of this church, and unto the Westminster Assembly's Confession of Faith and Catechisms; and I believe that, through the blessing of God, they may be profitable unto the edification of all that read them with al best desire to know and do the will of God; for certainly there are many excellent things in them, which, if they meet with a well-disposed serious mind, are very apt to have a good effect upon it; and if it prove otherwise with any that happen to read this book, it will be their own fault more than the book's. Most writers have different styles : and it is well-known that Mr. Watson had one peculiar to himself, which yet hath found good acceptance with, and has beer useful unto serious people; and I hope this-by reaso.. of the great variety of excellent matter-may be more generally useful than any other thing he ever wrote. I lit e doubt but every sober Christian will be of this mind, after he has read his Lectures on God's attributes, the Ten Commandments, Lord's Prayer, &c. I sincerely profess, I have no other end in giving this testimony of this book, but thereby to serve the common good of Christ's Church, and not the private interest of any person or party in the world; if my conscience did not bear me witness that this book may be useful to that excellent end, no man should ever have prevailed with me thus to prefix my testi |